Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

*Author P.O.V*

The next morning, Harry wakes up very slowly. It's understandable since his body aches so much. When he gets himself out of bed, he realizes that he isn't in his home and that he's naked. This time, his ass doesn't hurt, so he's grateful for that. He realizes that he's at Niall's place from the sheets on the bed. He's positive that he wouldn't mind him borrowing some of his clothes. He goes to his closet and takes some sweatpants and a tank top. He tries to remember how he ended up here and what all happened last night, but all he remembers are the strippers and the poker game. He decides that he's gonna fill in the blanks to everything after he gets some food in his system. He leaves the room and then heads down to the kitchen. When he enters, he sees Niall shirtless while finishing pouring a cup of coffee.

"This is the worst hangover I have ever had." He states while rubbing his forehead with a pout on his lips.

"Now you see why I don't like drinking so much." Niall says as he scoots a chair back for him to sit in, then sits in one himself.

"I'm never getting that drunk again." He tells him then, taking the coffee that is offered and then a sip of it.

"You were having a blast though when you were drunk." Niall says before taking out his phone and showing him the video of him dancing on the table.

"Oh no." He replies while covering his face with his hands as he starts to blush."Did I do anything else crazy?"

"Not really. You just danced around and sung your little heart out. There was a moment when you tried to give a lap dance, though." Niall informs him before laughing.

"Thank God I don't remember anything else." He says, failing to notice how the coffee tastes just how he likes it.

"Is there anyone else here?" He asks, and Niall tries not to let it get to him how he is thinking about his friends right now.

"No. Everyone got dropped off before you, but you insisted on going home with me when I was getting dropped off." Niall lies, wondering what type of breakfast should he cook him.

"Sorry if you didn't want to take me home with you." He says, and Niall takes offense that he would even feel that way.

"It's totally fine. I'd take you home with me any time." Niall tells him then, giving him a wink.

"Good to know. Could I stay here until tomorrow morning?" He asks, starting to mentally prepare himself to hear no."It's just cause I still feel like utter shit and I don't want to face Raven while still feeling like this."

"You don't gotta ask. My answer will always be yes to you." Niall responds, pretending he didn't hear him mention her.

"Thanks." He says before finishing his coffee."Also, do you know what happened to my clothes?"

"You puked all over yourself, so I just threw your clothes out." Niall answers, and Harry wants to crawl in a hole and die.

"That was probably for the best." He says, planning on getting him a gift to show how thankful he is of him.

"You look much better in my clothes if that counts for anything." Niall tells him, though he believes he looks absolutely amazing without any clothes on.

"You're a bit thicker than me, though, so they are a little bit baggy on me." He says, tugging at the collar of his shirt.

"That's why you look better." Niall responds before getting up from the kitchen table.

Harry takes the compliment with a funny feeling in his stomach. He knows that he can always count on Niall to make him feel good about himself. Don't get him wrong, though. It's not like his other friends don't do the same for him. It's just that he hears it more frequently from Niall. They also tend to be more poetic in a sense. He doesn't know if that's intentional, though. He doesn't care if they are, really. He likes them either way. He's so into his thoughts that he doesn't realize that Niall sits a plate of blueberry pancakes down in front of him a few minutes later. His mouth falls open since he hasn't had these in such a long time. Niall slides him the maple syrup and butter before nodding for him to dig in.

During the entire time, he eats Niall watches him. There is a sense of pride he feels from this. He could have made him anything, but something in his gut told him to make that. It was meant to be because he could see the joy fill those green eyes. The joy almost seemed childlike. As if he hasn't had this since he was a child or that they are his favorite ever since he was a child. Either one is a win-win. He just knows that Raven would have never thought of doing this for him. Did she even know he liked blueberry pancakes? Probably not. She only knows that absolute basic stuff about him, how many siblings he has, what's his favorite color, and his favorite television show. He starts to wonder how she even made it this far with him. She probably kept distracting him with her stupid pussy.

"Something bothering you?" Harry asks with a mouth full of pancake that it's painfully cute.

"Not really. Was just reminded that I have to cover someone's shift tomorrow." He lies, going to brew him another round of coffee.

"Ah, I feel you on that." Harry replies, then lifting up a fork of pancakes towards him."A bite of this will make you feel better."

"No, no. I made those just for you." He says, waving him off with a laugh.

"I don't think you ate breakfast though, and you should taste how good your cooking is." Harry replies, and Niall could just melt at how much he cares for him.

"And what makes you think I haven't?" He questions, finding this conversation very amusing.

"Because one, it's eight in the morning, and all I smell in here is coffee and pancakes. I also remember you telling me that you ordered food a lot." Harry explains, and Niall is surprised with how observant he is.

"You got me there." He says, and Harry gives him a big smile.

"You made me a lot of pancakes too, so come eat, please." Harry tells him while using his fork to point at his seat.

"I'm only taking two bites of it." He says, coming to sit down again while trying to contain how happy he is.

"Well, those two bites will be stacked with pancakes." Harry responds before holding the fork out to him and watches him take his first bite.

The rest of the day goes by pretty smoothly, with them reminiscing about the party. Niall had tried his best to stop him from mentioning those other heathens that he called friends. It's a good thing that Harry seems to forget that he owns a phone. Right now, he would probably be using it to call one or all of his friends so they can talk together. Or worse, he could call Raven. Or even worse, any one of them could call him. It's also a good thing that he didn't charge his phone, so they won't have any interruptions. He made sure to keep his own phone out of the way, too, in case one of them happens to get into contact with him.

When night falls, Niall takes it upon himself to sleep on the couch no matter how much Harry told him not to. He didn't fall asleep immediately, though. He spent his time trying to think up a way to kill Zayn. This time, he wanted to be prepared since he used what was near him to kill Liam. Deep down, he hates that he has to kill Zayn because he saw him as one of Harry's chill friends. Though he hates it, he's still going to go through with it because he's rushing Harry's marriage, and he'll be damned if he has to attend that atrocity. It's one in the morning when he finally decides on a plan of action. With a satisfied sigh, he goes to sleep, knowing he's going to have a long day ahead of him.




Louis, you shouldn't have gotten yourself involved with Niall in the first place, but at least we know the story is getting more juicy. Don't be afraid to tell me what you think of this chapter. I wanna know your feelings and thoughts and what you think might happen next.

Bye, my Bravado.$

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