Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

*Author P.O.V*

It's been a week since the last time Niall had seen Harry. He had thought when he was staying over that it was going to be for a few days, but Harry had woken up from his nap and went home. All he wants is some proper alone time with his lover. That is how he ended up here right now. It was about time that he finally pays Raven a visit. He can't keep waiting around for her and Harry to split up. He isn't getting any younger. He definitely needs them to split up before that baby is born. He knows that he's capable of killing another human being, but he doesn't know if he could do it to an actual baby. Especially to a baby that may resemble his precious Harry. Maybe he could. No. He doesn't really want to find out if he could or couldn't. It's better if the thing just dies inside of Raven.

Currently, he carefully picks at the backdoor lock. This is his first time actually putting his lock picking skills to the test. He had spent three months watching videos about it and using his house as practice. He smiles under his skimask when he hears the lock click. He slowly opens the door and then walks inside. Once he shuts the door, he listens out carefully to figure out where that pathetic excuse of a woman is.  He hears water running upstairs and makes his way to the source. When he gets to the bathroom, he doesn't see her inside. That causes him to move quickly to the bedroom. That's where he spots her taking off her shirt while looking at the clothes she's going to wear when she gets out of the tub. He sneaks up behind her and wraps one arm tightly around her waist as she yelps.

"Don't yell or attempt to fight back." Niall says in a deeper voice, reaching in his back pocket for something.

"Please, I'm pregnant." She pleads, hoping that her fiancé will get home soon to save her.

"If you value your life, you'll tell your family and friends not to contact you for a few hours. You'll also tell any significant other." Niall says while holding the fake gun against the back of her head.

"I don't have any family alive, and I don't have any friends." She tells him as she shakily grabs her phone out of her pocket.

"Well, you clearly have a lover by that baby bump. You better hope he doesn't come home while I'm here." He says, and her heart practically drops to her stomach at the thought of her Harry being shot.

"I can call him and tell him not to come." She replies as she calls Harry, then puts the phone on speaker.

"Do that, then, and don't try to do anything sneaky or else I'll blow your fucking brains out." He says, glad that she's making this a lot more easier.

"Hi Harry. I have some bad news to tell you." She states as she starts to silently cry.

"Tell him that you don't want to be together anymore." He says, and she wonders what good that would do.

"I don't want us to be a couple anymore." She tells him and clears her throat to stop a sob from coming through."No, no. You're not listening to me. Just listen, Harry. No, I mean it."

"Keep going and make it believable." He says, his eyes slightly picking up on Harry's rambling on the other end.

"Yes, I'm thinking clearly. Yes, I'm sure. I really do not want to be with you." She says as she closes her eyes with a sniffle.

"I'm sorry that it's come to this, but you left me with no other choice, so don't try to call or text me to get me to change my mind." She says "Please, don't come home. I need some time to myself right now."

"That's enough. Hang up the phone." He whispers to her, using his free hand to roughly tug on her hair.

"Goodbye, Harry." She says before ending the call as she starts to sob uncontrollably.

"If I find out you mention this to anyone ever, I will find you and end you in a matter of seconds." He tells her while grabbing her phone and pocketing it.

"Please, I've done what you've asked." She says, hoping that her tone gave Harry a hint that she needs help.

"Quit whining." He responds then, taking the chloroform towel out of his pocket and pressing it against her mouth and nose.

He keeps a straight face as she tries to rip the cloth from her face. He presses it harder against her face until it finally kicks in, and she goes unconscious. He lets her drop to the floor before dusting himself off. Unfortunately, she doesn't fall onto her stomach. He'll definitely have to wash what he's wearing the moment he gets home. He can't just leave without doing anything to the apartment or else that'll raise suspension. To fix that, he grabs some jewelry and steals her wallet so anyone will think that she only got robbed. He goes to leave while retracing his steps to make sure that he doesn't miss anything. He'll be damned if he does all of this just to get caught.

He would have let her go on and on with Harry, but he couldn't let her rip his heart into a million pieces. A few thousand pieces would be enough. A thousand he can easily fix. The fixing will begin soon because he can feel Raven's phone vibrate every two minutes, most likely being Harry. He can already picture him pacing back and forth as he cries uncontrollably. He knows it won't take long before he ends up coming to his home looking for comfort. Oh, how sensitive his precious lover is. As he waits at a red light, he pulls out her phone to see missed calls, voice-mail, and texts from Harry. The poor guy is probably going to keep going until he involuntarily falls asleep. He decides to take matters into his own hands.

"Hi-" He goes to say but is cut off, and he doesn't know how he feels about that.

"Sorry, Niall. I can't really talk right now." Harry tells him, the panic extremely evident in his voice.

"Why? Is something wrong?" He asks, then connects the call to his car so he can grab some gum with his free hand.

"It's Raven." Harry answers, and Niall couldn't help but mock him before focusing.

"Did she get into an accident, too?" He asks

"No. She just suddenly broke up with me and isn't responding to me anymore." Harry explains, still trying to call her while on the phone with him.

"No way. What about the wedding and stuff?" He questions before he starts to race home.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out right now." Harry says, and Niall immediately picks up on the slight passive aggressiveness.

"Why don't you come to my place so you can give her some space and give yourself a safe place to process this." He responds, noticing that he's driving due to the sound of a car horn.

"I can't. This is something that needs to happen now." Harry says, and Niall wishes he should have killed her tonight.

"I get that, but if you see her right now and the situation ends up even worse, I know you won't be able to forgive yourself." He explains before blowing a bubble, grateful that the pop didn't expose him for not taking this serious at all.

"Alright, but only for tonight." Harry says, though Niall knows he's going to find a way to convince him to stay longer.

"Glad to hear it." He responds "How far away are you?"

"I should be there in 30 to 40 minutes." Harry replies as he starts to make a uturn.

"I'll see you then." He says, noting how quickly the call had been ended.




Is this story consistent to you guys? Like, is the pacing of events and stuff good? I'm just curious.

Bye, my masc.🥰🤑🫡

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