Chapter 20 (!)

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Chapter 20

*Author P.O.V*

"Hey Niall, I was thinking we could -" Harry says one afternoon as he strolls into Niall's room.

"Ah fuck." Niall whines out, causing Harry to look up from his phone.

Harry stops in the doorway when he gets a clear view of what is happening. The reason that the older male couldn't hear him is due to the earphones that he has on. His shorts and boxers are at his waist, while his right hand holds his phone. He's sitting back in a chair with legs spread wide. This was such an invasive of privacy. He was positive that Niall would yell at him if he knew he was just standing there. For some reason, he can't seem to tear his eyes away as he watches Niall's left hand stroke up and down on his dick. A funny feeling was swirling around his stomach at the sight. He doesn't want to linger on that feeling because he's afraid of what it might mean. That was enough to get him to blindly reach behind him for the doorknob, but the sound of Niall moaning loudly causes him to freeze again.

Unknown to him, Niall is watching the video of them having sex. This wasn't supposed to happen. He was just doing some deep cleaning when a part of it popped up in his mind. The moment it did, he couldn't stop thinking about it, and then one thing led to another. It's been a while since he's gotten himself off and God it feels so fucking good. He was trying his best to keep his moans down to not disturb Harry, but the more he got in to it the less he cared. Knowing him, though, he wouldn't give a shit if Harry heard him. If anything, he would encourage him to join him. God, that would be so hot with the both of them getting off next to each other while watching each other. He'll definitely have to make that happen one day.

"God this feels so fucking good." Niall moans out as he closes his eyes, letting the audio do the rest for him.

The moment Harry works up the courage to move again, Niall lets out a loud moan as he cums onto his hand. He turns around and leaves the room, making sure to close the door. He goes back to the guest room and turns on the television. He doesn't care what's playing. He just wants the volume up loud enough to get his mind off what he just heard. He climbs into the bed and throws the blanket on top of him. He wants nothing more than to off himself. The bedroom door opens a few minutes later, and Niall stands there, trying to decide if he wants to wake him or not.

"Harry?" Niall asks, and Harry sits up in the bed just as he goes to leave."Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."

"You didn't." He reassures him, avoiding his eyes as he puts on a fake smile.

"I was just wondering if you would like to help me cook dinner tonight." Niall says, leaning against the doorframe, causing his muscles to flex slightly.

"Sure thing. What are we going to make?" He asks, his eyes trained on his biceps.

"I was thinking some Korean style ramen." Niall says, his fingers drumming a random tune on the doorframe.

"Sounds delicious already." He tells him, rubbing his stomach and then giving it a pat.

"I promise it's not that hard to cook, so you won't end up hurting yourself or messing it up." Niall says, catching him checking out his arms, but he decides not to bring it up.

"Thank you for the reassurance." He replies, looking away from his arms once that strange feeling starts to surface again.

"Great, I'll come get you when I'm ready to start." Niall says, then leaving the room.

"Fuuuuuuck!" He screams into the pillow as he kicks his legs wildly.

Once he calms down, he stares up at the ceiling. An uncomfortable feeling starts to overcome him. It takes him a few seconds before he realizes that he's hard. He swears he didn't mean to get hard from that. Maybe it just happened because of the fact that men get hard from anything sexual. That had to be the reason because he wouldn't dream of doing anything with anyone else when he had Raven. Even if they are taking a break, he still belongs to her. However, he faces a greater dilemma now. Does he go take a cold shower to get rid of it, or does he jack off to get rid of it? His question is soon answered, though, when he realizes he doesn't want to end up like Niall a few minutes ago. With that, he gets up and starts to get undressed. When he's done, he wraps a towel around his waist tightly before exiting.

"Oh, Harry." Niall says, causing the younger male to stop and turn around while still not looking at him."Never mind, I'll ask you after you get out of the shower."

"No, no. You can ask me now." He replies while trying to discretely cover his crotch in case his boner is noticeable through the towel.

"I was just wondering if there is something you don't want in your ramen." Niall says, his eyes drinking in his perfect body.

"Not really. I'm down for whatever you put in it." He responds, his boner starting to become painful.

"You look like you have something on your mind." Niall says, wishing he could read his mind so he can always know how to satisfy him.

"Nope. My brain is as empty as can be." He replies, and he can practically feel his lustful aura, but he didn't know that's what it was.

"Did I do something?" Niall asks, going to approach him, but Harry steps back a little too quickly."You can tell me if I did."

"I promise you you didn't. I feel a little tired, so that's probably what you're seeing on my face." He reassures him, rubbing at his eyes to completely sell his lie.

"Did you get enough sleep last night?" Niall asks, wondering if his television may have been too loud or him facetiming Louis.

"Yeah. I probably just exerted too much energy today." He answers, wishing he had the balls to end this conversation because he doesn't want to continue this.

"Well, you want like a massage or anything?" Niall asks, seeing as that is on his bucket list to do to him.

"No, no. Trust me, I'll let you know if I need a massage." He jokes, starting to turn his body back to the bathroom.

"Okay, I'll let you get to your shower then." Niall says before heading downstairs.

Harry heads into the bathroom and rests his back against the door. Maybe all of this is a sigh for him to go back home. Then again, Niall is giving him the best emotional support he's ever given. With that, he turns on the water and lets it get hot enough. He gets in the shower and just stands under the pouring water. He's never hesitated with getting himself off. This time is just so much more different than those previous ones. He's not even super religious, but it feels like a sin. He slowly starts to wash himself in hopes that by the time he's finished, he won't be hard anymore. Unfortunately, his body doesn't want to cooperate with him this time. When he is finished, it's still there staring at him to free him. He's never wished to be a woman more than he does in this moment.

After ten minutes of just standing there, he reaches down to grab his dick and slowly starts to stroke. He takes a deep breath before closing his eyes. Almost immediately, when he closes them, he gets the image of Niall jerking off. It causes him to open his eyes and stop stroking. That's the last thing he should be doing to get off. Niall is a good friend of his and knows he would never do the same. He closes his eyes again and forces himself to think about Raven naked. Forces himself to keep that image as he starts to stroke himself again. Just before he reaches his peak, he gets an image and sound of Niall jerking off. He snaps his eyes open and tries to stop that from affecting him, but it is too late. His upper back presses against the cold shower wall as he cums onto the wet floor.

"Fuck me." He says while covering his face with his hands as he tries to catch his breath.




I know. I know you all just died from that smut that just popped up out of nowhere. But don't worry, you can go to Narry heaven where you can get millions of feels. Don't worry, I'll be there to join you, and we can drown in the Narry love forever.

Bye, my Heart Want What It Wants.:-)

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