Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

*Author P.O.V*

The next day, Harry is in the bathroom taking a shower. Though he wanted to stay clean, he hates that it means he's going to have to face Niall after his meal. By this point, he assumes that there must be cameras throughout the house. That is the only possible explanation as to how Niall times his vists so perfectly. He started to go a little bit insane for being trapped only in here for so long. Anyone would be if they were kept away from their family and friends for so long. He's the type of person who thrives off of social interactions. Niall won't be able to fulfill that because he ruined any remaining friendship between them. Speaking of the damn devil. The bathroom door opens, and Harry practically jumps out of his skin when he sees Niall there.

"Good morning, Harry." Niall says as Harry turns off the water and hangs his wash towel up.

"You could have knocked first." He states as he goes to wrap a towel around his waist.

"It's nothing I haven't seen before." Niall says, looking him up and down before biting his bottom lip.

"I'm still not even sure if it was consensual the first time." He replies, wanting to go put on clothes, but Niall is blocking his exit.

"I'm pretty sure it was. We can look back at the footage if you want." Niall says while pointing behind him.

"You recorded that?!" He asks with wide eyes and receives a shrug.

"Why wouldn't I? It was our first time." Niall says as he reaches his hand forward to move a wet curl out of his face, then caress his cheek.

"Stop romanticizing it." He states, wanting to pull his hair out at this point.

"Was it not beautiful?" Niall asks, and cupping his cheek.

"To me, it wasn't. And it shouldn't be for you either." He says, and he sees his eyes fill up with nothing but love.

"All of our moments will always be beautiful to me." Niall responds, going to snake one arm around his waist, but he moves.

"Please don't touch me." He says because the last thing he needs is sex with him.

"And to think, I was finally going to let you roam around the house for good behavior." Niall replies while turning to leave with a dramatic sigh, but his wrist is grabbed.

"Okay." He says, and Niall hides his smile as he turns back around, immediately putting his arms around his waist.

"I thought you'd never ask." Niall replies, and Harry stops himself from saying a smart remark.

Though this is the last thing he wants to happen, he needs it to happen in order to plan out his escape a lot better. It shouldn't be that hard for him to tolerate a few kisses and caresses. Well, that's what he thought it would just be. It was a few neck kisses and ass grabbing, but then he felt a shove on his shoulders. The pressure didn't go away until he was on his knees in front of him. There's no way that he wants him to do that. He is not putting that thing in his mouth. He will fucking bite it off if he has to. Panic starts to settle into him as he watches him pull down his sweatpants. He wills his face not to show any signs of disgust when he sees that his dick is already hard.

"Don't even think about doing something funny or else there will be severe consequences." Niall warns him before leaning against the wall for support.

"Don't make me do this, please." He begs, his shaking voice giving away how much he wants to cry right now.

"But the love just can't be onesided." Niall says, resisting the urge to just shove his dick in his mouth.

"Please, can't we do something else?" He asks, ignoring the precum he sees leaking from the tip.

"The faster you get it done, the faster you don't have to be here." Niall says, though he highly doubts that.

Harry inches his face close to his crotch until he can smell whatever lotion he had put on his skin. Slowly, he brings one of his trembling hands to grab the base of his dick. Though he hesitates, he brings the tip to his mouth and sucks on it. Already, he can tell that he doesn't like sucking dick. The way it feels and tastes are so repulsing. He gives props to Raven and any other woman who likes doing it. Though he's completely straight, he was never one to shy away from appericating an attractive guy. Niall had happened to be one of those guys. He also happened to be the one to cross off his bucket list of experimenting with a guy to really confirm his sexuaility. The conclusion was that he is ninty five percent straight. However, right now, it's starting to look like one hundred percent.

He tries his best to keep his gagging to a minimal from Niall's pleasure filled moans as he takes a little more into his mouth. There is no way he's getting the whole thing in his mouth. Not when he gags every time his toothbrush gets a centimeter close to the back of his throat. In this moment, he starts to think about what he could have possibly done to end up in this situation. His whole life, he's been nothing but a saint. Sure, he had a rebellious phase, but it mainly consisted of him owning black clothes, obsessing over horror entertainment, and listening to heavy metal and rock music. If that was all it took for him to end up here, then God definitely shouldn't be in charge. He's not even that religious for crying out loud. This situation has already stooped him to that level.

For the next three minutes, he just sucks a little bit past the tip while squeezing the base from time to time. An idea comes to him that he thinks may work. Maybe if he does a bad job, then Niall might shove him off. It's the best bet he has of getting out of this. God and Satan seem to have something different in mind for him. He starts to choke when Niall thrusts deep into his throat and holds his head there. Suddenly, he feels a substance down his throat. He starts to think that he's going to die because no matter how hard he tries to push him away to get air into his lungs, it does nothing. It isn't until ten seconds later that his dick is taken out of his mouth, leaving him to gasp and cough on his hands and knees.

"You almost fucking killed me." He says and Niall kneels next to him to rub his back."I think I'm going to be sick."

"It was an accident I swear." Niall responds, backing off when his hand is pulled away."I didn't even mean to cum that fast but you being the one to give me head just made me so sensitive."

"I'm never doing that again I don't care what you do to me." He says, wiping at his mouth.

"I really wouldn't want to strap you down and use a device to keep your mouth open." Niall replies, helping him to his feet with Harry choosing to ignore that fucked up statement.

"You have to realize that people are going to look for me, and it's going to lead them to you." He says, the red in his face starting to fade away.

"The first half may be true, but the second will definitely not happen." Niall tells him, starting to feel prideful.

"And why is that?" He asks, choosing to wait until he leaves so he can violently brush the taste of him out of his mouth.

"I have and will continue to take out anyone that interferes with our love." He says, wishing he could show him proof to really get his statement across.

"Take out?" He questions, and Niall drags his thumb across his neck to resemble a knife.

"That." Niall says before leaving the room as Harry stands there in complete and utter shock.




I seriously need to go see 1D live. I'm going to bug the shit out of my dad to give me money to go see them. I feel like if I save up by the time I make enough, they would be over by then. I don't know, man. I just want tickets. If I see them, my life will be complete, and I could finally die happy. If that doesn't happen, I'm just going to go to an award show to see them or go to California to bump into one of them.

Bye, my weekend, people.♥>$$

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