Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

*Author P.O.V*

"I'm going to go and take a quick little shower!" Harry shouted in the hall then went in the bathroom quickly.

Harry turned on the water before he went back in the room and grabbed some random clothes. He went back in the bathroom and sat it on the sink's counter. He then turned the lock on the door and shut it quietly before sneaking upstairs. He went in the guest room and closed the door then broke the locked window. He grabbed the running shoes from under the bed and wiped his blood knuckles on the bed. He jumped out the window and covered his eyes from the bright sun. He went to the front of the house and saw that the dead man's car was still parked. Harry went over to it and almost screamed when he saw that it was unlocked. He got in and saw that he had only a bit of gas left but it would get him far. He closed the door then started the car before pulling away from the house.

Harry drummed his fingers on the wheel while he tried to stop himself from crying. All he kept passing were trees and big fields, which made him a bit annoyed. He was happy that he got away from that nut job though. He would finally be able to go back to his family and move away from here. He could put everything behind him and start all over again. He wished that he would have grabbed the phone before he left so he could call Zayn again. He was glad that Zayn didn't get murder by Niall like everyone else. Just as that thought came to Harry's mind, he started to let the tears stream down his face. He imagined their deaths being so horrible and long lasting while he didn't even really think about them at the time. The car started to slow down, which made Harry shake his head and hit at the wheel. A few seconds later the car stopped in the middle of the road before shutting down. Harry got out and slammed the door hard before he headed into the woods. He stayed close to the road just in case a car happened to drive pass.

"Harry, your showers only last ten to fifteenth minutes." Niall said while knocking lightly on the bathroom door."What's taking you so long?"

Niall knocked on the door a little bit harder this time. He didn't get an answer, which made him really start to worry. He started to kick at the door until it broke off and he found the tub empty. His eyes grew wide as he quickly turned around and started to look around the house. He stopped in his tracks once he came to the guest room. He let out a scream then he left to grab his car keys, gun, and a knife then headed out the house. His anger getting the best of him as he kicked his car repeatedly. He stopped after a while then got in the car before zooming down the road. His fingers gripping the wheel tight; he felt like his fingers were going to break off. He looked at every tree, bush, and field carefully. It didn't take him long until he found the dead man's car in the middle of the road. He drove pass it but a little bit slower this time with his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Hey over here!" Harry shouted while he came out of the woods with his arms wildly waving all over the place.

A smile came up on his face as the car stopped a feet away from him. His smile instantly dropped when he saw that it was Niall. His eyes grew wide and he ran back in the woods as Niall got out. He pulled out his gun and shot at Harry's feet causing him to move way more quickly. Niall groaned before running after Harry making sure he had enough bullets. He couldn't let his love get away from him when he's only had him for a little bit of time. He stopped and listened for a while only hearing birds and crickets, which annoyed him. He didn't know how long he was standing there but he knew that he heard a scream. He was quickly off again while trying to be quiet as possible. He finally found Harry in a bush of thrones with cuts all over his body. Niall got over to him and pulled him out of the bush only to have Harry punch at his chest. He let out a hiss when he was scratched on the cheek.

"Harry, just stop fighting please." Niall said with him trying to take Harry's fingers off his gun."I only want to protect you and for you to love me."

"I can never love you. I will never love your crazy ass. You don't deserve my love. You ruined my life and killed the people that I love. I wish you would just disappear." Harry said and Niall groaned out in pain when the gun went off and a bullets grazed his shoulder."The cops are coming and they're going to keep me as far away from you and I'll be the happiest person on earth."

"Then we have to make love sooner now." Niall said, which caused Harry to thrash around and scream making Niall drop his gun.

"No please. I don't want to do this with you. I won't do this with you." Harry said only to let out a grunt when he and Niall fell to the ground.

"Just relax please." Niall said while he pulled out his knife and put it against Harry's neck making him shut up.

"If-if you do this, you won't ever get my love ever again." Harry whispered out as his sweatpants was tugged off.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take my love." Niall said, which made Harry start to scream again causing Niall to stab one of his hands in the ground.

"Take it out please!" Harry shouted as he watched his blood drip into the ground while the sky turned just a bit darker.

"I'll take it out once I'm finished with you." Niall said with Harry starting to feel a bit dizzy as he felt his boxers come off.

"Please, I can't feel my hand and it feels like I'm going to faint." Harry said only to have Niall's hand cover his mouth and zoning out Harry.



Last chapter then its over everyone and you'll never hear from me again about this story. I might go back and fix some grammar errors so this book can be the best it can be. So I want you guys to comment your thoughts on what's going to happen in the last chapter. I would say who ever gets it right gets a shoutout but I know none of you will get it so I'll save you the trouble.

Bye my Girls/Girls/Boys. 😈☺

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