Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

*Author P.O.V*

It is a very stormy and cold night as Niall stands outside of Harry's and Raven's home. Tonight is the night he can finally get rid of the one obstacle that stops Harry from being completely his. He knocks on the door before placing his hands inside his pockets. He checks his surroundings to make sure that nobody will be able to place him here at this time. Though he's sure that probably makes him look even more suspicious. Raven opens the door and immediately moves out of the way to allow him inside when she sees that he doesn't have an umbrella with him. He steps inside and gives a fake shiver to make her think he's cold.

"I'm sorry, but Harry isn't here." She states, wondering if he knows that they aren't together anymore.

"I know. I actually came to see you." He says, causing her eyes to grow wide.

"Me? I thought you didn't like me." She replies with a laugh but stops when he doesn't do it as well.

"And you would be correct." He says, and she lifts an eyebrow while leaning her head to the side.

"What?" She questions, and he shakes his head with a chuckle before his eyes turn cold.

"I absolutely despise you." He says with his jaw clenching and his nostrils flaring.

"I think you should leave now." She states, motioning for him to leave.

"Not until I finish what I came to do." He says, slowly approaching her, which makes her take cautious steps back.

"I'm giving you five seconds to leave before I call the police." She warns, pulling out her phone quickly.

"As if I'll let you get the chance." He says, snatching her phone out of his hand and pocketing it.

"I'm not fucking around." She replies, though her tone doesn't do her much justice.

He does nothing but just stares at her with no expression on his face. There isn't a single thing that stands out about her. She is flat chested, doesn't have an ass, she has a gap, she was a little too skinny before the pregnancy, and she has thin hair. Don't even get him started on her personality. She has no sense of humor, she's such a scaredy cat, she's lazy, she's so indecisive, and she is materialistic. Of course, he knows that the opposite can sometimes attract, but this was nowhere near that. He starts to wonder what he should do to end her. Maybe a knife, hammer, or his bare hands. She goes to try and get her phone back, but he quickly turns her around and holds her arms behind her back. She tries to get out of his grip, but that only makes it tighter. She stops fighting because she doesn't want to put her baby at risk.

"I'm still confused about what he ever saw in you." He says before letting out a few tsks.

"Excuse me." She replies, and he has to try his hardest not to hit her.

"You fucking heard me. You and that fucking baby are a fucking parasite to him." He says, glaring at her stomach.

"Did he put you up to this?" She asks, holding her stomach as best as she can to protect it from him.

"No, but he didn't have to say much for me to know that this is what he wanted." He says, hating that he even has to touch her.

"He doesn't swing that way and never will." She states, and he is so tempted to show her the proof, but he wants to mentally torture her more.

"I wouldn't rush to say things like that, seeing as we had sex with multiple rounds in one night. Why do you think he came home to you with a sore ass?" He tells her, and her mouth drops open in horror.

"He would never cheat on me." She argues, though the tears springing to her eyes do her no good.

"But he did, and he enjoyed every second of it." He says, and she starts to wish that Harry was here to protect.

"You're fucking delusional!" She screams and he deems her lucky that he doesn't hit women.

"You're the delusional one thinking you could be with someone who you have nothing in common with. You can't even remember the simple things about him." He says, and she starts to wonder how long this has been going on inside of him.

"Even if he was gay, he still wouldn't be with someone like you." She responds, and he genuinely can't believe she would say something like that when her life is in his hands.

"I'm tired of talking to you now." He says before putting her in a tight chokehold.

His muscles flex as he tries to keep her as still as possible as she thrashes around. She was a lot heavy than what he had thought. That still doesn't cause him too much of a challenge, though. This would be a lot easier if he was sitting down, but he doesn't want to take the risk of giving her any form of leverage. His face remains relaxed as he stares straight ahead at a framed photo of her and Harry, though his eyes are mainly on his lover. Though she tries to dig her nails into his skin, she is met with leather that doesn't allow her to. She tries her hardest to get a scream out, but it causes a very hoarse yelp to escape instead. Her attempts also cause her to lose a lot more air from her lungs. In her panic state, she tries to reach out for something to smack him across the head or stab him with.

Her world slowly starts to fade into black, and she tries her hardest to keep herself awake. Her hardest doesn't do her any good as her hands drop to her side, and her breathing stops. The last thought in her mind is her unborn baby. Her body goes completely limp in his arms, but he still holds her there for a few more seconds to ensure that she's actually dead. Once he's had his closure, he lets her drop to the floor. Doing what he did to Liam, he goes to grab some sheets and comes back to wrap her inside of it. This time, he's grateful that he doesn't have to clean up any blood. He starts to drag her to the backdoor and leads her through the backyard. When he gets her to the alley, he tosses her inside of the trunk of his car. With that done, he gets in and heads off to bury her where Liam is.




Did you guys notice the song reference in Niall's confession? There were Little Things, Spaces, Strong, Little White Lies, and Stockholm Syndrome. I was so bored I was like "hey why not put some song reference in it and see if anybody gets it?" Anyway I have a new crush and ship it doesn't have to do with 1D but Cryaotic is so fucking sexy and his laugh is like sex I love that boy so much but I ship Pewdiecry. Anyway, Niall got arrested I wonder what's going to happen at the police station.

Bye, my little birdies.★

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