Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

*Author P.O.V*

"Fucking finally." Niall says as he shuts and locks his front door before letting out a sigh.

It is eight in the morning when Niall makes it home from his trip with Liam. He could have been home a lot sooner if he didn't have to drive so far out and if he need to stop and get gas. His hands and face are covered in dirt, but it was worth it. He knows that he probably smells really bad as well. He starts to take off pieces of his clothes as he makes his way to the shower. This was something he needed way before he did anything else. Once he makes it to the bathroom, he is completely naked. He gets in and does his best to scrub as much dirt or DNA off of him. It results in him rubbing his skin red. It's effective because the clear hot water starts to turn a murky color. Once he's done, he gets out and dries himself off. He then goes to his bedroom to put on some pajamas.

By the time he's finished, his stomach is practically screaming at him to put something in his system. Because of that, he decides to make himself a stuffed salmon with some sautéed broccoli and cauliflower on the side. Though it felt like forever to make, he eventually got it done. He sits in the living room and eats his food. He couldn't wait to reach his bed after this because he knows he's going to be asleep for hours on end. He ends with how much energy Liam had sucked up out of him. It's a good thing he didn't have to work today. He didn't know how he would have managed that without no sleep and no form of energy.

After eating his meal, he goes to wash his plate. However, he couldn't get a good start on it as a knock is on his door. He starts to wonder if he should take a weapon with him in case it's someone who knows what he's doing and wants to attack. He decides against it in case it is Harry, and he doesn't want him asking questions that he definitely will not have the answer to. When he makes it to the door, he checks the peephole to see that Zayn is standing there while doing a little dance. Did he text him to come here and forgot? No way. He's never texted him since the day he met him. Did Harry send him over here for something? Why would he do that? He didn't upset him in some way, did he? This is making his brain hurt. He unlocks the door and opens it to be greeted with a wave as Zayn steps inside.

"Zayn, what are you doing here?" He asks as Zayn checks his place out quickly before looking at him.

"I'm here to pick you up for the party." Zayn answers with a clap, then digging in his pocket for something.

"What party?" He asks before catching the pin that is tossed to him and trying to read it.

"Harry's bachelor's party." Zayn answers, then pointing to his pin on his shirt.

"So soon?" He asks after he stops himself from choking on his spit from that.

"Yeah, I'm the one to convince him to have it a little earlier than normal." Zayn tells him and Niall's eye twitch at that.

"You did?" He asks, his voice cracking from the anger building inside of him.

"Yes, yes, now go get dressed because the guys are waiting for us in the truck." Zayn replies, and that's when he can hear the music that is blasting outside.

"The guys?" He asks, practically boring Zayn by asking so many questions.

"Yeah, all of Harry's closest friends and family." Zayn informs him with a smile, but Niall doesn't find anything about this to smile about.

"Is Harry in the truck?" He asks because he doesn't know how he's going to tolerate these people if his lover isn't there.

"No, we're going to meet up with him." Zayn states, rocking on the heels of his feet.

"Okay, give me a few minutes." He says, and Zayn opens the door with a nod of his head.

"Alright, just come to the truck when you're done." Zayn tells him before leaving again.

Niall takes that as his chance to quickly run to his bedroom to get dressed. While he's looking in his closet, he tried to think of what they could be possibly doing. If it involves something that gives him Harry's attention or doing stuff with him personally, then he's all for it. When he finishes putting on his briefs and socks, he starts to panic. What should he wear? He wants to wear something that no one else will, but he also wants to wear something that Harry will like. In the end, he decides to go with a black mesh dress shirt and black dress pants. After he's doing getting dressed, he leaves his home and then makes his way to the Jeep wrangler parked in front of his place. Some random pop songs are heard throughout the neighborhood coming from the car, with the music seeming to get louder the closer he gets. He puts on a fake smile and waves to the people inside once he gets in the back.

"Guys, meet Niall. He's the newest addition to our group, but I promise he's super chill." Zayn explains, and they all smile at the blonde male."Niall meet Rodrick, Aaron, Morgan, and Spencer."

"He does a shit job at introducing us. Spencer is a complete and utter nerd in every sense of the word, but we love him for that, Morgan is the group badass that pulls all the ladies, and Aaron is the very serious one but he has his funny moments." Rodrick informs before pointing to himself."I'm the reckless and adventurous one of the group, meaning every day is a party when you're with me."

"Nice to meet you all." Niall says, doing his best to shake all of their hands.

"What about Liam?" Spencer asks, and Niall tries to keep himself from reacting to that.

"He isn't answering his phone and I tried his place but he wasn't there. He'll either meet us there or make up for it." Zayn explains with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Well, he's going to miss out on the best night ever." Morgan says as him and Rodrick high five.

"Actually, I don't think he would. There are many things that could happen in his life that would be the greatest. His first child, his child's firsts, an engagement, a wedding, and so forth." Spencer responds, and the car goes completely silent."I'm just speaking statically."

"We gotta get you drunk first. I can't keep doing this with you for the rest of the day." Rodrick says, and that prompts the others to laugh.

"Aaron, you're not supposed to be laughing too." Spencer states before pouting.

"You're right. Sorry, sorry." Aaron says, covering his mouth to hide his smile.

"Sorry for what you may or see tonight, Niall." Zayn says, and the guys fake a look of offensive.

"Anyways, let's start pregaming boys!" Rodrick shouts then starts to hand everyone a can of beer as the music gets turnt back up.




Well, Niall kicked Harry's ass I really didn't plan to have them fight it was supposed to be Niall acting confused, and Harry buys it and leave. I don't know how this shit happened, but I hope you enjoyed it.

By my Muke shippers.▲

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