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How is it knowing Niall's killing more people?
I hate it so much because all those innocent people are dying because of me.

Harry I wanna save you come live with me.
I wish you could save me but I'm stuck here and I think I'll never get out.


Are you happy to finally have Harry? Is it everything you've dreamt of?
I'm beyond happy to have Harry and it would be everything I dreamed of if Harry got really comfortable with me.

Why must you be an arse?
Why must you be alive?

Why did you take Harry why not try to find someone else then him why kill people your lol best friends you dick?
Harry was just to beautiful to let walk away and I kill people because they try to separate me and him which I don't like at all.


Why didn't you spill the beans about Niall killing off everyone?
Oh I don't know maybe because he could find me and kill me in a heartbeat he almost done it the first time around.

Go hide Niall is coming to you. Why won't you tell people what Niall did?
How do you even know that? And I don't want to end up six feet under the dirt.


Why do you think Niall became so obessed with Harry?
I think Niall thought he was going to end up alone since he never was hit on or in a actual relationship so he attached himself onto the next that he saw and I guess it was Harry.

How it felt knowing Niall killed you?
It really hurts me because he was my only best friend. I never thought he would do something like that.


How is it seeing Harry go through this?
Its sad because he really doesn't deserve any of it. I wish I was still alive to help him through it.


Your also dead.
Yeah no shit.

How is it seeing Harry go through this?
It angers me because that Niall boy ruined my happiness with the only person I ever loved.


You're dead.
Don't you think I know that? Hmm?

Who are you and how is it seeing Harry go through this?
I was a girl who was seeing Harry until I got murdered and I don't like seeing Harry hurt it hurts me.


What goes on through your head when you typing these? And do you still love me? :3
A lot goes on through my head like will they like this part? Will they comment on this one more? It the story not as popular as it use to be? Will they like the ending? And yes I still love you.

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