Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

*Author P.O.V*

*Next Day*

"Harry, its time for breakfast." Niall said as he shook Harry's shoulder and kissed his face repeatedly."You have to get up before it gets cold."

"Five more minutes, Reaven." Harry said as he turned onto his side so his back was facing a very angry Niall.

Harry let out a scream as he was pulled out of bed landing on his stomach. He jumped when Niall sat his food down in front of him not so carefully making some pieces fall to the floor. He sat up and looked behind him to see Niall grab some roses and walk over to him. He flinched as Niall threw the pretty flowers at his head then smacked him on the back of his head. Harry made his way under the bed as Niall paced back and forth with his nostrils flaring. He tugged at his hair as he let out manly screams he just couldn't believe what just happened. He stopped pacing and stood in front of the bed glaring down at it as Harry shook in fear.

"I give you a nice meal and roses yet you have the nerve to call me that stupid bitch's name." Niall shouted then reached under the bed.

"It was a mistake!!!" Harry shouted as he slapped at Niall's arm that grabbed his ankle.

"I don't give a shit you shouldn't be thinking about her. You only need to think about me and give me your love and attention!!!" Niall shouted as he let go of Harry's wiggling ankle.

Niall grabbed onto Harry's arm and harshly tugged him from under it. Harry instantly latched his teeth onto Niall's shoulder making him yelp and stumble back. Niall ran forward until Harry's back came in contact with the cold, hard wall. He did it repeatedly until Harry let go and fell to the floor taking in quick breaths. Niall touched his shoulder glad that Harry didn't draw any blood. He was about to kick him but then he noticed the little bit of blood that was surrounding Harry. He looked at the wall and saw a nail sticking out which made his eyes grow wide. He dropped to his knees and turned Harry onto his stomach and looked at his back. Many small holes was leaking blood which made Niall gasp.

"I didn't know I swear." Niall said shaking his head at himself for being so reckless."I'm so fucking stupid."

"I don't want to die." Harry whispered which seem to quickly bring Niall out of his little trace.

"Harry I'm so sorry please stay with me." Niall said putting Harry's head in his lap and rubbing away the little bit of blood Harry spit out."I love you ok."

"Please." Harry said as he grabbed onto Niall's hands that was rubbing his cheeks softly.

"Don't worry my love." Niall said kissing Harry's forehead trying to hold back his tears.

"So much pain." Harry said wincing when he tried to move but instantly stopped at the unbearable pain.

"I just got you. Your not going to leave me this fast." Niall said and Harry held his breath as Niall started to actually cry."Please forgive me."

Harry was beyond shocked as the Irish man above him let tears run down his face. Niall sniffled a bit before standing up while picking up Harry and taking him over to the bathtub. He sat him down in it then took off his boxers before turning on the hot and cold water. Harry gripped onto the edge of the tub moaning in pain when the water came in contact with his back. He reached a hand out and grabbed onto Niall's hand which made Niall smile down at him. He didn't care who hand he was holding he just wanted human contact right now. Niall grabbed a wash towel and gently started to wash the blood away still sniffling. Harry closed his eyes after a while which made Niall drop the towel and tapped him.

"No stay awake." Niall said tapping Harry's cheek only to get no respond from the curly head male."Harry open your eyes for me."

Niall started to shake him roughly before letting him go. He got up then turned off the water and left the basement. He ran around the house searching for his first aid kit just as Harry opened his eyes. He glanced at the open door before his eyes closed again. Five minutes later Niall tripped into the room with his arms full of medical stuff. He sat everything on the bed before grabbing a dry towel and drying Harry off. He took him out the bathtub hearing Harry groan out in pain. Niall laid him on his stomach on the metal table then went over to get the things off the bed. He took his time as he cleaned each wound then bandaid Harry's back. Niall picked him up and took him over to the bed laying him down on his stomach softly.

"I won't ever lay a hand on you ever again." Niall said kissing Harry's head repeatedly."Get all the rest you need when you wake up you'll have a nice meal."

Niall kissed Harry's head one more time before putting the duvets on top of him. He bit his bottom lip hard as he played with his fingers with his heart beating like crazy. He picked up the plate of food and stored it away in the kitchen. He came back in the room and cleaned up whatever else he fucked up. A idea instantly came up in Niall's head as he looked at Harry's sleeping figure. He left the basement before going upstairs to get ready. Once he finally was, he headed to his car making sure he had enough money in his wallet. He drove away from the house and to Home Depo with a smile on his face. He was going to make Harry feel like he was really at home. He couldn't wait to see the happy face that Niall was going to give him.

"Your going to love it Harry I promise you." Niall said as he drummed his fingers against the steering wheel.



Awwww look at Niall breaking down at Harry bring hurt it hit me right in the feels. I hope you felt just as emotional as Niall in this chapter. I felt like I was torturing Harry too much so I decided to stop all that even though I love it. Just so you know there will be a time jump in the next chapter. Thought I'd give you a heads up so you won't be confused about everything. New stories out go take a look. My birthday is right now so bye.

Bye my mockingbirds.;-)

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