Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

*Author P.O.V*

Today is a pretty chill day for Niall. He didn't do much besides catching up on his favorite shows, replying to some emails for work, and doing some cleaning around the house. Nobody bothered him about anything, and he didn't get any notifications surrounding Harry and his friends. Truthfully, that's what he needed since he's been on the move mentally and physically for the past few days. He is currently talking to his boss over the phone when he hears his doorbell, then loud banging following after it. He ends the call and gets up from his best, trying to decide if he should have a weapon with him just in case. He decides against it because he doesn't want to explain to whoever is at the door why he would have a weapon. Once he gets close to the door, he's able to hear much better.

"Niall! Niall, please open up! Please!" Harry yells while knocking on the door frantically.

"Harry wha-" He could barely get out before Harry collapses into his arms with a sob."What's going on?"

"It's about Zayn." Harry cries while Niall kicks his front door close, then leads him to the living room.

"What happened with Zayn?" He asks once they sit down with Harry still clinging onto him for dear life.

"He's in a coma from a car wreck." He answers as Niall gives him a fake look of surprise.

"When did that happen?" He asks, noticing his puffy red eyes and his splotches skin.

"A day ago. His mom just informed me about it." Harry answers as his chin starts to tremble.

"How did it happen?" He asks, reaching for a tissue on the coffee table for his runny nose.

"Nobody knows. There wasn't a trace of alcohol or drugs in his system. There was nothing wrong with his car, and he didn't cause the wreck." Harry answers with his empty green eyes staring at a random spot on the floor.

"I understand this is very stressful for you, but I need you to control your breathing for me." He tells him as his lover starts to hiccup from crying so much.

"How can I? What if he dies? He's already in a coma! I can't lose one of my best friends! He was going to be my best man!" Harry cries out as his body starts to slump against him.

"I know. I know." He says, resting his cheek on the top of his head and rubbing his back.

"He was just here celebrating my bachelor party with me!" Harry sobs as his shoulders start to shake.

"Do you want to go see him?" He asks, knowing it'll be the perfect chance to finish what he started.

"I can't. I heard his bruises are pretty bad. I'll lose my mind more than I already am." Harry answers a tightening feeling settling in his chest.

"That's ok. You can see him when you're ready." He tells him, gently wiping his tears away.

"He has to make it through this. Right?" Harry says while wrapping his arms around himself tightly.

"Of course. He's way too young to die." He replies before they fall into silence to process what happened.

Though he wants to feel sympathy for his lover, he simply can't. He really wants to smile because he has him in his home again. He might end up staying awhile because he's so blinded by sadness. That would keep him away from Raven, and she may get upset by that. In return, that might start an argument between the two, and hopefully, they end up separated. That isn't asking for too much. He never really asks for too much anyway, so God should let him have this one thing. If he does, he'll never ask for anything ever again. Everyone's lives would be so much better if Harry and himself were together. Hell, he'll even ask Satan to make that work out for him if it'll actually happen. He isn't even religious so he doesn't even get a fuck.

It's a few hours later, and Niall is happily singing to himself as he does a little rework on Harry's, who's taking a nap upstairs, phone. It isn't too much damage. All he is doing is deleting his friends' numbers and using his tech to route Harry's number to someone in the random part of the world. He also makes sure to have him unfollow them and block them on all social media platforms. That way, Harry won't be bothered by them anymore or have a way to interact with them. It works out perfectly because if Harry wants to get into contact with them, he'll have to drive out to do so since most of them live an hour away from him. Just as he starts to finish up, his phone rings loudly. He grabs it quickly and turns down the ringer. Reading caller id, he raises an eyebrow as to why his best friend is calling him. He rolls his eyes before answering his phone.

"Oh, you finally remember that you have a best friend." Louis states, and Niall immediately wants to bang his own head against the nearest wall.

"I never forgot because you text me like five times a day." He says as he leaves his spare room and heads downstairs so he won't wake his lover.

"Is that not what friends are supposed to do?" Louis asks before receiving a very dramatic huff into the phone, which causes him to smack his teeth in return.

"Why did you call me?" He questions, rolling his eyes even though he truly doesn't mean it.

"To know who's been keeping your attention since you don't know how to communicate anymore." Louis answers, and he considers actually telling him about Harry.

"Awww, did my friend miss seeing my face?" He asks in a baby voice as he scrolls through his notes to figure out what he should make sleeping beauty when he wakes up.

"In fact, yes. I haven't seen you in like two months." Louis tells him, and Niall knows he's probably crossing his arms with a duh look on his face.

"We've gone way longer than that before." He says, plopping down on the couch while manspreading.

"That may be true, but we still texted and called almost like every other day." Louis states as Niall leans his back and close his eyes.

"Whatever. What do you want?" He asks, with Louis wanting to reach through the phone and hit him.

"To talk." Louis answers, making Niall want to hang up on him just for the fun of it.

"Fine. Let's talk." He says, and he swears his friend sounds more like a boyfriend than anything.

They spend the next two hours talking on the phone. It was a well-deserved conversation because Louis basically spilled about everything that has been going on in life, giving Niall a chance to not focus on what's going on in his. Their conversations usually go like this since the moment they became friends. They have been friends since their senior year of high school. The two even went to the same university, which was mainly because Louis didn't care where he went for his education. Going with his beat friend seemed like the best option. Niall was genuinely surprised that they were even friends. For most of his life, he kept to himself and was completely fine with that. His mind was always focused on his future and how he could make money without hating his life. Then again, it made sense, seeing as Louis is the extrovert between the two. They are the definition of Ying and yang.




Well, wasn't this an emotional chapter. I thought it was about time you guys knew the truth about Reaven and the baby. I bet none of you saw that coming because most of you guys said she cheated, which I find funny. Anyway, I wonder how Harry and Reaven relationship is going to turn out now. I don't know. I still have to figure that out.

Bye, my Wet The Bed.;-)

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