Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

*Author P.O.V*

Louis screamed into Niall's hand when the knife stabbed him in the side. His face twisting in pain as Niall twisted the knife making tears fall from Louis' eyes. Louis was able to break away and run to the back door but Niall threw the knife watching it land in the middle of Louis' back. Niall watched as Louis crawled to the door right as he was about to call out his mom Niall kicked him in the throat. Louis coughed loudly holding his neck as Niall crouched down next to him and pulled out the knife. He stabbed it into Louis' back some more watching his best friend sob and cough up blood. He grabbed Louis' hair and lifted his head up before putting the knife to his neck.

"Mom." Louis wheezed out reaching his hand out as he saw his mom walk in the kitchen with earphones in her ears."M-m-mom p-please."

"She can't fucking hear you and she never will." Niall said before pulling his arm back as Louis used all the strength he had to punch Niall then got up.

"Mom help!!!" Louis shouted running to the back door as Niall rubbed his nose before stomping over to him.

Right as Louis grabbed the door knob he was grabbed by the neck and the knife stabbing into his chest. He gasped loudly as he looked down to see Niall start to drag the knife down his chest all the way to his stomach. Niall took the knife out and tossed Louis next to the dog house. An idea sparked in Niall's head as he started to stuff Louis in the old dog house then threw some big branches and rocks in front of the entrance. Niall took a step back and looked down at his bloody body he looked around to see that nobody was around. He quickly scrambled to his car and speeded away back to the little farm deciding he'll get Zayn another time.

"Gotta get clean, gotta get clean." Niall whispered to himself as his fingers drummed across the black wheel.

Once Niall pulled up in the drive way, he ran in the house after parking the car. He heard banging coming from the basement and he went to go check only to find Harry banging the back of his head on the table. He was saying how he hated Niall and wanted to go home and live a normal life. His head shot up when he heard Niall take a step forward his eyes growing wide at the blood stains. Tears quickly came to his eyes and he started to pull on the cuffs. Niall shut the basement door and went over to Harry leaning down to kiss his lips. He felt way more relax even though Harry was trying to move away from his lips.

"Please stop killing people please for me." Harry said as some blood got on his lips making him want to vomit.

"Will you marry me?" Niall asked ignoring what Harry was saying to him."I think we've waited long."

"I don't want to marry you I want you to stop killing people." Harry said then screamed out as Niall grabbed his cock and squeezed it hard his short nails stabbing into it."O-okay I'll m-m-marry you."

"I knew you'd say yes." Niall said then kissed Harry again as the green eyed boy cried and forcefully kissed Niall back.

"I have to use the bathroom can you please let me go?" Harry asked after pulling away from Niall's lips making eye contact with him.

"Fine only because you asked nicely." Niall said unstrapping Harry from the table and took him over to the toilet.

Harry stumbled a bit before he stood in front of the toilet. His fingers curled around the waistband of his boxers then he pulled it down. He bit his lip feeling Niall stare at him as he started to piss. He quickly finished before pulling his boxers back up and turned around to Niall. He took a step back when Niall took a step toward him. It didn't take long before his back was pressed against the wall and Niall held his waist. He held his breath as Niall brought one of his hands up to cup his cheek. A smile coming up on Niall's face before he kissed Harry on the lips softly. Harry's breath hitched in his throat as he made his hands into fists by his sides. He didn't want to kiss back but he know if he didn't then he would get hurt.

He moved his lips against Niall's at a slow pace already wishing this was over. He held onto Niall's hands that was on his waist squeezing his hips softly. The only sound being heard is lips smacking against each other and heavy breathing. Harry pulled away after a while to see Niall smiling at him brightly. He grabbed onto Harry's hand and took him back over to the table. Harry stopped in his tracks and shook his head which made Niall grip his hand tighter. Harry broke from his grip and went over to the bed giving Niall his best puppy face. Niall rubbed his temples as he walked over to Harry who took a deep breath before opening his mouth.

"I want you to sleep with me." Harry said quietly making Niall's heart flutter in his chest from those seven words.

"Sure love." Niall said before taking off his clothes only staying in his boxers."Thought you'd never ask."

Soon Niall held Harry in his arms as they laid together. Niall was asleep while Harry was wide awake with tears streaming down his cheeks. It finally sunk in that he wasn't going to see his family anymore. He wasn't going to be able to have a family of his own. He wasn't going to be able to go outside anymore and just enjoy life as he should. It was all taken away from him by this innocent yet psychotic irish man that was currently holding him. Harry's bottom lip trembled as he tried to hold back his sobs and screams of pain and heartache. The only thing he could do was fist the duvets and mentally picture living out his dreams.



Welp Louis' life finally came to a end. I'm not ready to end this but at the same time I am. But there's only 6 more chapters left before this story comes to a complete end. With this story ending a new one will rise so that's something to be excited about. Speaking of rising stories go check out my new Narry story called Fairly Local you'll love it. As you can probably guess it is base off a Twenty One Pilots song.

Bye my Rude.✌

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