Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

*Author P.O.V*

"When I wanted to hang out with you, this is not what I meant." Louis says as Niall and him sit the couch down in the living room for a quick break.

Currently, he is helping his best friend move some furniture into what he is assuming will be his new home. He's kind of pissed that he found out about it this way because he doesn't really agree with him moving even further away from him. He's honestly considering asking to move in with him. The place looks big enough for it. He won't even notice him here the majority of the time. He sits down on the couch and lets himself sink into it. There isn't much time for him to enjoy it because his foot is kicked, and his head is shoved. He lets out a sigh before getting up and following his friend outside again.

"I would like to have this done before it gets super late." Niall tells him, motioning to the truck that's still filled with furniture.

"Why couldn't you hire professional movers for this?" He asks, grabbing a lighter box labeled 'kitchen.'

"Because I don't trust them. They could attempt to rob me or even murder me. I am out here by myself." Niall explains as he looks at the open fields around them.

"Jesus, who did I befriend?" He asks, watching him grab a box before they both walk back inside.

"The smartest person you've ever known." Niall says and receives an eye roll.

"I wouldn't say smartest." He replies before letting out a dramatic huff as he places the box in the bedroom.

"Who graduated college again with a 4.4 gpa?" Niall questions with a smirk.

"You, but I still believe you cheated to get that." He answers just to mess with him because that's what friends are for.

"Nah, I just didn't party every weekend like some people." Niall responds, realizing how much he missed their banter.

"Yes, you did. I have the videos to prove it." He says, reaching for his phone, but Niall takes it and pockets it.

"Let's not dwell on the past." Niall tells him just as his own phone starts to ring.

He answers it immediately when he sees that it is his lover. He forgets that his best friend is here as he smiles and walks around the home. He can already picture Harry and himself living here. After all, this is all for them. He had been working extra hard to afford all of this. This way, no one will be able to bother them as much, and they can only focus on each other. Louis, being the nosy friend that he is, follows him to try and figure out who he is talking to. He has never seen him like this before. It is quite precious. He had always thought that he was going to be single for a very long time simply because his friend never showed any interest in being with someone. The guy didn't even develop a crush on anyone.

On the other hand, Niall is talking to Harry about Liam being missing. The only reason he doesn't mind talking about this is because Liam is dead and can't interfere with their relationship at all. He doesn't let him talk about it for too long. He had changed the topic so smoothly that Harry didn't even notice. As much as he didn't want to, he ended the call and pocketed his phone. When he turns around to go grab some more boxes, he discovers his friend a few inches away from him. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what is about to come out of his mouth.

"Sooooooo, who was that?" Louis asks, fluttering his eyelashes at him with a smile.

"Lou, you could have brought in so many boxes if you weren't following me." He tells him, rubbing his forehead in defeat.

"Was that a girlfriend?" Louis asks, giving him teasing pinches along his sides.

"I'm not buying you dinner for this anymore." He says, but Louis knows he still will, so he continues.

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