Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

*Author P.O.V*

"It's about time you woke up." Niall says, placing light kisses along his face.

"Why am I naked?" He asks when he sees that his sweatpants and boxers are gone.

"Because I had a wet dream about you and remembered that I haven't had you in a long while." Niall say, and Harry immediately starts to shake his head.

"No, no, no. I'm not doing that." He responds as his body really started to wake up.

"It's not a you thing. It's a we thing." Niall explains, straddling him so his lover can stop kicking at him.

"No, it's not. You're not raping me again." He says, going for scratching his face up since his legs aren't usable anymore.

"I'm not going to. We're just going to have sex." Niall responds, thinking he should have turned him onto his stomach to make this whole thing easy on himself.

"No, we're not! You're just trying to make yourself feel better about it!" He shouts

"I don't want to have to tie you down, so please go along with it." Niall tells him, but that appears to make him struggle harder.

"Over my dead fucking body." He states, causing Niall to shake his head at his rude language.

"Would you stop moving so I can prep you properly." Niall says, and Harry lets out a scream of frustration.

"Get the fuck off of me!" He shouts

Niall sighs as he comes go the dreadful decision that he has to use restraints. This is literally the last thing he would have ever wanted to do. It'll feel so much better knowing that his lover can freely express himself. Maybe when they really get into it his lover with loosen up, mentally of course. Could this all be because he didn't set the mood with some candles, some random music playlist, and some teasing leading up to it. Next time, he knows this. However, that doesn't mean that this time still can't be great either. With that, he makes quick work of tying Harry's wrists to the ropes he had already installed into the headboard. What? He is prepared for everything. Once he's got him secured enough, he grabs some lube and puts some on three of his fingers. He doesn't use it right away. He rubs his fingers together to get it warm so he won't be too uncomfortable.

"This won't make me love you." Harry tells him as his tears couldn't help but to run down his face.

"Don't cry." He says, wiping his tears away with the hand that isn't covered in lube.

"I'll let you do anything else to me but this." Harry responds, trying his best to sneakily get out of the ropes.

"But I want to do this." He says, forcing his lover's legs open as best as he can.

"Don't do this, please." Harry begs, starting to feel his fingers push their way into his ass.

He tries to think of anything that could get him out of this situation. He tries pissing on himself, but nothing comes out. He tries to vomit, but again, nothing comes out. In life, there are a lot of things he can handle, but this is not one of them. Honestly, no one can handle being raped. This is going to stick with him until his dying breath. The three minutes of him being prepped feel like it went on forever. He is grateful that the fingers are out of him, but that meant only one thing left to do. If his heart wasn't beating out of his chest before, then it surely is now. His body starts to shake as he sees Niall lube his dick. It's too late. This is actually going to happen, and he's going to be aware of the entire thing. The only thing he can do is pray that he passes out during it.

"Please, let's just talk about this." He says, his breathing picking up as the psychotic man on top of him moves closer.

"There's really nothing to talk about." Niall tells him, using the duvets to wipe the excess lube off his fingers.

"Please wait." He pleads

"I don't think I can wait any longer, to be honest with you." Niall says before he slowly starts to push himself into his soul mate.

He keeps going until he's all the way inside. He's pretty sure if he just stays still in him, he'll cum. That's probably the biggest compliment that his soul mate can receive. He doesn't want to do that, so he starts to thrust into him. He's so blinded by his excitement that he doesn't notice the pained screams that he hears. They honestly sound like they are filled with happiness. That's how he sees everything. His tear covered face shows nothing but love, and his tensed body shows nothing but pleasure. This feels so much better knowing that his soul mate isn't drugged. To him, this is the best way to showcase his undying love to him. There's so much of himself to give when he has sex.

Meanwhile, Harry could do nothing besides tug on the ropes until his wrists are raw and on the edge of bleeding. He can actually feel his ass tearing and blood starting to leak. His sobs seem to have been on repeat. There is just too much pain going on within him that he starts to see himself in a third-person point of view. He doesn't know if that makes the situation better or worse. All he knows is that he wants this to be over with. The moment it is, he wants nothing more than to take a bath full of bleach to get rid of any trace of him. The only silver lining to this is that this isn't being recorded.

"Please, it hurts." He begs as his fingers and toes curl at the agonizing pain.

"I didn't think that I was that big. I think I'll have to stretch you open with four fingers from now on." Niall says, and the fact that this will happen again hits Harry like a ton of bricks.

"Please." He cries out with his voice completely gone now.

"Just don't focus on it, and it'll go away." Niall says before gently shushing him.

How can he not focus on it? He's being raped. Saying that phrase out loud in his head really gave him a reality check. He's not at home snuggled up with Raven or doing a bar crawl with his friends. He's locked in a bedroom inside of some house that is far away from civilization. His dignity is being taken away from him. He tries to move his head as far away as he can when he feels Niall rest his head in his neck. He finds out the reason why he did it as he feels him suddenly thrusting harder. Hearing him whine and moan near his ear, he could send him into a rage all over again. Key word is could.

The thrusts start to get faster, and that can only mean one thing. When he feels him cum inside of him, he can't even muster up any ounce of relief. He just lays there as he tries not to focus on the feeling of his cum spilling out of him. The corner of his mouth slightly twitches at the feeling of him pulling out. He just wants to crawl under the bed and fold into a little ball. Instead, he's subjected to a warm towel being wiped across his inner thighs and ass. Once that's over, the ropes come undone, but he doesn't make a move to get off the bed. However, he closes his eyes and tries to shut off all of his senses. He can't even do that because he's lifted off the bed.

"Your bath is ready." Niall informs him, and Harry starts to wonder how much he's blocked out since he came in him.

"Hold me under." He says as they enter the bathroom to see a nice bubble bath.

"I don't quite understand." Niall responds while slowly easing him inside of it.

"Hold me under." He repeats before letting himself sink into the water, but he is stopped once again.

"That would defeat the purpose of all of the things I've done for you." Niall tells him, believing that Harry is never serious about wanting himself to end."You need to rest your voice now."

"Is this exactly how you wanted it to go? Are you truly happy with yourself?" He questions even though it does hurt his vocal cords.

"I'm as happy as I can ever be." Niall says



So Louis is caught again, and it just might be the end for him. Oh well, he had a good run. I think I just might be able to carry this story out to 50 chapters who knows we'll just have to see. So, a really, REALLY short authors note again but a long chaper, so I don't even care.

Bye, my Chokehold Cherry Python.:-)

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