Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

*Author P.O.V*

Harry woke up with a moan feeling a tight pressure around his wrists. He blinked a few times to make his vision clear. He was able to see that his wrists were cuffed to the passenger door. His eyes grew wide once he realized that he was in a moving car, which made him look at the driver. He tugged on the cuffs with tears in his eyes seeing that he was being taken far into the woods. It was midnight, which made him wonder how long he's been out for. He looked at Niall again to see a smile on his face as his fingers drummed against the wheel. As soon as Harry sat still and calmed down, he felt a sharp pain in his bum. He looked down at his lap and saw that he still had his boxers on that was covered in dried blood. He knew it was his and why his bum hurt making him tear up again. He opened his hand and saw that the knife had left a long thin hole in his hand with dried blood around it. Harry sniffed up the little snot that was trying to escape his nose before closing his eyes.

"God, you looked so peaceful when we were making love. There was some blood but it was barely noticeable. I tried to clean you up the best I could. We're heading to start a new life in a very small populated town." Niall said and Harry shook his head at every word.

"Just stop talking please. My hate for you is already filled to the top." Harry said and Niall only chuckled.

"You mean love." Niall said and Harry leaned over the best he could and bit Niall's shoulder as hard as he could causing him to scream out loud.

Niall stopped the car and Harry broke through skin as he bit even harder. A bit of happiness grew in Harry's body seeing the pain in Niall's face. The bit of happiness soon left as a hand took hold of his neck and squeezed hard. He gasped and took his teeth out of Niall's shoulder only to see the fury in Niall's eyes. A cry of pain left Harry's mouth when the back of his head was slammed to the window repeatedly. A little bit of blood got on the window making Niall stop. His eyes grew wide and he started to say sorry over and over again. He reached his hand out to rub Harry's back only to have Harry flinch away from him. He started the car again and started to drive. He felt like a total fuck up as he gripped the wheel tight while Harry rubbed around his wounded head. Harry eyes grew wide when he saw that he couldn't move his legs and started to freak out. He looked over at Niall again seeing the sad look in his eyes.

"Why can't I move my legs?" Harry asked and Niall bit his bottom lip as he used his free hand to scratched the back of his head.

"I broke your ankles so you could stop running." Niall said and Harry let out a scream before he tugged madly at the cuffs."Harry, please calm down before you hurt yourself."

"Do not tell me to calm you twisted fuck. You broke my ankles and I'm pretty my ha-hey over here!" Harry shouted seeing police cars driving a few feet behind them."I'm in here!!"

"Harry, please stop." Niall said but Harry just ignored him and watching the police cars blare their sirens.

"Help me please please please!" Harry said Niall pulled him inside and raised the window back up.

"Looks like we'll have to live together in the afterlife." Niall said and Harry stopped screaming and looked at Niall mortified.

Niall made a sharp turn and started to drive to any near lake or cliff to end everything. Harry was about to slip out one of his hands out of the cuffs but he had to break his thumb to do it. He rolled down his window and waved his hand like a mad man. He also made sure to scream at the top of his lungs. Niall smiled seeing a big lake come into view. He made sure he was locked in his seat before his car crashed into the lake and started to sink filling up with water. Harry thrashed around feeling the water at his waist, which made him freak out more wondering how Niall was so calm about this. Tears ran down Harry's cheeks knowing he can't escape this, which made him start to sob. He jumped when he saw a police officer suddenly came to his side of the car. He took out his gun and shot it at the window making the glass break and more water flood the car. Anger bolted through Niall as he unbuckled himself and swam over to the officer. He grabbed his gun and shot him in the head before getting back in his seat.

"Niall, please just let me go and I'll love you until the day I die. You really don't have to do things this way. I'll tell everyone that it was just a big prank to get famous. That way we can grow old together and die in each other arms. We're too young to die right now." Harry said with the water going above his head right after he finished his little speech.

He started to thrash around and scream feeling the water fill his lungs making it harder for him to breath. He looked around to see if another officer was swimming down to save him. Small fishes started to fill the car and the moon's light was slowly fading away. The water grew colder and the car completely shut down as Harry held his breath as long as he could. He looked down at his hand to see Niall grab it and smile at him before he slipped away into darkness. Harry searched Niall's pockets for the keys to the cuffs but didn't find any. Harry could see his vision go dark, which made him mentally cry in his head. He gave one finally glance at Niall before he slipped into darkness with the car sinking deeper in the lake. The glove compartment opened and the key slowly floated out as the officers by the lake gave up. They headed back to their cars and drove back to civilization. They gave the saddening news to Harry's, Niall's parent, and Zayn, who were completely heartbroken.

The funeral was held a month later at the lake since the car wasn't found. It was foggy that day, which seem to bring more sadness over everyone. It was painful for the parents to look at the lake knowing their babies were down there ever so slowly rotting. It was painful that they couldn't see their faces one last time before they were taken away. Zayn was the only one who spoke since everyone else couldn't stop sobbing. Even though Niall hurt him and everyone else, he was kind enough to say some nice things about him. He couldn't help but cry when he left feeling that he was the one responsible for their death. Niall's and Harry's gravestone were right next to each other with different colored flowers around it. There was a picture frame of them on their grave as well with bright smiles on their faces. You wouldn't think that they been through hell before they died. You would think that they simply died from a car crash or some type of natural disaster but you would be wrong. One died in pure bliss while the other died in pain.



Well well well that was the end of Animals thank you all for the joyful ride. I hope enjoyed it even if the ending was sad af. I promised that I would finish it this month and I kept that promise. I know you hate me for killing them like that but it had to be done. I had to make at least one of my stories have a sad or in this case really really really sad ending. So that's all I have to say folks see you in my other stories.

Bye my hellhounds.❤❤😈😈😈❤❤

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