Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

*Author P.O.V*

For two months, Harry sits in his room. He hasn't been outside of it for so long that he thought Niall forgot about him. That wasn't the case, however, seeing as whenever he was in the bathroom, food and fresh clothes would be left on his bed. That was the last thing he was expecting after the last argument they had. It didn't feel right. He thought that he would get beaten until he couldn't even function anymore or, at the very least, tortured. There were times when he would just catch Niall leaving the room. Every time he tried to say something to him, he would be too late. However, none of that had stopped him from working out to build his stamina and strength. He did everything he could in such a limited space, pushups, jump jacks, sit-ups, and burpees.

Currently, he finishes using the bathroom when the bedroom door opens. He stops in his tracks when he sees Niall coming in with a laundry hamper and fresh clothes. He is a little curious as to why he doesn't have food with him this time since it is around lunchtime. Did he decide to start starving him since the food helps him build some strength? Is this the beginning of the end? There is nothing for him to fear seeing as Niall doesn't even look his way. Niall places the clean clothes into the dresser, then goes to collect the dirty clothes. Once he's done, he takes his leave.

"Wait." Harry says, causing Niall to let go of the door knob and face him.

"What?" He asks, truly meaning not to sound that harsh towards him.

"You have to at least let my family know that I'm alive." Harry tells him, though he would never admit it out loud, he's glad to hear a voice again even if it's from the person he didn't want to hear it from.

"They don't need to know that." He replies even though he's been doing that, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Yes, they do. Your parents would want to know if you were alive." Harry says, but starts to think about if he wants his family in contact with him.

"Doesn't matter. I'm still not doing it." He responds, and Harry repeatedly blinks at him.

"It's not like they're going to know where I am, and it doesn't have to come from your voice." Harry tells him, mentally trying to stop his twitching mouth from turning into a full scowl.

"No. This conversation is over." He says, going to leave again, but Harry just can't seem to keep his mouth closed.

"But I-" Harry goes to speak about, but is cut off with an aggressive shush.

"You keep talking, and I'm going to take away your free roam privilege again." He warns him before leaving the room with the door still open this time.

Harry has a hard time believing that he is allowing him out of the room again. That doesn't stop him from taking advantage of it, though. When he walks out, the place looks even more different than the last time. This place actually looks lived in now with more decorations and furniture. So this is what he's been doing for the past two months. A chill runs down his spine when he sees normal photos of himself and Niall and edited ones of them. He looks away from it and focuses back on his main mission. He hears soft music playing as he gets closer to where the front door is. The kitchen is where the sound is coming as he spots Niall humming along to it.

"There's no way for you to leave through the front door or back door, so don't even waste your time." Niall tells him when he hears him walk past the kitchen.

"As if I'm going believe whatever you say." He mumbles to himself as he continues his walk.

"Also, you now have privilege to everything, which includes the television, kitchen utensils, and other mundane things around the house!" Niall shouts as Harry groans when the door doesn't budge no matter what he did.

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