Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

*Author P.O.V*

When it's nine at night, Niall gets in his car and starts to drive. While driving, he turns on some music and pulls up the tracking device monitor on his phone. He had placed the tracking device on Zayn's car when he found out where he works. His phone starts to ring, and he sighs when he sees that it's his father. This is possibly the worst time that this could happen. It's almost like the universe is trying to stop him from killing Zayn. That isn't going to stop him, though. If he doesn't kill Zayn, then it may come back and bite him in the ass. What if Zayn figures out what he did to Liam? What if he figures that he's planning on breaking up Raven and Harry? What if he finds out that he's bat shit crazy? Everything would have been for nothing. With that, he answers the call and then puts him on speaker.

"Hi dad, what can I do for you?" Niall asks while turning down his music.

"Are you free to talk right now?" He asks, and if only he could see him right now.

"Of course, what's up?" Niall asks, his voice sounding a little too chipper, but he's sure his father isn't going to notice.

"Nothing much. Just wanted to check in on you because you don't call me and your mother as much anymore." He says, loving that Zayn is picking roads that usually don't have many cars on it.

"Oh. I figured since nothing exciting was happening in my life, I wouldn't bore you guys with the everyday stuff that happens." Niall lies, trying not to lose it at the idiots he drives by.

"You could never bore us, son." He reassures him, and Niall has to laugh because of him taking him so literal.

"I know, I'm the most exciting thing in you guys' lives." Niall says, causing his father to laugh loudly.

"I forgot how funny you are. Then again, you most likely got it from me." He replies, and Niall knows he's probably got a smug smile on his face.

"Pretty sure I developed it on my own." Niall says before beeping his horn and flipping someone off.

"I'll let you believe that." His dad responds with a silence filling the air for a few seconds."You sure nothing is going on with you that we should know about?"

"Yes, you don't believe me?" Niall asks, starting to play back everything he's said and done that may have convinced him otherwise.

"Of course I believe you. I just have to double-check. Your mother and I have been reading about suicide in young adults since it's becoming so frequent with your generation." His dad explains, and his son holds in his laugh.

"Well, I promise I don't have depression and if I did, I will seek therapy." Niall says, hoping that's enough for his parents to leave him be for a while.

"That's good, I'll let you get back to whatever it is you were doing then." He tells him and Niall mouths a thank you."Love you, son."

"Ok, love you." Niall says before ending the call just as he spots the car he's been looking for up ahead.

He starts to speed up his car when he sees the perfect ditch to knock him in to. Once he's close enough, he knocks on the front right side of his car into his back left side. The force is enough to cause his car to shift to the right. Since Zayn wasn't expecting it, he panics and tries to correct his car, but he plays right into Niall's hands. His tires screech loudly as he goes off the road before his car starts to flip three times and then comes to a stop. The silence after that is deafening. Niall brings his car to a stop and sits there for a few minutes. That was such a fucking rush. He isn't skilled in maneuvering a car like stunt people do, but in that moment, it looked like he did. That couldn't have gone any smoother.

He gets out of before inspecting the damage to his car. He is relieved to see that there isn't too much damage done to it. He can't say the same for Zayn's car, though. He looks over at it and sees that it is upside down with every window broken. If the car could explode right now or catch fire, that would be great for him. Preferably, when he isn't standing next to it. He checks his pockets for a lighter but groans when he comes up empty-handed. He isn't too surprised by that, seeing as he doesn't smoke, so he wouldn't ever need to purchase one. He could look around in Zayn's car for a lighter, but he doesn't want to get his dna anywhere inside. Looks like he'll just have to let nature take its course.

He walks over to the wreck before taking a peek inside. He's a bit pissed to see that Zayn had worn his seatbelt. That didn't stop the many cuts that are littered across all over his body. He's pretty sure that his left arm is broken, too. Who knows what else could be broken inside of him. None of that really matters, though, because he's pretty sure that he's dead. There's too much blood covering his body for him not to be. He's sure the noise from the crash might have got someone's attention, so he decides to get back in his car. He starts to drive away as he starts to message his personal mechanic. He hopes that whoever stumbles this will be too late to even try and get him help.





Well damn Niall spilled the beans. I wonder what Harry's reaction is going to be in the next chapter. Oh wait, I already know. It's you guys who don't. I love ending shit with cliffhangers it makes things more fun seeing you all suffer yelling at me to update.

Bye, my No Bullshit.★

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