Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

*Author P.O.V*

"Thanks for coming out today." Harry tells him, doing his best to block out how cold the water is.

"Of course. Did you think I wouldn't?" He says before spitting out some of the water that got in his mouth.

"No, it's just I thought you would have a hard time fitting in with my friends because they are a wacky bunch. I didn't want to scare you off." Harry explains, and on cue, they hear some friendly yelling on the boat.

"Never. I love getting to know about you through other people and getting to be a part of your world more by connecting with the people you hold dear." He replies, if only Harry knew how literal those words were.

"That's really sweet of you to say." Harry says, leaning his head to the side with an adorable smile.

That sweet smile is easily tainted because he jumps on Niall and tries to hold him under the water. Of course, he wasn't trying to kill him. Though his life would be a lot better if he did. His future self will come across that conclusion. That's besides the point, though. Niall easily gets out of his grip, but he doesn't surface immediately. Instead, he settles for coming up from under him, causing Harry to be perched on his shoulders as he comes out of the water. The momentum is so fast that the younger male ends up falling backward into the water with a shout. He comes up from the water with a glare on his face. Niall just laughs uncontrollably while pointing at his face. Though Harry wants to continue being mad, he simply can't and ends up laughing with him. It's just something about hearing him laugh that gets him to laugh always.

"I think you could use some help with that boner of yours." He states before he licks his bottom lip in anticipation.

"No, no. It's probably the alcohol that made it spring up. It should be going away in a few minutes." Harry says, using a hand to cover his crotch.

"It'll go away faster if I helped." He replies, and Harry is too drunk to understand what he means by that.

"I promise you don't have to." Harry says with Niall, finding his slurred speech cute.

"But I want to. I want to help you no matter how big or small the problem is." He tells him, reaching up to rub his shoulders.

"How could you possibly help me?" Harry asks with a giggle, and Niall couldn't be more in love than he is in this moment.

"I can show you much better than I can tell you." He answers before his right hand goes underwater to grab his dick.

"What are you doing?" Harry asks, then gasps when he starts to slowly stroke him.

"Shhhhh, just enjoy it." He says, pulling him closer with his left hand by the waist.

He is absolutely beaming right now because he gets to touch him in this way again. He doesn't care if Harry is drunk and probably isn't in his right mind to actually go along with this. He knows that if he really didn't want this to happen, he would find a way to get it across. He wants to kiss him so bad, but he doesn't want to cause him to push him away. Instead, he settles for kissing him on the neck. Harry closes his eyes and bites his bottom lip when he feels him start to go faster. The music is enough to drown out his loud whimpering and whinning, though he wasn't concerned about anyone hearing him. His hands reach up to grab onto his shoulders tightly as the pleasure starts to get a bit overwhelming.

"Look at how well your body reacts to me." Niall tells him, but Harry still keeps his eyes close, being lost in the moment and all.

"It's because I'm horny." He says, and that's a very valid point, but he is talking to Niall after all.

"That's so believeable." Niall responds, and if Harry were sober enough, he would have heard his sarcasm.

"I don't think we should be doing this." He says once he's able to catch his breath.

"Why not? You seem to like it quite a lot." Niall responds, causing him to tremble when he plays with his slit.

"Any guy will like getting their dick stroked." He replies, feeling a familiar build-up in his stomach.

"Exactly, so stop questioning it." Niall says, and he decides on getting him more drunk so he wouldn't have any reason or logic left.

"I can't d-," He tries to say but chokes out a moan instead with his nails digging into his skin.

"Shhhh, they don't deserve to hear how good I'm making you feel." Niall whispers to him, eyeing the edge of the boat quickly.

If only he had his camera to record this moment. He didn't want to be the only one to relive their moments whenever he wanted. He wants Harry to be able to at some point as well. He'll just have to settle with remembering this in great detail so he can recall it back to him. Because of that, he starts to slow down his stroking, but it's too late. Harry let's out a loud moan as he cums. It happens to be perfect timing since the music on the boat is turned down. Morgan peeks over the boat and waves at the duo. Niall is too focused on Harry to really care about looking at him. There is just no way that Raven has ever made him feel that good. There's no way that she was able to pull those certain sounds and facial expressions out of him.

"We're getting ready to move again so we can drop the strippers off." Morgan tells them as Harry snaps out of his post orgasm daze.

"I hope that doesn't mean the party is over." Harry says as he starts to climb the ladder.

"Of course not. We're gonna try and pick up some people to come join us so we can really get wild." He informs, helping him up the rest of the way.

"You guys went skinny dipping without me!" Rodrick shouts once he comes out of nowhere as Niall checks out Harry's ass.

"Nobody wants to see you naked." Harry says, picking up his clothes and walking past to go put them on in the bathroom.

"And you think you're any different?" Rodrick questions while smacking his ass hard when he passes him.

"Ouch you fucker." Harry says as he gives him the finger while blue eyes stare daggers into his friend.

In that moment, Niall wills himself to not grab Rodrick by the back of the neck and slam his face into the nearest wall over and over again. He goes to dry himself and put on his clothes with the hope that by the time he's finished, his anger would be completely gone. When he is finished, it is gone. However, he is curious about what is taking place now. He hears a loud cheer and looks to see where it's coming from. He finds Harry dancing on top of a table while sipping his drink. At first, he was concerned for his safety, but that soon goes away when he thinks about how goofy he looks. He takes out his phone and then starts to take pictures of him. The other guys follow his led and do the same thing.




Well, Liam's dead, and Harry is slightly attracted to Niall. This story keeps getting better and better. I wonder what's going to happen in the next chapter since I seriously don't know what I'm going to write. This is a short authors note, but I don't care because you guys never read it.

Bye, my Teenage Dirtbag.«▲▲▲▲▲»

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