Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

*Author P.O.V*

"Yeah, I'll make sure to check it out." Harry says as he walks back into the living room with a case of beer."Alright, talk to you later."

"Who was that?" Spencer asks once his friend sits back down just as the game comes back on.

"Just Niall." He answers, pocketing his phone without a second thought.

"How long have you known that Niall guy?" Liam questions as he grabs a beer and cracks it open.

"A little over three months now." He says, opening a beer as well and taking a sip."Why?"

"He's just a little bit weird to me, is all." Liam confesses, and everyone turns to him with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't think he's weird." Spencer states, refusing a beer with a hand raise and awkward smile.

"Yeah, he doesn't give weird vibes to me." Zayn adds on before stuffing some chips into his mouth.

"Come on, guys. He's not just a little bit creepy to you all?" Liam asks, pinching his index and thumb close together.

"What does he do that gives creepy vibes to you?" Harry asks

"I don't know. It's like, it's like he premeditate his sentences whenever he talks to us. He doesn't show us much personality or emotions either. Everything just seems so robotic." Liam tells them, excusing Zayn the moment he burps.

"I think you're just seeing things. You've been around too many criminals." He says, feeling a little funny that they are talking about Niall like this.

"I agree. You guys call me weird all the time because of the things I know and do." Spencer responds, fidgeting with his glasses like the dork he is.

"That's because we know you, so that doesn't really count." Liam states with their thoughts starting to make him second guess his own.

"Maybe that's just the way the guy is, so let's just f- TOUCHDOWN!" Zayn yells suddenly while springing up from the couch.

"LET'S GO!" Harry shouts right along with him, blocking out the sound of a click.

That click happened to come from Harry's phone. Niall sits on the other end with his body shaking in rage. He's been nothing but perfect. How can Liam possibly think that about him? He hasn't even spent that much time around him for him to think that. He starts to wonder if he may have expressed more things like that about him before. Maybe he's expressed it to other friends, and they may take his side. This means he's starting to slip up and needs to glue his mask back together. If his mask cracks too much and they truly see inside, that means no more Harry. That phrase is a nightmare itself.

His feelings are so overwhelming that he couldn't help but kick the nearest thing to get some of it out. Unfortunately, it ends up being a wall, causing a small dent in it. That only makes him even more angry because he shouldn't be getting mad at something a nobody said. It's never happened before, and he shouldn't start now. He should be happy that the other guys didn't really believe what was said. He sighs before going to his storage closet to get the tools to fix it.

Meanwhile, Harry is cheering with his friends when Raven enters their home. She has a large box in her arms, and he immediately leaves them to go and help her. They are too wrapped up in their game to notice her. Everyone except for her fiancé of course. She smiles in amusement while letting him take it even though it wasn't much of an issue for her. He places it on the dining table before going to her and sharing a sweet kiss. Though she's been gone for like three days to stay with her mom, he couldn't help but miss her. He wraps his arms around her waist and tries to get as close as possible, but her bump gets in the way.

"What's in the box?" He asks, noticing that it didn't have a label on it and didn't want to go through it unless she didn't mind him doing so.

"Some stuff for the baby from when I was a baby." She answers, patting her stomach.

"That's way too precious. We're definitely going to have our baby recreate some of your baby photos." He says, and if Niall could hear him now, he would probably have a heart attack.

"My mom said the same thing." She tells him with the boys yelling in protest right after, which causes Harry to cringe.

"Sorry about them. We can go upstairs and talk so we won't have any interruptions." He says before taking her hand and leading her away.

"Did the AC break?" She asks once she enters their bedroom, sitting down on the bed.

"No, why?" He questions while looking that way only to see nothing out of the ordinary.

"The window is slightly cracked open." She informs him, pointing to it, and he walks over to it, wondering how she even noticed that.

"I must have opened it for something and forgot to close it after. I'll make sure to close it extra tight." He explains, giving her a reassuring smile as he does so.

"We don't want a repeat of that raccoon incident." She says, pretending to wipe sweat from her forehead.

"No, we do not. You had nightmares about that for weeks." He replies, remembering the times he would have to hold her in order for her to sleep peacefully.

"I still do sometimes." She states, though she really did not want to admit it.

"Hey babe, do you find Niall creepy or like weird?" He questions, and she leans her head to the side because of the sudden change in topic.

"No. I find him adorable. I just wish he'd come out of his shell some more, but I think you help him with that." She explains, and his nerves die down massively because her opinions always weighted a lot to him.

"Cool, I'm just asking because Liam thinks that he is." He confesses, coming over to her when she motions for him to come cuddle.

"Liam thinks any and everybody is weird." She laughs out, causing him to laugh too because it is kind of true."That's what you get from being friends with a lawyer."

He starts to feel a lot better about it because he feels that Niall may have experienced things like this all the time. He definitely didn't want to add on to it because nobody knows how much that may affect him. He knows that Liam isn't trying to bully him, but that's what it feels like. He's pretty happy that everyone likes Niall because he wouldn't know what to do if they didn't. He's never experienced discourse within a friend group nor a falling out. As long as he shall live, he doesn't want to.

"Harry! What's going on up here?! We have a game to finish watching!" Zayn shouts as he walks down the hallway.

"Was just spending some time with Raven for a little bit." He says while he gets off the bed and meets him at the doorway.

"Oh, when did you get in?" Zayn asks her, looking over his friend's shoulder to wave at her.

"A few minutes ago. " She answers, waving back with a laugh.

"Guys, the game!" Liam yells for them, and they quickly start to make their way out.

"I'll be back as soon as it goes on commercial." He says, and Zayn hopes he never gets this clingy when he gets a girlfriend.

"You don't have to. I think I'm gonna take a much needed nap anyway." She tells him just as she starts to get under the sheets.

"You sure?" He asks, and before she can answer, his friend does it for her.

"Yes, she's sure now let's go!" Zayn shouts before dragging him out of the room completely by his wrist.





Bye, my Stockholm Syndrome.X'D

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