Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

*Author P.O.V*

*Next Day*

"Sir, you dropped this." Raven said as she quickly ran to catch up to Niall who turned around rolling his eyes putting a fake smile on his lips.

Today he was watching Raven and Harry walk around the mall shopping for things for the baby and their self with Niall taking pictures. And oddly nobody even stopped to ask what he was going or even notice him they just walked pass him like he was a ghost. Niall didn't care though he just wanted pictures of Harry and just see what he's up to but he did want to burn Raven alive right now. He really didn't care if he dropped some money he could just get more since his family is rich he really wanted to stick with Harry since he knows Harry loves to wonder off and do other things.

"Thanks that's so kind of you." Niall said sounding way to happy as he took the money from her putting it in his pocket again making sure it was tucked away good."Oh I see your pregnant."

"Yeah, one month." Raven said as she smiled down at her stomach rubbing it lightly Niall wanted to smack that smile off her face.

"Congratulation I know your going to make a good mother." Niall said and he wanted to vomit as soon as those words left his mouth.

Niall really wanted to get anyway from her right now she just seem so fake to him like she was just acting nice when really she's a total bitch. Niall felt anger fill him thinking about her kissing his Harry and hugging him and having sex with him that's how that fucking baby was made. Niall doesn't care that it's Harry child or human he doesn't like the fucking thing and wants to kill it he just feels that some thing is not right about that baby like Raven is hiding some thing about it. But he knew she was hiding some thing because she's a fucking liar that doesn't deserve Harry who is innocent and sexy to him.

Niall and Raven's head snapped to a loud thump and clank they saw Harry looking at them laughing nervously as he helped pick up a lady glass cups. Niall shook his head with a laugh knowing Harry bumped into her making her drop them but Niall smile soon went away when he saw Raven grinning. Niall seriously doesn't like her, she makes his ass itch and makes his skin crawl and hot he just feels that she needs to die. He doesn't feel about saying none of that shit any way he doesn't care that she's some body big sister, little sister, cousin, or daughter he wants her off this damn earth.

"That's my stupid but adorable boyfriend whose the father of the baby." Raven said nodding her head to Harry as he apologize to the lady over and over again.

"He seems like a really cool guy your lucky to have him." Niall said and right then and there he gagged looking away from her he doesn't even know why he's saying this to her he doesn't even have to be nice to her.

Niall had to get out of there he couldn't be near her anymore he quickly told her bye and literally ran to the bathroom. He walked in and took in a deep breath god she made him sick as you can see he walked over to the sink gripping it tight. He was about to turn to leave but the door open and Harry walked in making Niall eyes grow wide and gasp looking away from him. He had to get out of here now he couldn't just take Harry now first every one would see and second it's to early he already planned out every thing. He let out a breath of relief when Harry went to go take a piss his fingers twitched to take a picture or touch him.

Niall knew he couldn't do any of them then he'll definitely get caught and everything will come crashing down on him. Niall couldn't just instantly leave the love of his life was taking a piss right behind him and they was alone. Niall was smart and he knew he couldn't do anything with Harry in this mall but only take pictures and watch him from a far. But that doesn't mean he can't have a nice talk with him with out any body getting hard or hurt at all he turned around about to say something but Harry beat him to it.

"I ummm saw you talking to my girlfriend." Harry said with a small laugh going over to the sink as Niall body tensed."It's fine I'm not mad or anything just wanted to know what you guys was talking about."

"Y-you." Niall said as he fumbled with his camera his mind clouding with millions of thoughts of Harry and only Harry he didn't know what to do with his self.

"Hey buddy you okay I don't mean to scare you I-oh fuck!!!" Harry shouted as he watched Niall blink before he fainted to the floor his camera falling out his hand.

Niall was literally screaming and thrashing around in his head for being so damn shy and quiet he didn't mean to faint shit he thought he wasn't. Harry quickly rushed over and picked him up and grabbed his camera he quickly left the bathroom shouting for some one to call an ambulance. And they came less than five minutes taking Niall to the hospital and Harry went with leaving his girlfriend in McDonald's rubbing her stomach looking around for him. Once Niall made it to the hospital and was in a room the doctor told Harry he would be fine but with Harry with a very kind heart he stayed until Niall woke up. He didn't know when he would but he hoped soon so he could get back to Raven.

"Fuckin hell." Niall said once the room light blined him for a second he heard the door open and he looked to see Harry holding his camera with a small pink bag.

"I'm glad you're awake I just wanted to give you this and I'm sorry for making you faint well ummm I'll see you around." Harry said giving the bag and camera to Niall before leaving with out even a back glance and for some reason that made Niall pissed.

"Fucking jerk." Niall said as he rubbed his temples then looked in the pink bag to see a card, a rose, chocolate, and small brown teddy bear making Niall smile."He's still a jerk though but a cute one."





Since your here and I know some of you are just now finding one of my stories go read my other stories their really good. I'm just saying so after you vote for this and comment go read them at least two of them.

Bye my Act My Age.★

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