Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

*Author P.O.V*

Niall steps into his apartment while taking off his jacket. It's ten thirty at night and he is absolutely exhausted. He had to pretend more than usual to care about his coworkers. All he wanted to do was sleep for the next three days straight. Unfortunately, that will never be possible for him. A man can only dream, though. He locks his front door and takes off his shoes before moving toward his bedroom. He doesn't get far when he hears the floorboard slightly creak. His head immediately snaps to the living room to find Harry sitting on the couch with a small lamp illuminating half of his body. He lets out a breath of relief as he approaches him with a smile. Harry doesn't seem to react to the sound of him approaching. Even when the older male is directly in front of him, he doesn't make a move to acknowledge him.

"I was not expecting to see you there." He says, going to take off his work clothes, but a few words stop him.

"I can't do this anymore." Harry states, looking at him, but all Niall really sees is a deep green sea of emptiness.

"Do what anymore?" He asks, sitting down next to him, a more serious look appearing on his face.

"Life." Harry answers, and Niall agrees with that to some extent, but it is most definitely different from what his lover has in mind.

"What are you saying?" He asks, already considering calling off work tomorrow so he can focus on him.

"Raven called off our relationship for good." Harry informs, and Niall has to stop himself from rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"How do you know it was for good?" He asks, putting a hand on his knee and gently squeezing.

"Because she told me. Told me things I'd never imagined to come out of her mouth. Then she proceeded to ignore me and still is." Harry explains, staring at his hand, not finding comfort in it at all.

"How long ago was this?" He questions, and he must admit pretending to be so clueless takes a lot out of him.

"A week ago. I've been trapped in your guest bedroom because of it if you haven't noticed." Harry tells him, motioning to the stairs.

"I didn't. I've been working overtime and leaving so early and coming in so late that I've just assumed you've been busy with other stuff. I'm so sorry." He says, mentally beating himself up for not paying enough attention to him.

"I didn't say that for you to end up apologizing." Harry states, not wanting any form of sympathy or empathy.

"That may be true, but I still needed to say that because I know you're going through a lot with Zayn, and I haven't really been there for you like I should be." He says, giving him his best apologetic face.

"But you have. You're letting me stay at your place without any compensation, and that alone has done so much for me." Harry tells him, and blue eyes catch something very disturbing in the lounge chair next to them.

"Harry, you were going to -" He says but gets cut off, still not taking his eyes off the makeshift noose.

"I've thought about it, but I wasn't actually going to do it. I just got so overwhelmed that that was all my mind could come up with." Harry explains, watching him get up and grab the noose.

"Good, because you would have left me completely shattered." He says, not wanting to mention that he probably would have offered himself along with him.

If he's being honest, he did not expect him to mope about this relationship for so long, even to the point where it would drive him to suicide. They haven't even been together that long. Three years is absolutely nothing. He would like to think that Harry would commit suicide if something were to happen to him. After all, everything he has done was for him, and he's going to continue to do everything for him. Even if it doesn't work out for him, he knows he can rely on his one thought. If he can't have Harry, then nobody else can. Additionally, if Harry can't have him, then no one can. Yes, that means he would kill the both of them if it came down to it. He's sure that he'll be able to find him in the afterlife and continue trying there, too. If there isn't an afterlife, then he's sure that if they are reborn, they will find each other.

He will only ever love Harry. It doesn't matter if the perfect person comes to him because he will turn them away. He's never had sex with anyone or kissed anyone before, and he's glad that he never did because that meant he got to share all of his firsts with Harry. That truly did mean a lot to him because he had so many people throwing themselves at him, but he always ignored them. He could have easily used those people to help better his sex game so that way Harry gets to experience nothing but the best. He wishes he would have been Harry's first for the same things.

"What can I do to make you feel better?" He asks, undoing the noose and reminding himself to throw it in the trunk later.

"If you have the power to reverse time, now would be a good time to use it." Harry says before letting out a dry chuckle.

"I don't, unfortunately.




What would you guys think if I told you that a few of my stories were going to be published? I'm just fucking with you guys my stories are too lame to be published for real. Anyways that little singing moment with Narry was cute af.

Bye, my Pretty Little Liars.★

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