Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

*Author P.O.V*

*A Few Hours Later*

Harry sat on the couch watching some reality show. He was home alone since Niall had to run some earnings after their love making. Harry stuffed some popcorn in his mouth not hearing a car pull up by the house. He got off the couch and was about to go in the kitchen for a drink but a knock was on the door. Harry went to go answer it thinking that it was Niall but when he opened the door his eyes grew wide. The man in front of him held his phone in his hand but he dropped it once he looked at Harry. He pointed at him with his mouth hung open while he took a small step back. Harry could feel tears coming to his eyes seeing that the man had a car. He would finally be able to get out of this hellish place and live happily.

"Your the guy that went missing." The man said as he took a step forward only to have a plant's pot smashed on his head.

"Oh god." Harry said taking a few steps back seeing Niall standing over the whimpering man who was covering his bleeding head.

"No one will ever take him away from me." Niall said before slamming the door close then turned on the electric shock on the door as he looked at Harry."It's okay he won't hurt you my love."

"Please let him go. He did nothing wrong." Harry said causing Niall to glare at him while he grabbed the man's ankles.

Niall dragged the man to Harry's, the basement, bedroom. Harry followed after him trying to convince Niall to let the man live. He didn't want another death that he was the cause for. He covered his mouth when Niall threw the man into the room then slammed the door in Harry's face. Niall grabbed the man by the hair then dragged him over to the tub making sure he grabbed the tool bag from under Harry's bed. He tosses the man in the tub then opened the bag pulling out an axe. The man looked up at him with wide eyes feeling his heart beat quickly. He screamed out as Niall lifted the axe before bringing it down in his forearm. Harry flinched at the scream and covered his ears while Niall brought the axe down repeatedly on the man's head. He stopped once he could barely make out the man's head. Niall opened the door to see Harry sitting on the floor with red eyes.

"Why would you defend him?" Niall asked through clenched teeth which made Harry whimper."You must have called him here."

"I didn't call him here I swear!" Harry shouted as he moved back each time Niall took a step forward to him.

Harry got a quick glance inside his bedroom and gasped once he saw the man's body. He let out a scream when Niall grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up off the floor. He thought that he was going to get hurt so he did the most logically thing. He punched Niall in the face before he broke away from his grip and ran upstairs. He didn't make it far because Niall grabbed his leg and tugged on it hard making him fall on his stomach. He moaned out in pain as Niall grabbed his hair before slamming his forehead to the floor. Harry instantly blacked out which made Niall let out a sigh. He put Harry on his shoulder then headed down to the basement trying to think of a punishment. A smirk came up on his face when he thought of one that was perfect. He took off Harry's clothes until he was only in his boxers. He sat Harry down in the blood filled tub that had some body parts floating around.

Niall handcuffed Harry's wrists to the rail of the tub before he left the room to make dinner. He was happily chopping up vegetables when he heard a horrified scream from his love. He sat down the knife before going to the basement to see Harry thrashing around in the tub. He wouldn't stop screaming as he looked at his blood covered body. When he saw a piece of brain float onto his stomach, he turned his head and vomited. Niall shook his head with a tsk which made Harry look over at the doorway and cry out for him. He could feel other body parts brush against him which made him cry harder. Niall walked over to him then crouched down by the tub not saying a word. He just looked as Harry's hands started to violently shake causing the cuffs to rattle against the tub.

"This is your punishment until dinner is ready which will be in another hour." Niall said before grabbing Harry's head and pushed it under the blood then lifted him back up making him spit out blood.

"Please, don't leave me like this. I'm sorry for hitting you and taking the man's side. I love you so much and I'll never run away from you again." Harry rambled out quickly.

"Clean this mess." Niall said as he uncuffed Harry and left the room to finish his cooking.

Harry crawled out the tub and laid on his side coughing. He stayed their for a good ten minutes crying his eyes out before he finally got up. He closed his eyes and reached his hand in the tub to pull out the plug to let the blood drain out. He really just wanted a shower and forget everything that just happened to him. He went to go get a big garbage bag then came back in the room. He laid it out on the floor then tugged the guy in it then closed the bag making sure he put the other body parts inside. He didn't know what to do about the bag so he left it by the door. Once he cleaned out the tub and his vomit, he took a long bath making sure he got every part of his body clean. He heard a few dishes being put away and that's when he decided to get out. He got himself dressed in some sweatpants and a loose white shirt. Just as he finished, Niall walked in the room carrying two plates.

"We're moving to Florida." Niall said with a smile on his face while Harry nearly choked on his saliva.

"What why?" Harry asked as he sat down on the bed. He knew if they left then he wouldn't have a chance at all to be found and go through with his plan.

"Well we're classified as missing and people are checking everywhere for us." Niall said as he sat down on the bed and handed Harry his plate off food.



That picture at the top though is life like just stare at it for a bit and you'll feel your body tingle. Anyway Niall has killed another and punished Harry at the same time because I got bored. I promise that's the last time Niall will touture/punish Harry. That doesn't mean other things won't come his way. I promise I'll finish this story this month even if it kills me no ifs ands or buts about it.

Bye my Part Of Me.:-)

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