Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

*Author P.O.V*

Harry wakes up the following morning with a pounding headache. He places his hands against his head in hopes that it will relieve some of it, but it does nothing. He groans lowly while slowly sitting up. The bright light in the room does nothing to help his headache either. What the fuck gave him such a painful headache? Did his friends have something to do with this? Did his family? Did Raven? He tried to recall last night but comes up empty-handed. To help himself, he searches his pockets for his wallet and phone but finds neither. Because of that, he starts to search the bedroom, realizing that he is in one. He hopes that he isn't in any trouble because he would have no way in talking himself out of it.

The room is very spacious and pretty. The bed he was laying on is queen sized with black fluffy pillows and sheets. There is a big brown fur covered rug in the middle of the room that feels so soft on his feet, now noticing that he doesn't have his shoes on. There were really nice paintings hanging around the room that looked like they cost more than his entire wardrobe. A few plants were scattered around the room too. A huge flat screen hangs across from the bed with a fireplace underneath. Whoever this place belonged to had to be swimming in money. Though he would love to sit here and really admire the room, he would rather figure out his situation first. For all he knows, he could be in danger.

He goes to the door and tries to open it but finds it locked. It confuses him because it doesn't have a lock on his side. Immediately, he knocks on the door in hopes that someone will let him out. While he waits for someone, he looks around the room for anything that he may have missed to help him in any way. Unkown to him, footsteps start to quickly make their way to him. The door starts to get unlocked, and he backs away with a bit of fright settling in his body. The feeling is quickly gone when he notices the friendly face that comes in. Niall closes the door with his eyes lightening up when he sees his Harry standing there. His eyes seem to only grow brighter when he receives a smile.

"Good morning." Niall greets while smoothly putting his keys back in his pocket.

"Niall? What happened last night and where are we?" He asks, noticing the tray in his hands.

"I made you your favorite breakfast." Niall says while sitting the tray down on the nightstand.

"Why aren't you answering my questions?" He asks, noticing that it exactly is his favorite breakfast food.

"I'll explain everything after you eat." Niall says, motioning to the tray with a smile.

"I would like an explanation right now." He tells him, making him roll his eyes.

"If you keep this up, you won't get one." Niall says, his smile falling immediately and his eyes turning cold.

"Why are you acting like that?" He asks, and Niall takes what Harry considers to be a dramatic deep breath, in.

"Just eat. You need your strength." Niall says, and Harry raises his hands in defense.

"Ok, ok." He replies, sensing that he is getting rather upset.

It was taking everything in Niall's power not to blow up on him. The last thing he wants is to get upset with him. After all, his temper is something very dangerous. In order for this to work in the long run, he has to rebuild his trust again and let him know that this is all for him. Though Harry may not be in his head or in his heart, he has complete control over him. No one has ever been able to make Niall feel like this before. Some of it was still new, and it made him more excited about it. He wanted Harry to have complete control over him because it proves just how much he cares for him. That's what true love is about, right? It has to be or else Niall wouldn't have a purpose.

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