Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*Niall P.O.V*

*2 Days Later*

Two days I have been watching my sweetheart Harry live his normal life I know almost every information on him but just a few but I know I'll get all of them. So far I know his favorite TV show, food, animal, superhero, music, artist, actor, month, number, holiday, author, color, video game, book, and movie I also know things about his family and about his girlfriend life. I know that it's not right to know all that stuff about them but I couldn't help it Harry's life just seems so sweet and perfect plus I want to have that with him.

He's my angel that has no flaws and he must be mine he can't belong to anybody else in this mean world that wants to hurt him I'll admit I want to hurt him but out of love. Like cover his body in my marks so every stupid human can see he's mine not theirs I must show my love for him but how the hell can I do that. Maybe I can buy his favorite animal or some flowers or jewelry or clothes I don't fucking know and it's driving me crazy right now because the gift must be perfect. If it's not then Harry wouldn't love it and he wouldn't say he loves me or showers me with kisses like he does that slut he calls a girlfriend.

*Author P.O.V*

Niall stood in the cold rain with his hands in his pocket with his head lean to the side looking at Harry get undressed who could feel eyes on him. He looked around the room but saw nobody making Niall smile knowing he was looking for him, he was out for a jog but some how he ended up in front of Harry's house with a camera in his hand taking pictures as he stood by the window. Harry just shrugged off the feeling as he sat on the couch watching TV as his pregnant girlfriend slept beside him with a smile on her face as he start to play with her hair.

Niall didn't mind the rain at all he didn't even know it was raining he was just so in to Harry right now he didn't notice some body trying to get his attention. But Niall finally notice when he felt a tap on his shoulder he jumped turning around pressing his back to the window seeing a guy with a hoodie on. Niall could only see his hazel eyes that was behind a pair of glasses the guy laughed then held out his hand Niall could see the smile on his face. Niall didn't know if he should trust this man who knows he could try and kidnap Niall and make him a sex slave or try to kill him.

"I don't bite." Niall liked his voice but it didn't sound better than Harry's voice Niall slowly shook the guy hand."I'm Zayn and we should get out this rain."

Niall eyes grew wide as Zayn walked to Harry's door opening it with a key and Niall knew he had to get that key from this Zayn guy. Niall would fuck Zayn but he already have his eyes set on Harry and plus Zayn is the enemy he might want Harry and that made Niall growl quietly as he followed Zayn in the house to see Harry was now sleep. Niall smiled at how cute he looked like a perfect god Zayn went upstairs and in a flash Niall stood in front of Harry just looking at him with love and lust in his eyes. If only he could get a quick kiss or a sniff or even a light touch he would be happy he leaned forward his nose touching Harry's, Niall could smell his strawberry breath.

"God your so beautiful, so pure." Niall said as he moved a piece of Harry's hair behind his ear and caressed his cheek before pecking Harry's lips softly."You soon will be mine."

Niall eyes trailed from Harry's face to his chest showing his tattoos and Niall wanted to trace each and every last one of them but he knew he'll get caught if he did. His eyes slowly went to Harry's boxers he could see the outline of his cock since it was tight boxers making Niall bite his bottom lip before looking up at Harry's face again. Harry eyes snapped open and he saw that the living room was dark with nobody inside as Niall shut the front door quietly looking back at the house. He put his hands in his pockets and walked away with a proud smile on his face that's his first time ever being by Harry almost naked.

But he has seen Harry naked a few times and he has the pictures to prove it also it'll be hard to find it because he took hundreds of pictures that are on his wall. Each and every one either have Harry eating, cooking, reading, watching TV, washing his hair, taking a shower, cleaning the house, dancing, or walking outside. They're all clear and perfect you can see every thing in the picture from head to toe Niall felt really proud of his self because at first he thought he sucked at taking pictures. Niall put his back to the front door after he came home that was his first kiss with Harry and he could feel fire running through his veins mainly his lips.

"God damn I have to do that again." Niall whispered to himself as he closed his eyes touching his lips softly."But right now I have to eat."

"Hey where did that guy go?" Zayn asked as he walked in to the living room putting his phone away and looked around the room.

"What guy?" Harry asked looking up at Zayn with a confused look on his face as Zayn pointed to the door looking at Harry.

"One of your friends was just in here but I think he left." Zayn said with a shrug as he sat down by Harry and put his feet on the coffee table then turned on the TV.

"Zayn, you and Liam are my only closest friends." Harry said and Zayn shrugged again not really caring any more as he turned to Awkward.

"What happen?" Raven asked as she sat up and looked at the both of them rubbing her eyes with a soft yawn.

"Nothing love go back to sleep." Harry said as he kissed her forehead and she shook her head putting a hand on her stomach getting off the couch.

"I'm going to take a shower." She said walking pass him waving at Zayn who nodded at her Harry grin as he watch her walk away.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a dad." Harry said leaning back and put his hands over his face with a laugh as he put his feet on the coffee table like Zayn.





If this seems short to you then I'm fucking sorry because it felt kinda long to me but it's okay because I updated even though I didn't have to and I don't know why I'm being such a dick right now I'm sorry.

Bye my cohorts.♥♥♥♡

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