Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

*Author P.O.V*

It was a nice Friday night when Harry decided to stop by Niall's place to hang out, seeing as he wanted to get out of his house for a bit and his other friends weren't returning his texts. They had spent the last two hours and a half hours playing a silly little card game that got them to reveal some embarrassing, scary, and humorous moments of their life. It felt nice to Harry because it seemed like he was finally able to really get to know who Niall is. It took him up until this moment to realize that he really didn't know much about him. This time, though, he can see that he's super courageous, ambitious, and resilient. The guy was even a bit of a dork but in the best way possible.

"I'm thinking of meeting up with Raven and really talking everything through because I feel that everything ended way too abruptly." Harry confesses, hoping for Niall to encourage him, but he gets the exact opposite.

"That's not the best idea." He says, and Harry stops his hand from pulling out his phone.

"How is it not?" Harry asks as he watches him put up the card game and turn on the television.

"I mean, you told me that she wanted nothing to do with you anymore, and nothing can get clearer than that." He says while shrugging his shoulders and looking away from him awkwardly.

"But we've been together for five years. This isn't like her to give up everything like that, especially since there is a child involved now." Harry explains, unfortunately not knowing that Niall will never agree with him.

"People change Harry." He says, making the younger male hate what this conversation is slowly turning in to.

"Not her. She doesn't like change." Harry replies, and he regrets bringing this up to him since he's never even been in a relationship.

"Harry, please just leave her alone." He says, the tiredness of this conversation evident in his voice.

"Thank you for your advice and all, but I won't be following it." Harry states, getting up and putting on his shoes.

"Do you want her to hurt your feelings even more?" He questions, thinking he's maybe has to forge a text message as her to him to really hurt him.

"What?" Harry asks, causing Niall's forehead to crease.

"Do you want her to call you a piece of shit and say that she wished that she was never with you? That's the vibes that you are giving off right now." He tells him, hating how desperate his soul mate is sounding.

"She wouldn't hurt my feelings like that." Harry says and notices the slight curled lip Niall gives him.

"She already did!" He shouts before he could even stop himself.

"Why are you so upset about this?" Harry asks even though the answer is quite literally in front of his face.

"Because I know what you deserve." He says, and Harry doesn't know if he should be laughing at that or not.

"You do." Harry states, and Niall can feel how mocking his tone is, let alone hear it.

"I very much do." He says, and that is enough of this conversation.

"I'm going to head out now. Thanks for being a listening ear and playing that game with me." Harry replies while going to put on his hoodie.

"Before you go, let me pour you some tea. I kind of made too much and don't want it to go to waste." He says while slowly walking back wards to the kitchen.

"Do you have a to-go cup?" Harry asks, and Niall nods at him with a big smile.

"One more left." He answers before disappearing into the kitchen, letting his smile drop.

Fuck! His big mouth just had to upset his Harry into leaving. He should have just shut the fuck up when he had the chance. But there's just no way he can let him get into contact with Raven, even though he never will since she's dead. This moment may be the only moment he will ever have to make him his forever and always. With that thought in mind, he grabs the sleeping pills from the drawer and crushes it under a spoon. Scooping up the white powder, he makes sure to get every last bit before pouring it into the cup. He adds some extra sugar to the bottom of it to mask the taste and then pours the hot tea inside. He mixes it with a spoon and then puts the lid on top of it. Coming out of the kitchen with the cup, he plasters a smile back on his face. He hands the cup to Harry, who immediately takes a huge spit from it after blowing on it.

"I'm sorry if I upset you too much." He states softly, making himself appear small as he picks at his nails.

"Don't apologize. I was being sensitive as usual." Harry says before taking another sip, failing to notice blue eyes staring at the cup every time he sips it.

"But I was probably being too harsh as well." He replies while faking a look of sadness, and Harry falls into his trap way too quickly.

"Sometimes people need a harsh wake-up call." Harry says even though Niall isn't really truly listening to what he's saying.

"You think so?" He asks, and Harry nods his head but soon comes to regret it as his vision gets blurry for a second.

"I think I'm starting to come down with something." Harry tells him, adorably rubbing his eyes with a closed fist.

"Do you need me to take you to the hospital?" He asks, creeping up to him with his hands practically shaking in excitement.

"I just need to sit down and let it pass." Harry tells him, making a move for the couch, but he stumbles and drops his tea.

"Woah woah easy." He says, rushing to grab him by the waist and throw his limp arm over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm usually not this clumsy." Harry states, his eyes fighting to stay open as they make it to the couch.

"It's okay. Just close your eyes." He says while running his fingers through his hair slowly.

"But-but-but I don't want to. I have to get going." Harry replies, his arm lazily aiming towards the front door.

"Shhhh. Just let it take you." He says gently into his ear, resisting the urge to lick the shell of it.

"You-" Harry goes to say, but his body stops fighting him, with it slumping against Niall.

Niall takes this time to lay his head gently on his lap. This is the greatest victory he could ever achieve. Now, he can finally become one with his lover. He can give him everything that Raven could have never given him. Slowly, he lets his hands feel across his face. Lips, nose, eyebrows, cheeks, eyes, etc. He wants to be able to tell his face apart from anyone else if he were to go blind. He also wants to be so detailed with his features that he could draw it from memory or just feel if its changed. Oh, he's so damn soft. Like a freshly dried blanket. There were a few blemishes and bumps, but they were barely noticeable to him. He's absolutely perfect. In this moment, he could practically do anything with him. A few ideas spark in his head, but he dims them for another time. A time when he would be awake for them.

He carefully picks up his body and then starts to head to the front door. Once there, he opens it and makes a beeline for his car. He unlocks it and then places him in the backseat. He throws his jacket on top of him to make it seem as if he's sleeping if anyone else were to see. After locking the door, he rushes back inside and starts to pack the important stuff. There is no telling if he'll ever come back here again. There is no going back after this. Before he leaves, he spots Harry's phone on the floor. It must have slipped out when he was carrying him. There is a small debate in his mind if he should keep it or get rid of it. The cons beat out the pros, so he resorts to stomping on it a few times until it is in tiny little pieces. He throws it in the trash, making sure other stuff was on top of it. With that, he leaves his place and sets off for the new one.




Looks like Niall violent side is back, and Zayn didn't die, so let's be happy about that. Well, that's if you want to. I have no idea what's going to happen in the next chapter, so you might not get an update next time. Keep in mind I said might. So, with that said, I'm just going to go and probably read some books or eat like the fat ass I am.

Bye, my Good While It Lasted.🤐🤥🥹

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