Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

*Author P.O.V*

"Harry, it's been two days. You have to eat something." Niall says, standing next to Harry's bed.

"Go away." He tells him, holding the blanket tighter over his entire body.

"You know I can't do that until you eat something." Niall says, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"Go away." He replies, and Niall hates how weak his voice sounds.

"Eat first." Niall says, feeling like a parent talking to their rebellious teenager.

"Go away." He tells him, probably for the hundredth time.

"You're not going to die from starvation on my watch." Niall says before yanking the blankets off, causing Harry to turn his back to him.

Niall has been doing this exact routine with him for two days now. Every time he comes to give him food, Harry won't eat it. He would beg him over and over but would continue to get the same reply. He thinks he hasn't moved from the bed either in those two days. He's finally had enough of it. He turns him back over with much ease, but his jaw is met with a fist. The contact is so unexpected that he stumbles back. It's his turn to keep his back turned to Harry as he rubs his stinging jaw. Blue eyes stare intensely into the floor as he tries to calm himself down. He won't win his lover over by abusing him. With that in mind, he turns to face him again. To say he was surprised when he turned back around would be an understatement.

Harry is sat up with the blanket clutched to his chest. What's surprising is the absolute fear swirling around in those green eyes. It looked as if he was ready for him to attack him. Niall is practically frozen in his spot because of it. He wanted to scream so loud right now, but he didn't want to scare him any further. This just proves that he failed to get Harry to feel only positive emotions with him. He can't even move towards him because he knows that he is going to drive him into fight or flight mode. What the actual fuck was he suppose to do then? This is torture for him.

"I wouldn't ever lay a hand on you ever again, so you don't have to fear me." He says, and Harry has to stop himself from calling him a psychopath again out loud.

"You're a murderer." Harry replies, some of his fear calming down as he loosens his grip on the blanket.

"For you." He says, genuinely wondering why it is taking him so long to warm up to him.

"That doesn't make a difference." Harry tells him, his anger swapping out with his fear with the quickness.

"But it does. My intent is to never hurt you." Niall says, forgetting about the food that is slowly getting cold.

"You've already hurt me physically, mentally, and emotionally." He replies, holding back his tears so he won't give him anymore satisfaction.

"I've only done it once." Niall says, trying to recall any other time but is coming up empty-handed.

"You've hurt my friends, ruined my relationship, held me hostage, and raped me." He tells him, dropping the blanket.

"I did not rape you." Niall rebuttals, and Harry is astounded at how that's the only thing he's thinking about.

"Yes, you did! I would never sleep with you, especially when I was in a happy relationship!" He shouts, wishing he could walk away from this conversation, but he knows that Niall won't let him.

"If it was rape, you would have been screaming at the top of your lungs and begging me to stop, but you didn't." Niall says, feeling quite prideful.

"Are you saying I asked for it?" He questions, suddenly understanding how every rape victim must feel.

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