Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

*Author P.O.V*

It's ten at night when Niall finds himself outside of Liam's apartment. It took him a while to find it, but he did. The only reason that he was here was because he saw what Liam had been saying behind his back. The guy has been talking to another friend about how weird he is and how he's thinking about telling Harry not to hang around him that much anymore. It caused him to break a few plates in his kitchen when he found out. The only reason he even found out about this is because he got someone to tap into all of Harry's and Raven's close friends and family phones. That got that he did because now he can put a stop to all of it. How could he even say that about him when he didn't even get to know him? He's not weird at all. In fact, he's far from it.

The moment he left his apartment, he had a strong need to kill. He's never done it before, but he's sure that he won't hesitate. He doesn't know how he'll do it, but he knows that he wants him to suffer. This is a do or die moment since his relationship with Harry is at a great risk right now. He rings the doorbell and then tries to tone down his aura of bloodshed. Once Liam opens the door, he imagines himself rushing him, then beating him to death. Then again, he probably wouldn't be able to since Liam is a pretty big dude. He wouldn't be surprised if he knew how to fight too. Instead, he puts on a friendly smile.

"Hi. It's Liam, right?" He asks, hoping his lawyer training doesn't pick up on his intentions too quickly.

"Can I help you with something?" Liam asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Is Harry here? I got a text that he was and to drop off my gift here." He answers, pointing to a random car behind him.

"He isn't. I'll take the gift and give it to him, though." Liam says, holding his hand out for the gift.

"Are you sure because I don't mind waiting inside for him?" He tells him, pointing into his house, and Liam uses his body to block the inside.

"I'm sure. Also, I wasn't notified of him being at my place." Liam says, his suspension rising every second.

"I can show you the proof if you'd like. I'm sure that he just forgot to tell you." He says with a fake laugh.

"Let me go check if he's supposed to be here and if you are." Liam says, closing the door to go retrieve his phone, but he is stopped.

"I think I smell something burning in your house." He lies and watches a horrified look appear on his face.

"Shit, my food! Just sit your gift in the living room and shut the door on your way out!" Liam yells while rushing back to his kitchen.

"Alright, I can do that." He says then closes the door before locking it.

He stands there for a bit to give the sense that he left. He wants him to feel completely safe so his guard can drop. While he does, he looks around his place and sees just how family oriented he is. He enters the kitchen quietly and observes it as quickly as he can. It's a good thing that Liam's back is to him as he cooks. Luck seems to be on his side as he spots a knife rack a few inches away from his reach. Smoothly, he grabs the biggest one and approaches him menacingly. For a brief second, the knife reflects his face, and he can see just how determined he is. It is truly a disturbing sight seeing such a soft face being contorted to something so evil. When he is close enough, he grabs him by the shoulder, causing him to jump. It is too late for Liam to react in time as the knife is brought up.

"You deserve this." Niall says before slicing him across the neck quickly.

"Y.....o. so..m..on....h..lp." He tries to get out while looking for something to cover his leaking cut.

"Did you really think you could get away with calling me a freak?" Niall asks as Liam turns towards him with wide eyes.

"I.....d.....d." He attempts again, but there is too much blood filling his mouth as he covers his cut with his hands.

"How dare you try and keep me away from Harry. You're just jealous that you don't have what we have." Niall says, pointing the knife to him.

"Pl..e.....a.. I..." He tries, going to leave the kitchen to find help, but the back of his shirt is grabbed tightly.

"Ah ah ah. I don't want you making a mess anywhere else. I have to clean up after you, after all." Niall says then shoves him on his back on the floor.

"N..o...." He gets out while trying to use one hand to push Niall off as he straddles him.

"You could have lived such a long and happy life if you would have just kept your mouth shut. Now you get to lay here and bleed out without ever getting the chance to express your last words or see the people you care about the most." Niall says, shoving his hand out the way with a laugh.

"I-" He tries but starts to choke on his blood, causing some to splatter on his face.

"How does it feel to know that your gut feeling was right, but you acted on it way too late? How does it feel knowing that I won? How does it feel feeling your life painfully slip away from you? It probably doesn't feel too good." Niall says, faking a look of pain.

Liam's panicked brown eyes stop moving as he stops breathing. His hands slowly slide off his cut as his blood stops leaking. The last thought to enter his mind was the ultimate fear of not wanting to die. Niall lets out a loud cheer while fist pumping when he realizes that he's dead. There isn't a single bit of guilt or regret that enters him from killing one of Harry's best friends. If anything, he has the opportunity now to replace him as a best friend. Then again, he already sees himself as that. He sits back a bit before he just starts to stare at him. His eyes do nothing but study his face. They study the way he slowly starts to lose color in his face, how the pained expression is still on his face, and how dilated his pupils are. This is his first time seeing what death looks like in person.

He starts to wonder if Liam's soul will be stuck like this. What if Liam's soul is here now, screaming at him in anger or sadness. Maybe he's crying his eyes out while trying to process everything. Is he fighting to get back inside his body? Maybe he has no clue what happened to him and is happily spending time with deceased family members. Then another thought starts to enter his head. What will he look like when he dies? What would his last thoughts be about? Would someone be the cause of his death? Will he die alone? Will the people he hurt souls be waiting to torment him? As much as these questions should frighten him, they don't. Well, that's enough of that.

Niall sighs before going to grab some sheets. He comes back to Liam's body and then starts to wrap him inside of it. It's a bit difficult seeing as Liam was heavy as fuck and he wasn't the strongest. He lets out a groan before he starts to get the cleaning supplies. Once he gets everything and his body is properly protected, he gets to work. By the time he's finished, his hands feel very cramped, and his forearms burn. Man, he has to start working out. Dragging Liam's body out of his apartment is even a bigger pain in the ass. Luckily enough, he lives on the first floor, so getting him out the backdoor and to the alley was somewhat smooth. He opens the trunk to his car and then picks him up to place him inside. When he's done, he gets in his car and then goes to dispose of it at his secret hiding spot. During the ride there a smile never leaves his face as he blasts music.




Looks like Niall gave himself away. I wondered how that's going to play out for him. I wondered what's going to happen in the next chapter, but I probably already know what's going to happen because maybe I have written chapters 11, 12, and 13. I'm just saying.

By my Million Dollar Bills.:O

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