Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

*Author P.O.V*

Niall walks into a grocery on a Monday afternoon with the intent to be in and out within fifteen minutes. He only had two things to grab out of here. He has had a long day of work, and he just wants to get home and rot on the couch. He finds his first item very easy and moves on for his second item. He is about to walk into another aisle, but his shoulder is tapped. When he turns around, he's surprised to find Harry standing there. Though he knows that he shops here often, he didn't expect to see him here today. He usually does his shopping on Mondays or Fridays. He takes a quick glance at his shopping cart to see what could have brought him here and doesn't spot anything out of the ordinary. He doesn't like his lover breaking his routines because now he'll have to mark it down in his notes.

"I didn't expect to run into you here." Harry tells him with a bright smile on his face.

"Same. I just popped in here after work to grab some laundry detergent and some tissue." He says, motioning to the tissue.

"Nice, I'm doing some grocery shopping while Raven is at her doctor's appointment." Harry informs him as they move out the way so people can pass them without an issue.

"Oh. Is everything okay with the baby?" He questions, using his peripheral vision to monitor the people that pass them.

"Yeah, just a mandatory check-in." Harry explains with a shrug while waving it off.

"That's good to hear." He says even though he's not quite sure if he means it or not since he really doesn't have any problems with the baby.

"Yeah, and she's going to check the gender." He informs him, his hands gripping the handle of the cart in excitement.

"I thought you guys already knew it was a girl." He says, but he really doesn't care what gender it turns out to be.

"No. We were just manifesting it by referring to it as a girl." Harry replies, and Niall thinks he should manifest Raven losing the baby."We've been thinking of some girl names too."

"You should name her after me. I think my name can work both ways." He teases, and Harry shakes his head with a playful eye roll.

"Ha ha ha. You're so funny." Harry says as his eyes give him a blank stare."Anyways, she's between Tammy, Gia, and Petunia while I'm between Journey, Juliet, and Octavia."

"I like your names a lot better." He says, and Harry smiles that because someone finally agrees with him."So what are you guys going to name it if it is a boy?"

"We've already decided on Julian." Harry responds, and Niall doesn't know if he should hate or love the name since he doesn't know who came up with it.

"I guess that name isn't too bad compared to mine." He says, and Harry starts to walk away from him with a laugh.

"Well, I'll let you get back to your shopping." Harry tells him, but Niall catches up to him.

"I'm more than willing to tag along with you. Make both of our trips a little more interesting." He says, sitting his item in his cart to make it easier for him to agree.

"I would like that." Harry states before he starts to hum along to the music overhead.

"I know you would." He says low enough that only he can hear, but apparently not.

"What was that?" Harry asks that he receives wide blue eyes with a mind that scrambles to say something.

"Nothing." He says a little too quickly for his own liking, but it seems to satisfy Harry.

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