Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

*Author P.O.V*

"That branding looks so beautiful on you." Niall says, ignoring the slight swelling in his face from it.

"Please don't do that to me again." He responds, staring straight ahead as he tries his best not to focus on the burning pain.

"Don't worry, that was only a one-time thing. I originally wanted it right above your left breast, but this placement looks so much better." Niall informs him, going to caress his face, which causes his lover to flinch.

"I didn't mean to react that way." He replies before letting him caress his face while gently sliding his thumb across his mark.

"I get it. Your face is probably sore. I can go get you an ice pack if you really need it." Niall says, leaning down to kiss the top of his head.

"I'm fine. I'm just hungry." He tells him, placing his hand on his stomach to really get his point across.

"Oh yeah, the food. I'll go finish that up and bring it to you immediately." Niall says, making Harry grateful for buying some time for him to process what just happened to him.

"Okay." He responds, seeing him leave out of the corner of his eye.

When he feels that the coast is clear, he rushes over to the bathroom to see the damage done. The pain was so unbearable that he almost lost his voice from screaming so loud. Though it had only lasted a minute, he wouldn't wish that on his worst enemy. After the punishment, Niall had taken him upstairs to clean it and cover it so it could heal properly. His fingers hover over the mark as tears slowly start to creep into his eyes. His face is forever ruined. He doesn't care about his appearance obsessively, but this is something he can't just let go of. If he were to ever get free, people would be able to see what Niall had done to him. That makes him want to claw at it until it is unrecognizable.

He doesn't know how long he has been standing there, but it is long enough for him to notice the psychopath coming back. The last thing he wants to do is talk to him about why he was crying. He grabs some tissues and wipes his eyes before heading back to the bed. Niall comes back into the room with two plates in his hands, handing the prettier one to his lover. He starts to eat first just to prove that he didn't do anything to the food, even though he knows that he probably doesn't think that. You can never be too sure. When Harry starts to eat, he watches him close so he can be able to catch any form of disgust. Unknown to him, Harry can feel his stare practically burning into his skin.

"Did you like it? I added different seasonings this time just for the fun of it." He says as Harry grips his plate and utensils a little tighter.

"Yeah. It tastes way better than the other way." Harry tells him, picking at his food since he really doesn't have an appetite from his torture.

"You'd tell me if you didn't like it, right? You don't have to lie to me." He says, starting to feel bad for eating his food so fast.

"I know, and I'm not. I really do like it." Harry responds, looking at him briefly before going back to eating.

"Harry, look at me." He says, and Harry looks even further away from him.

"Why?" Harry asks, immediately getting the sensation to move away from him.

"Your eyes are slightly red. Have you been crying?" He says, and Harry has to pretend that his heart didn't just sink into his stomach.

"No, no. I was starting to get sleepy, so I had rubbed my eyes to make myself wake up because I didn't want to miss out on your food." Harry lies, motioning to his food while giving him a fake smile.

"Are you telling me the truth?" He asks, though he believes that he would never really lie to him.

"Yes. I have no reason to lie." Harry lies again, wanting to meet his eyes to really sell his lie, but he simply can't.

"Good because I want you to know that I want you happy here the whole time." He informs him, sitting his hand on his back.

"I get that." Harry replies, hoping he didn't notice his back slightly tensing up from his touch.

"Are you happy?" He questions, and who knew such simple words could hold so much power.

"You're making me feel like I'm being interrogated." Harry says, making Niall want to back off, but he simply must know the truth.

"That doesn't answer my question." He states, starting to believe that his lover may have been lying to him for a while now.

"You know my answer." Harry says, and that should be the last of it, but it isn't.

"I want to hear it from you to confirm it." He tells him, watching him closely to try and catch one of his tells.

"I am." Harry says before the room falls into a sickening silence that would drive anyone insane.

He has no idea if Niall bought that. He doesn't want to look at him to confirm it either. Though he told him that he wouldn't put his hands on him anymore, he doesn't believe it. For now, it's just better for him to go along with everything. How long he'll be able to keep it up, he doesn't know. As long as it keeps him alive and unscathed is all he cares about. He just hopes that by the time all of this pays off, he won't be clinically insane. The television is turned on suddenly, and he takes that as a sign that he is safe for now. They finish eating while watching the first movie they come across. Niall collects their plates and goes to wash them. When he gets back to the room, he picks out some gym wear before he starts to remove his clothes. Harry looks away with the floor, now taking his attention.

"I'm going to go for a jog. I'll be back in an hour or so." Niall tells him once he puts on his clothes.

"Can I join you?" He asks, and Niall almost falls for it, which causes him to laugh while pointing a finger at him.

"I see what you're trying to do." Niall states with Harry being navie enough to think that would work.

"I'm not trying to do anything." He says, faking a look of confusion.

"I'll believe that when hell freezes over." Niall responds, making sure he has all of his important belongings on him.

"What if your knee gets worse and you need me to help you back home?" He asks, following after him, but he doesn't get too far as they stop in the hallway.

"You wouldn't have to worry about my knee if you weren't the cause of it." Niall says, and as much as it pains Harry to say these next words, he does it anyway.

"I'm sorry about that." He tells him, his eyebrow creasing slightly in anger, but he fixes it quickly.

"Don't worry. I don't hold grudges." Niall says before kissing his forehead, then continuing down the hallway."Don't miss me too much."

Harry looks over Niall's body while having a hard time figuring out how he is so strong. There isn't much muscle on him, but he also isn't fat. There is no way that he should be struggling to overpower him. Maybe he's taking some type of pill. That's the only possible answer. The moment he hears the front door shut, he starts to look around the house for anything he can use to call for help or escape. That doesn't mean he didn't put things back where he found it. The less Niall knows, the better. Additionally, he keeps his eyes out for any hidden cameras. Though his searching was very thorough, he didn't find anything. That didn't kill his spirit, though. He knows that whatever he didn't find in here must be with Niall.



I'm in such a Halloween mood. it's crazy all I'm thinking about is Halloween. I'll try not to torture Harry a lot because I can get a bit carried away when it comes to violent things, so short author note but long chapter, so who cares.

Bye, my Super Soaker.✌

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