Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

*Author P.O.V*

It is ten in the morning as Niall and Harry take the elevator up to the floor that Zayn is roomed in. Ever since Harry had woken up, he has been on edge. He had to piss every twenty minutes, and he felt like he had to vomit every ten minutes. It had killed his appetite, but Niall had made him a chicken salad so he could have something in his stomach. They get off the elevator, and Harry immediately freezes when he realizes that his best friend's room is right in front of him. Though he knows that his friend's injuries aren't too serve, he couldn't help but imagine it so much worse. What if he has a missing limb? What if a certain percentage of his skin is gone? What if he looks completely different because of his injuries? Niall only notices his hesitation when his arm is slightly jerked back.

"I changed my mind. I can't do it." Harry whispers to him with his eyes flickering to his briefly.

"You've come too far to give up now. He's just a few feet away." He says, motioning to the room.

"I know, but what if -" Harry goes to say, but he is cut off with a hand gently resting on his cheek.

"There are no what ifs." He says, pulling him close with his free hand when a nurse with a wheelchair tries to get past them.

"You're right." Harry responds, oblivious to how close they are, while Niall is trying not to get carried away with it

"This is going to help you feel better for a while so you can forget about the shitty things that's happened to you." He says, and Harry reminds himself to get him a gift later.

"I don't think I would have seen him this soon if it wasn't for you." Harry tells him, and it's quite hilarious how oblivious he is to body language and voice tones.

"That's what I'm here for." He says, and he really starts to consider becoming an actor because his performance today is outstanding.

If only he could get a glimpse of how Niall is truly feeling, he would be devastated. The Irish lad hates that he has to keep saying encouraging words for him to see Zayn. If he truly had it his way, he would not allow him to see him. Why would he allow him to see someone who doesn't even compare to his level? He doesn't even scratch the surface. It's quite disrespectful and embarrassing. Then again, he would probably lose his mind if he were to be friends with someone who is on his level. Seeing him is such a waste of time that they could be spending doing something much more productive. He hopes that this visit will be a one and done type of thing. With that in mind, he reaches his hand out for him to take. He smiles at him when he grabs it.

They walk in the room holding hands, with Harry's grip getting tighter when his eyes lay upon his best friend. It took him a while for his body to tell him that he could actually breathe now. Zayn didn't look bad at all. His skin looked as if he had just taken a bath with his hair neatly styled. Even in a hospital bed, he still looks like a model. He was neatly tucked into his bed with some of his cuts and gashes appearing to be fading away. His heart monitor beeped at a normal pace. Overall, he looked peaceful. That's all he could have asked for, honestly. He's so focused on him that he doesn't realize that his mother is also in the room. A smile grows across her face, and she gets up to come hug him tightly.

"Hi Trisha." He says as Niall makes a mental note to do some research about her later.

"Hi Harry. I know Zayn is so glad to finally have you here." She replies, and he immediately starts to feel bad for her.

"Sorry that it took me so long to finally come around. I've been working up the courage." He responds as he notices the fading red in her eyes and her swollen eye bags.

"I promise. It's fine. His sisters are still scared to see him like this." She says as Niall hides his face discretely so she won't be able to point him out if the time ever comes.

"But I didn't even send any flowers or cards." He states while pointing to the cluster of said items near the bed.

"As long as you came, that's all that matters." She reassures him, though he makes a note to get some flowers and a card for next time.

"Thank you so much for the reassurance." He replies as she starts to walk towards the door.

"Anytime, sweetie. I'll let you two have some alone time with him." She says, and Niall is ever so grateful that she really didn't acknowledge him.

Niall goes to sit in the chair furthest from the bed while Harry takes a seat next to his best friend. He immediately started to plot on how he could get away with killing Zayn in here without getting caught. He would prefer if he could get it done today. That's the whole reason why he kept convincing Harry to see him. Most people, who are insane like him, would tell him to just move on since the coma is basically doing his job for him. That's not how he operates, though. Once he starts something, he will always finish it. Zayn Malik will die by his hands one way or another. He regrets not tboning him into a fucking lake or river. He leans back into the chair with an intense look on his face and spreads his legs as he watches his lover.

"Hi Zayn. I don't know if you can hear me, but I want you to know that I'm praying for you every night." Harry tells him as his hand reaches up to rest it on top of his still one."God, I'm already tearing up."

"It's alright. Just let it all out." Niall says, though he wants him to not touch him or even be crying over him.

"Whenever you do wake up, please don't beat me up, okay?" He asks, trying to make himself laugh, but it only makes him actually start to cry.

"I won't let him." Niall whispers to himself as his eyes scan the room for cameras or a hidden mic.

"The faster you wake up, the faster you can go back to hanging out with your best pals, being an awesome big brother, and flirting with countless women." He says while Niall starts to wish he would have brought some headphones to drown this out.

For the next thirty-five minutes, Harry just sits next to Zayn while talking to him about random stuff. He cried about five times during it with no comfort from the blue-eyed male. The reason is that Niall didn't think that Zayn deserved his tears. He got into a car accident, so what? People get into worse situations than him. If he wasn't so in control of his emotions, he would bend Harry over his body and fucked him into his legs gave out to really show how unimportant his situation is. The world should really thank him for not ever acting on his first instinct.

"Please wake up soon. I'm going through so much right now, and I would love for my best mate to be by my side while I go through it." He says, then leaning forward to kiss his head gently.

"I think it's time for us to go now." Niall states a bit too quickly as he gets out of his seat.

"See you soon." He says to Zayn and gets up to leave, already feeling a new wave of tears surfacing.

"For the road." Niall says while grabbing the box of tissues on the table before wrapping his arm around Harry's waist as they leave.




Guys Animals, Daddy's Slut, and Talking Body was put in the 2015 summer Bromance awards I'm so fucking happy. I really hope I win but the only way that will happen is if you guys vote when the awards start. But anyway I can't wait for Teen Wolf to start back enough though I missed the last season but it's whatever I'll watch it at some point.

Bye my creepy motherfuckers.☆

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