Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

*Author's P.O.V*

There's no way that he's been kidnapped. It has to be some sick prank that has gone way too far. At any given minute, everyone he knows is going to pop out and laugh in his face. Afterward, he's going to give them all an ear full and then go on about their lives like before. Well, that's what Harry told himself for the past two days he's been trapped in this room. Three days if he includes when he woke up here. Deep down, he knew the horrible truth. He tried to plan his escape several times but realized he didn't have the information he needed to go through with it. It didn't help that Niall always knew when to come into the room. Every morning, afternoon, and night, he would find a tray of food sitting on the bed every time he woke up or came from the bathroom.

A part of him wasn't too upset about his living conditions, seeing as the room had a bathroom attached to it. The bathroom was pretty nice as well. All of the money must have gone into the bedroom. Then again, he hasn't really explored the house, but from what he remembered, there were two other doors in the hallway that were closed. Suddenly, he hears the door start to unlock, and he gets up from the bed. Niall enters the room with a tray of food in his hands again. No doubt, it's probably another of his favorites. The smile Niall is supporting slowly goes away because of what he's greeted with. A surprise look appears in his eyes when he sees green eyes glaring at him. That doesn't shake away the fuzzy feeling inside of him, though.

"I see you're up earlier th-" He goes to say but drops the tray that chatters loudly against the floor to catch Harry's flying fist.

"Stop acting like this is normal." Harry states as Niall sighs at his hard work going to waste on the floor.

"This feels pretty normal, so why wouldn't I act that way." He says both of them, trying to avoid stepping on the food.

"It isn't!" Harry shouts, quickly losing steam from his jerky movements.

"I would appreciate it if you don't try to attack me." He says, taking a step back when Harry goes to knee him in the crotch while still holding his hands.

"I have every right seeing as how you've kidnapped me." Harry tells him, going to bite him next, but Niall moves his face out of the way.

"I wouldn't say kidnapped." He says before forcing their hands to interwine.

"Then what the fuck do you call this huh?" Harry asks, yanking his hands out of his grip.

"Giving you the lifestyle you deserve." He answers, moving to touch him again, but it is Harry's turn to move away from him.

"You're sick in the head." Harry says, pointing to his own head to emphasize his point.

"Let's not say things we'll regret." He replies, and Harry, let's out a fake laugh.

"I won't regret it because it's true. You won't possibly get away with this." Harry says, motioning to the room with his hands.

"I will because just like you, everyone else always underestimated me." He responds, and Harry's face goes completely blank."I am willing to do just about anything for the person I love."

That's all Harry needed to hear to truly understand all of this. Every word, look, and action they shared starts to connect inside his head. On one end, it was all out of being kind and wanting a friendship, and on the other end, it was about an obsession and being desperate for a relationship. In that moment, his mind was battling between being absolutely disgusted or angry by this. Why couldn't he have seen the signs earlier? He wouldn't have allowed this creep into his life if this was going to be the result of it. Then again, he wants to believe that the older male just has a mental illness that's making him behave this way. If he goes that route, then there is still a chance he can talk him into seeing how wrong this is and let him go. Then, once he's out, he's going straight to the police and hopefully, they get him committed to an asylum.

"Love? This isn't fucking love. This is a nightmare. A prison. A punishment." He tells him, pointing to the barred windows.

"That's because your mind doesn't want to accept it. If you stop being so stubborn, this could go a lot easier." Niall responds, and Harry nods his because yes, that's exactly what the issue is, him.

"No, it's because my mind knows that I can never love you. You have to get over that." He says gently as to not hurt his feelings even though he really shouldn't give a fuck right now.

"Then why have sex with me? You only have sex with the person you love." Niall replies, and Harry lets out a growl of frustration.

"I was clearly going through something that made me act out of character. Was it right? No. Do I regret it? Yes. Will it ever happen again? Absolutely not. It's as simple as that." He says, getting the urge to hit something.

"You're just trying to hurt my feelings, and that clearly won't work." Niall replies and fuck does this feel like talking to a teenager.

"Niall, you have to see what you're doing isn't right at all." He says, and Niall laughs because how could it be when it feels so right.

"You're just saying that because that good for nothing bitch corrupted you from what you truly needed." Niall tells him, hating he even had to bring her up.

"She has nothing to do with this." He states, and it takes one blink for Niall's entire personality to change drastically.

"She has everything to do with this!" Niall yells suddenly, his face turning red with bits of spit flying out of his mouth.

"Then pleas-" He goes to say but Niall's anger cuts him off.

"She kept you away from me. Away from all the experiences I wanted to share with you. She gave you absolutely nothing in that relationship. All she did was take take take and take some more then have the fucking nerve to rub it in my face. I sacrificed so much for you, and I don't even want a thank for it because I'm a bigger and better person than her." Niall explains before his jaw tightens and he clenches his fists.

"You weren't even there in our relationship to really know what went on. You're just going based on your wrapped reality of us." He tells him, and Niall rubs his eyebrow slowly.

"I've been there. I've seen you both at your lowest and at your supposedly highest, so don't tell me what I do and don't know." Niall rebuttals, deep down finding it sweet that they having their first real fight as a couple.

"How could you -" He goes to speak, but Niall doesn't want him to say any more stupid stuff.

"Is it that hard for you to understand that I've been stalking you. It's just a little over a year now." Niall informs him, narrowing his eyes.

"But I've never seen you before we met, and we met like five months ago." He says, and Niall shakes his head because he really decided to love an idiot.

"That's the point of stalking. It is to not be seen." Niall replies with a "duh" look on his face.

Harry just stands there with his face, trying to find an expression for this new piece of information. This entire time, he has been stalked. Not once did he ever feel a pair of eyes on him or felt the presence of someone near him when they shouldn't be. Because of this thought, he starts to figure that he is lying just to frighten him. He's never received any strange gifts or notes from him. He's never felt a sense of fear, which most victims feel, from being stalked until this very moment. So this whole time, pictures, videos, and other random stuff he didn't know about were taken of him. How far did this stalking go? Were his family and friends stalked, too? Are they in just as much danger as he is right now?



Well, it looks like Louis finally got away, and Zayn still remembers what happened. What will Niall do about both situations? Well, I'm not going to tell you you'll just have to wait for another chapter to find out. I feel like this story is losing its zing. If it's this, then please tell me so I can give it it's zing back.

Bye, my Sky Full of Stars.;-)

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