Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

*Author P.O.V*

*2 months later*

"Niall wake up, I made you breakfast." Harry said as he leaned down to kiss the top of Niall's head softly."I'll eat it all if you don't get up."

Niall opened his eyes quickly and wrapped his arms around Harry. He pulled him on top of him making Harry laugh. Of course Harry wasn't serious about any of this stuff. He just wanted to live so he went along with everything. He was able to walk around the house and do other stuff because Niall trusted him. He was able to watch the news and see that the police was still looking for him. Of course, he didn't watch it when Niall was around. He knew he'll go crazy if he found out. Most of the day Niall clung to his side so it was hard for him to do certain things alone. He never given up the hope that he can escape. He was still planning out how his escape should go. He was pulled out of his thoughts by Niall kissing him on the lips.

"I would be really sad if you do that love." Niall said with a fake pout and Harry laughed again while getting off of him.

"Then get up and come eat it." Harry said poking Niall's thigh repeatedly making Niall chuckle as he got out of the bed."See, that was all it took."

They made their way upstairs to the kitchen that smelt like fresh biscuits and fruit. Niall licked his lips at the food that was sitting on the table. He sat down before Harry sat down next to him. The two started to eat quietly just enjoying the silence. Harry finished his plate first while wiping his mouth. He got out of his seat and went into the kitchen to clean his plate. When he was finished, he felt someone's arm wrap around his waist tightly. He jumped when soft lips came in contact with the back of his neck. He turned around to see Niall smiling at him with a slight spark in his eyes. Harry knew what it meant as soon as he saw it. He tried to get out of it by pointing to the dining trying to tell him to go get his plate.

"You know we haven't done it in a while." Niall said cupping Harry's cheeks.

"Water the plants?" Harry asked as he leaned his head to the side while Niall shook his head with a chuckle.

"Having sex." Niall said and Harry pretended to finally realized what Niall was talking about.

"Oh yeah that too." Harry said with a fake laugh as he got out of Niall's grip only to end up right back in it. He decided that rambling would probably get him out of it so that's what he did."I should really go water the flowers though. Don't want to get them all dry then die on me. Those are my favorite flowers in the world."

"You can do that after we finish love." Niall said as he gripped Harry's chin then started to lean close to his face.

Harry cringed as Niall kissed him softly on the lips. He kissed back ;nevertheless, letting his arms wrap around Niall's neck. He hated this so much but he wouldn't show it at all to Niall. He flinched when he felt Niall's hands rest on his hips before tugging on the tip of Harry's shirt. Harry resisted the urge to smack Niall's hands away already knowing he'll probably get a beating if he did. Well he shouldn't say beating more like getting yelled at and treated like a animal. Harry let Niall pull his shirt off and drop it to the floor with a soft thump. He didn't have to worry about pants since he and Niall was in their boxers. He was quick to grab Niall's wrists when he tugged on his boxers. He swallowed thickly before letting go and letting Niall pull his boxers off. He wrapped his legs around Niall's waist and let him carry him to the basement.

The basement was changed a lot over the past two months. The walls were painted a bright blue and the floor was covered in soft black carpeting. There was a nice sized window that had roses growing in a pot by it. There was a small flat screen TV that was on the pretty wall. There was some nice pictures of animals that Harry liked on the walls. There was a very smooth dresser next to the queen sized bed. Harry's hair was beautifully spread out against the plush sky blue pillows. He looked up at the ceiling as he felt Niall's soft lips against his collarbone. He could feel Niall's lips move down to the tattoo that he forcefully gave him. Harry covered his face while letting out a quiet moan as Niall moved to his thighs. He didn't want to be enjoying this but his body had something else in mind.

"So soft." Niall whispered as his fingers trailed across Harry's legs before stopping at his hips."I love you."

"I love you too." Harry mumbled out as he closed his eyes feeling Niall's fingers gently and slowly prep him.

After a nice two minutes, Niall lined his dick at Harry's entrance. Harry took in a deep breath just as Niall pushed inside of him slowly. Harry put his knuckle in his mouth and bit down on it. He haven't had sex in so long and right now, even after being prep, he felt like he was being split in two. Tears was quick to spring to his eyes at the pain but he didn't let any of them fall. He was glad that Niall let him adjust instead of increasing the pain. Niall could see the pain Harry was in so he kissed Harry's lips repeatedly trying to relax him. He nodded at Harry and Harry nodded at him right back. Niall smiled down at him before he slowly started to move his hips. He didn't want to go rough or fast at all but he did wanted to go slow and soft. He really liked making love to Harry. It was something about it that made him feel so blessed and free.



Yeah I can definitely see that everyone really lost interest in this story but its okay because this is coming to an end anyway so cheers to that. I'll try to end a lot of my stories this year and start on the new ones. The spark that I had for writing this story isn't even there anymore that's why it seems dull and boring now. But if you still like it, then I applaud you very much my good man.

Bye my Kick Ass.♥

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