Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

*Author P.O.V*

Thinking. I Thinking until his brain hurt. Even when it did, that still didn't stop him. He is going to keep thinking until he can't think anymore. That's all Harry could do for the past three days after Niall had said those words to him in the bathroom. There's just no way. There's just no way that he could have killed someone he loved. There's no way that they buried somewhere, never to be seen or heard from again. If that is true, then he has to know who it is. Though it'll pain him, he won't be able to sleep if he doesn't get any answers. He hoped that they went quick and painless as well. He wouldn't want them alive long enough to know that Niall was killing them for him.

Niall did keep his promise to allow him to venture outside of the bedroom. It didn't do much, seeing as all the important rooms were locked down. The only thing he was able to discover is that the kitchen and living room were a little nice, but they definitely needed some work. Additionally, he discovered another bathroom, but it wasn't as bad as the bathroom he uses. There weren't really any objects throughout the house that could have been used for a weapon. That was all the exploring he could muster up to do because someone's death was still lingering in his mind. Currently, he sits on the bed with his fingers fidgeting with a loose strand on the sheets while his left leg bounced up and down. At the same time, as usual, the door opens, and Niall walks in with a tray in his hand.

"Who was it?" He asks, rushing up to him that it made Niall think that he was about to be attacked.

"Who was what?" Niall asks, walking past him to sit the tray on the nightstand.

"Who did you kill?" He questions, and Niall closes his eyes briefly while rubbing his forehead.

"Why do you want to know?" Niall questions, turning around to find him in his personal space again.

"Just tell me." He demands, and Niall avoids his eyes because he would hate to see the pain in side of them when he tells him.

"It was Liam, Raven, and almost Zayn if the fucker would have just died from his wounds." Niall confesses, still trying to figure out how he's going to get to him before he wakes up.

"No." He says before shoving him back and turning away from him."No no no no no no."

"I slit Liam's throat, strangled Raven, and ran Zayn off the road." Niall explains to better help him believe it.

"You're a psychopath." He says softly, looking at him over his shoulder.

"I would refrain from using that word if I were you." Niall warns, pointing a stern finger at him.

"You're a fucking sick and twisted psychopath!" He shouts before a punch is quickly sent to his jaw, sending him to the floor.

"I said not to use that word." Niall says as Harry spits blood out of his mouth.

"It doesn't matter what you say or do because you know that word is true." He responds, his teeth stained with blood.

"Just be quiet before you get yourself into more trouble." Niall says but that only tempts him even more.

"Psychopath psychopath psychopath!" He screams at him, and Niall can see the hate burning bright in his eyes.

"I said, shut up!" Niall yells before his vision turns red and all reasoning leaves him.

Harry covers his body as best as he can as Niall brings his foot back and then starts to repeatedly kick him in the stomach. The pain isn't too much for him to handle because he would rather handle this than anything else. Once Niall's tantrum is over, he comes back to his senses. A horrified look appears on his face at what he had done. This isn't how things are supposed to play out. They are supposed to be madly in love with each other and fucking like rabbits on the daily basis by now. They are supposed to be decorating the house together, discussing their future, laughing about the good old times, and going on trips together. He crouches down next to him and checks his skin for any permanent bruises.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." He tells him, his hands being smacked away since Harry thought he was trying to do something perverted.

"You did the moment you decided to kill my friend and girlfriend." Harry says, turning away from him, but Niall follows.

"Those types of people come and go, but I last forever." He replies, and Harry finds it astonishing how he doesn't hear how insane he sounds.

"You're the last person I would want to last forever." Harry says, scooting back from him until his back hits a wall.

"That's how you feel now, but when you give it time, you won't feel that way." He says, coming to the conclusion that he didn't give him any serious injuries.

Harry then starts to sob as their deaths finally hit him. Don't get him wrong he is so ever grateful that Zayn is still alive, but Liam's and Raven's death doesn't hurt any less. In fact, it hurts more when he remembers that Raven was pregnant. Three lives were cut ever so short. All because of him. This whole thing was his fault. If he had never made Niall his friend, they would be breathing right now. Maybe this is why God allowed him to be stuck. This is his own personal hell. His sobbing only seems to get harder from there. It feels as if he got shot as he holds his chest. How can he go on living with the people closest to him no longer on this earth? He starts to dry heave as everything starts to get too much. This sends Niall into alert as he springs into action.

"You're going to make yourself pass out from crying so hard. Please calm down." Niall says, trying to shush him, but that isn't any good.

"That's a lot better than being here with you." He tells him while squinting at him.

"Drink some water, please." Niall says, holding the cup of water in front of his face."Please stop crying. You're going to give yourself a headache."

"I don't want your fucking water!" He yells, smacking it out of his face with the water getting everywhere.

"It'll help you." Niall says, grateful that the cup wasn't made out of glass as he picked it up.

"Just please stay away from me." He cries out before scooting over to a corner and putting himself in a fetal position.

"I'll give you time to process and get over everything." Niall says, deciding to just let the water air dry as he leaves the room quietly.




^ That has nothing to do with the story, but Narry is reunited again, and it feels so good. I reunited something, something sorry I don't know the rest of the song. Anyway, we are so close to chapter 30. I don't know why I'm saying it like something interesting is going to happen. I don't know yet.

Bye, my One In A Million. :-D

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