Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

*Author P.O.V*

Harry opened his eyes and slowly turned his head to look at a sleeping Niall. He slowly unwrapped Niall's arms from his waist then quietly got out of bed. He left the room and went to the bathroom making sure he didn't make a single sound. Once he entered the bathroom, he closed the door making sure to lock it. He went to the sink and reached above the mirror. He grabbed a piece of paper and started to unfold it quietly. He looked over his sloppy hand writing and smiled seeing the familiar number on it. He removed the mirror out the wall and grabbed the old flip phone. He remembers randomly finding it still charged in the guest bedroom upstairs. He turned it on and quickly pressed in Zayn's number only to groan realizing it didn't have service. He put the phone back then the mirror before heading out the bathroom on his tippy toes. He went around the house searching for the dead man's phone. It took him awhile but he finally found it in the floorboard in another room. He went back to the bathroom and locked the door since it was the only safe place.

"Hello." Harry whispered once he tapped in Zayn's number having it pick up on the first ring.

"Harry?" Zayn said wondering where the hell Harry was and why he was calling from a random phone number.

"Thank fucking god you answered. Niall kidnapped me and took me to some farm out in the middle of nowhere. He killed people and tortured me. Please tell the police because Niall is planning on moving us to Florida." Harry said as tears ran down his face quickly finally letting everything out.

Harry stood completely still hearing the floorboards creak loudly. He ended the call and put the phone in with wall with the other one. A knock was heard on the door making his breath hitch in his throat. The phone started to vibrate which made Harry's eyes grow wide. He fumbled around as he put the phone on silent then put it back. He took in a deep breath before unlocking the door and opening it. Niall stood there in his boxers with one of his fists rubbing his tired eyes. He let out a yawn as Harry turned off the bathroom light and walked out of it. His hands were sweating like crazy as he walked back to the room with Niall. He felt like Niall was going to beat him to death because he heard the vibrating phone. Harry sat on the bed when he came back in the room with the moon shining light on his feet. Niall sat down next to him and rubbed his back feeling Harry tense up. He kissed the side of Harry's head gently.

"You know if there is anything wrong you can tell me and I'll fix it." Niall said and Harry nodded while keeping his eyes on his thighs."Do you need anything before we head back to bed?"

"I'm fine." Harry said before laying down with Niall following right after wrapping his arms around Harry's waist again.

Harry woke up to the sound of something hitting the floor causing him to sit up quickly. He rubbed his eyes and saw Niall picking up clothes out the fallen suitcase. He folded them then sat them down on the dresser then doing the rest like them. He picked up the suitcase and sat it down in the chair. Harry felt like he was going to vomit feeling that the police wasn't going to get here in time. He rubbed his forehead feeling dizzy as he stood up. He stumbled out the room which caught Niall's attention quick. Niall ran over and caught Harry just as his knees have out and he fell. Niall carried Harry back to the room and laid him down on the bed gently. He felt Harry's forehead and frowned feeling that his forehead was burning up. Niall went to go wet a cloth then came back and sat the cloth on Harry's forehead. He left the room again to get something that Harry could snack on. He came back with a gram crackers and a water bottle. He sat down on the edge of the bed and fed him slowly.

"I think your coming down with a fever love." Niall said as he used his free hand to stroke Harry's cheek.

"No, I just feel a little bit too hot. I'm fine." Harry said while sitting up and slowly removing Niall's hand from his face."I just need some fresh air."

"Okay, I'll open the window a bit. You don't have to help pack up just rest for a bit." Niall said and patted Harry's knee.

Harry nodded then rubbed at his temples. He knew that he would have to start his plan as soon as possible. He didn't want his plan to go wrong at all he needed everything to be set perfectly. He rubbed his sweaty hands on his knees as Niall went to open the door a little bit. Harry really hoped that Zayn called the police and told them everything. Niall went out the room and into the living room trying to see could he find a nice movie for Harry to watch while he packed. He came across the news channel and he lifted an eyebrow seeing Liam, Louis, and Reaven on it. He turned up the volume and his anger started to rise quickly. His nostrils started to flare and his face grew red as he made his hands into fists. He felt like screaming his lungs out seeing his face and Harry's face come up on the screen.

"Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, and Reaven Lopez were found murdered which witness Zayn Malik says were caused by Niall Horan who he also said took Harry Styles. Officers discovered a room dedicated to Harry in the home of Horan. Zayn also says he was called last night by Harry and told he was indeed kidnapped by-" The Tv didn't get a chance to finish as it was smashed against the floor repeatedly causing Harry to know that it was definitely time to go through his plan.



Does Niall know about the vibrating phone? Will Zayn call the police? Can the police save Harry in time? Will I ever stop asking questions? Yes. In the next chapter is when things get real interesting. You'll see what plan Harry had and how Niall will react to it. I would end this story with nothing being answered and have you guys picking what you think happened but I'll save that for another story.

Bye my Like I Would.😂😈

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