Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

*Author P.O.V*

*Next Day*

Harry sat up in bed rubbing his temples as he looked around the sunny room seeing his clothes on the floor. He lifted up the duvets that was on him to see he was naked making his eyes grow wide. He shook his head knowing he couldn't have cheated on Reaven. He loves her way to much to do that well that's what he thinks right now as he got out of bed. He let out a loud scream as pain ran up his back and bum he quickly sat down. Harry looked around the room to see can he find anything that will help him find out what happened last night but he got nothing.

He slowly got out the comfortable bed and went to his clothes putting them on with a pained expression on his face. Niall came in the room drinking a cup of coffee with a smile on his lips as he looked at Harry's bum. Harry let out a gasp once he saw Niall standing by the door with nothing on but some black briefs. Harry looked at the scratches across Niall's biceps and a few bite marks on his shoulders. Once Niall close the curtains Harry cringed seeing the deep and long scratch marks down his back. Harry shook his head running his fingers through his hair as he finally thought about every thing.

"No we couldn't have had sex I love Reaven I wouldn't dare do that to her knowing she's pregnant." Harry said as he went to door.

"We didn't have sex you said you wasn't feeling good so I took you here to let you rest next thing I know you were naked sleeping on my bed." Niall said with a shrug as he sat on his bed.

"Oh, I'm sorry for saying that its just it looked like we had sex and I was just really worried for a minute." Harry said as he scratched the back of his head looking at the floor as Niall nodded."What happened to you then?"

"Oh I got attacked by a green eyed cat." Niall said with a smile trying not to laugh knowing that was a complete lie. Harry nodded before telling Niall he was heading home since he felt well again. Harry closed the front door and saw seven sticky notes he pulled them off and read them.

Please keep down the noise you scared my daughter.

Yeah I'm totally fine listening to those loud ass screams.

Looks like some one got a screamer last night hope you had fun.

I didn't know your name at first but now I do.

What are you doing in there, killing someone?

Thank you for helping me get laid I owe you big time.

Harry didn't read the last one note knowing it was going to be sexual he looked at Niall house before leaving dropping the sticky note. He just thought that maybe Niall decided to scream when the cat attached him. He pushed the thought of them having sex to the back of his mind as he walked down the street. He was surprised that he made it home less than five minutes a look of confusion came on his face seeing Zayn's car in the driveway. Harry walked in the house his heart stopping as he heard Reaven loud sobs. He ran upstairs and in the bedroom to see Liam holding Reaven as she cried into his chest.

"Reaven what happened?" Harry asked going over to her and pulling her into his chest and she sobbed harder clinging onto him.

"Where have you been I thought something bad happened to you Harry!!!" Reaven shouted as she looked up at Harry who kissed her lips over and over.

"No babe, I was staying at a friend's place because I felt a little ill I'm sorry for not calling you." Harry said running his fingers through Reaven's hair who wiped her eyes."I'm alright nothing to worry about don't stress yourself out so much love you don't want to hurt our little girl."

Zayn came into the room with a cup of water and aspirin handing them to Reaven who smiled at him before taking the pill. Right as Reaven finish the water she noticed a love bite right under Harry's jaw. She instantly started to cry again taking a step away from Harry who pouted at her. He didn't know why she just randomly started crying again he figured that it was her hormones acting up. Harry reached out for her hand but she pulled it back shaking her head before crying into Liam's chest again. Harry was really confused right now as he tried to figure out why Reaven was crying again.

"You cheated on me." Reaven said right before Harry could ask her what was wrong his eyes grew wide as he looked at Reaven."I saw a love bite under your jaw."

"Reaven I would never cheat on you I love you way too much to do that your the only girl I want to be with I honestly don't know how that love bite got under my jaw but I'm sure it wasn't from its having sex with anyone." Harry said rubbing Reaven's back who sniffled before hugging Harry again."I promise you love."

"I believe you." Reaven said as Liam and Zayn left the room and out the house leaving the couple alone.

Liam was about to get in the passenger seat but he saw some thing go behind the house making him look at Zayn who was smoking a cigarette in the car. Liam shut the car door before following after whatever he saw in go behind the house. Once he made it behind the house he saw nothing but trees and bushes making him scratch the back of his head. Right before Liam turned around he was hit in the face with a shovel making him fall to the ground holding his bleeding nose. Niall laughed as he stood in front of Liam with a ski mask covering his face.

"Sorry but I need your keys." Niall said before hitting Liam in the face again knocking him out Niall took all of Liam's keys before running away dropping the shovel.





Harry is so stupid but that's what makes him adorable as hell I really love those sticky notes. I hope you enjoyed them more than I did it literally took me like five minutes to come up with those its not easy as you think.

Bye my Diana's.♥

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