Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

*Author P.O.V*

"So what are we doing today, boys?" Harry asks as they sit in his living room with a random baseball game playing on the television.

"We could go to this new interactive art museum. I hear it has over a hundred pieces of art that are really stimulating for the mind." Spencer suggests the smile slowly leaving his face when one no looks interested.

"I would refrain from making any more suggestions for the day." Morgan states while resting a hand on his shoulder and squeezing.

"I was thinking we hit up a strip club." Rodrick says, pretending to make it rain while sticking out his tongue.

"That's so typical." Zayn replies, but Rodrick smacks his teeth at that.

"But we go to the best strip club in this state. One where we would leave a new man." Rodrick responds, looking off into the distance with a smirk."I'm pretty sure all of us have been to a good strip club."

"I've never been to a strip club or step foot near one." Aaron says, surprising some people while others already could tell.

"Me either." Niall says just to appear to be normal even though he truly hasn't.

"Who else?" Rodrick asks with Harry and Spencer, raising their hands afterward."Then we definitely got to then."

"We could go party on a yacht." Zayn offers up and gets a few head nods.

"I have motion sickness." Spencer states, and everyone looks at him with a knowing look.

"Of course you fucking do." Rodrick says, throwing his hands up in the air while turning away from him.

"That isn't something I could help. It is actually something that is very common so common that 200,000 people have it a year." Spencer explains and receives a dramatic groan.

"For the rest of the night, no more facts or statistics." Rodrick responds, and everyone but Niall laughs.

"The first one would be hard seeing as -" Spencer goes to say, but Aaron putting up one of his hands cause him to stop.

"Spencer." Aaron says before shaking his head.

"How about we do all of these ideas on a yacht?" Harry asks, then pointing to Spencer just as he opens his mouth."I know, but I have the perfect solution for it because Raven has it too."

"Ok, let's get this show on the road!" Rodrick shouts before everyone else starts to cheer.

It's a few hours later when they are getting themselves ready for the strippers. Before that, they had spent a good two hours playing poker with Spencer, not surprisingly, beating them all. Niall came to be a close second to beating them, which Spencer and Harry admired. Though Niall may not know, Harry really loved how the blonde got along with his friends so well. In the past, he's used to new friends, not really making an effort. A lot of the times, too, his older friends didn't like them. He valued his friends' opinions a lot.

Though it may seem like Niall was having a good time, he was not. The laughing, smiling, and small talk was to only get him by. He absolutely hates everyone here besides his loving Harry. He wanted all of them dead in the most horrifc way. He didn't care how nice they were. They were in the way. They have a bond with Harry that is too strong. There was nothing he could do as he watched them place his Harry in a chair as a stripper with a big butt walks over to him. Surely, he wouldn't allow this to happen. He's too loyal and respectful to let some whore rub all over him and dance on him half naked. That's proven to not be the case as the stripper does what she does best and Harry seems to enjoy every second of it.

"Don't be afraid to get a feel!" Rodrick shouts to his friend, who flips him off while still keeping his eyes on the stripper.

"Oh God! Her top is coming off." Spencer says, looking away quickly while covering his eyes."Let me know when she puts it back on."

"Don't worry, she has nipple pasties underneath." Morgan reassures him, turning him back to the scene with a grin.

"I say you should speed up the wedding day and get married sooner." Zayn says, and Niall just about has a heart attack from that.

"The wedding should be the last thing on his mind right now." Niall responds before taking a sip from his beer to calm his nerves.

"See, he understands." Rodrick says while wrapping his arm around Niall's shoulder.

Once the stripper finishes having her fun with Harry, it is Spencer's turn. Though he protests profusely, it does him no good. To make him feel better, Morgan joins him since they did hire two strippers. Throughout this event, Niall just keeps his eyes on Harry. He absolutely loved watching him smile so big that it looks like it hurt and laughs so hard that it looks like he can't breathe. He could tell that he was starting to get a bit drunk, too. That got him excited because that meant he could plant little ideas or thoughts into his head. For one, he's gonna make him doubt his relationship with Raven. Second, he's gonna make him doubt his friendships too. The more isolated and insecure he can get him the better.

"Come dance with me." Harry says while trying to pull him from his seat, but he doesn't budge.

"I'd rather watch you instead." He replies, and Harry blushes from how sexual that sounds.

"I'm going to dance horribly if you watch." Harry says, and Niall shakes his head with a laugh.

"It wouldn't be horrible in my eyes." He replies, glad that nobody is coming over to interrupt their moment.

"If you don't dance with me, then you have to go skinny dipping with me." Harry states, nodding his head over to the water.

"I can do that." He says, and Harry's eyes grow wide as a smirk appears on Niall's face.

"You weren't supposed to say that." Harry tells him, but Niall still gets up from his seat.

"Too late, I wanna go skinny dipping now." He says as he starts to take off pieces of his clothing.

"We can't do that." Harry tells him, looking away from him from time to time.

"We most definitely can. There are no sharks over here that could attack, and there's still a bit of sun out." He says, standing there confidently when all of his clothes are off.

"Niall, I-" Harry goes to say, but the blue-eyed male doesn't want to hear any of it.

"You either take off your clothes and get in, or I pull you in fully clothed." He says, and Harry turns his head when he sees him fully naked.

"You wouldn't." Harry responds after he clears his throat.

"I most definitely would." He says and walks in front of him while slowly reaching for him.

"Ok, ok." Harry replies, putting his hands in front of him to keep him at bay.

He starts to take off his clothes with his nerve building up. It isn't like him to get this nervous about something so simple. He's done a lot more adventurous stuff than this. A smack on his ass gets him to yelp and turn to the culprit. Niall is too quick to receive any punishment for his assault since he decides to jump into the water. Harry looks over to his friends to see Spencer falling asleep, Aaron trying to keep him awake, Morgan and Zayn talking about whatever, and Rodrick trying to flirt with one of the strippers. He looks back to the water before jumping in with a scream. He comes back up to the surface, pushing his wet hair out of his face. There isn't much time for him to enjoy any peace since he starts to get splashed with water.




I got something saddening in the next chapter for you. Well, it won't be sad to me. it's going to be awesome. Anyways Harry had a dirty dream about Niall which I find funny as fuck I hope you loved this chapter if you didn't go choke on a dick.

Bye, my Mashton shippers.☆◆□↑▼°

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