Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

*Author P.O.V*

"So how is everything going on at your mom's?" Harry asks while on the phone with his fiance.

"Great, she's still trying to sell me on some expensive baby stuff that we do not need." She replies, her voice already making him feel a little less lonely.

"How expensive? He questions, accidentally kicking her slippers that slide under the bed and hit something.

"You'd think we're have triplets expensive." She tells him as he goes to retrieve the slipper, but suddenly stops to plug his charger back into the wall.

"Yeah, no, I may work at an insurance company, but we do not make that much money." He says while eyeing the slightly ajar window, but he's too distracted by her to notice.

"That's what I tried to tell her, plus I'll be out of work for a year at most when the baby comes." She informs him, lowering her voice when her mother enters the room.

"Speaking of work, did the ladies from the dentist still keep in touch?" He asks, remembering that she hasn't talked about them in a while.

"Of course, we've been working together for six years. It'll be strange if they didn't." She responds while he walks to the closet mirror, scratching his chin.

"Just checking because a lot of stuff has been going on." He says, going to examine his facial hair that is slowly growing in.

"Like what?" She asks, moaning from the soreness of her lower back, causing her to sit down.

"Just life. I wasn't referencing anything in particular." He says, thinking she may know something about him that he doesn't even know.

"Well, come to think of it, I ran into your friend Niall. He was leaving my mom's street as I drove onto it." She informs as he frowns at the small pimple he spots.

"Did you guys speak?" He asks and wonders what he could have been doing all the way over there.

"No, it looked like he was really into his gps, and I didn't want to distract him from it." She explains, causing him to make a mental note to ask him about this later.

"I'm going to go take a shower. Love you." He says while making kissing nosies to make her laugh.

"Love you too." She responds before ending the call.

Harry enters the bathroom and connects his phone to his bluetooth speaker. He then gets into the shower, oblivious about a lot of things. He hums happily to the music as he washes himself. The bathroom is covered in so much steam that he wouldn't be able to see anything. He definitely wouldn't be able to see the still figure standing a few feet away. Blue eyes intensely trained on him. He didn't come here to do anything. The only thing he wants to do is watch. This is such a god-given moment as he steps a bit closer. The music perfectly covers any sound that he would make.

This could also be something straight out of a horror movie. Niall gets even closer when Harry turns his back to him. It would be so easy for him to slide the shower door open and stand behind him. That's just something he'll have to save for another time. Instead, he settles for resting his right hand against the glass. Unknown to him, the speaker is vibrating the counter so much that it causes the mouthwash to fall over. He is quick to react by hiding behind the door just as Harry spins around. He wipes the water out of his face as he opens the shower door quickly.

"Hello?" Harry asks, as he pauses his music and focuses hard to hear anything.

A few seconds go by without a sound, so he plays his music and goes back to washing off. Usually, he would get out of the shower and check the house, but he's confident that no one is inside. Additionally, Raven isn't home, so he doesn't have to worry as much about safety. The security system that they have is top-notch thanks to Aaron's connections. Too bad Niall's intelligence with technology is top-notch, too. He didn't tamper with it too much because he didn't want an actual intruder to come in and harm his Harry. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he did.

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