Acceptance & Moving On~

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First of all A very Happy New Year to all my readers and a belated Happy V Day to all my fellow ARMY and V stans

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First of all A very Happy New Year to all my readers and a belated Happy V Day to all my fellow ARMY and V stans.


It had been roughly 5 days since any of the Bangtan Devils have last talked or even had sat together with a certain blonde investigator. Since that cursed day when those Entities have informed the blonde something about his grandma, his attitude has taken a whole 180° turn. At first they had thought it was only perhaps some sort of depression or some anguished phase that they hoped they can help him through, but as time passes they had got to see just how much of a dark depression it was.

The few vulnerable moments on that fateful day that they had caught glimpse of in that meeting room was their moment of Truth. That has made them realise that Kim Taehyung, no matter how inexplicably and unnaturally brilliant he may be, was still human. An amazing human who was too freakishly ingenious to be comprehended by simple, foolish mortals' brains. Who has been dealing with these long-compressed emotions for only Lord-knows-how-long yet would never dare to speak a word aloud. An unusually amazing actor.
A complex human being who, it feels like, was wrapped in a mystery so sinfully enticing that one can't help but be intimately and never-endingly hypnotized by. Mesmerised beyond repairment. Someone who would know every single spec of information about you that's there to exist but would leave none so about himself. Whose demons are more dangerous than any other and he would be damned before he let anyone know about them.

Someone who has been so badly broken by the cruel world that he had lost faith about it. Has finally became uncaring and cold towards it.

A victim of circumstances...

There had been instances- not all too much but yeah, there had been times- when Taehyung unconsciously has let his mind drift and was caught by the Bangtan members. The few clues were definitely there, yet the Devils were all too stupid to piece them together or even take proper notice of them. The brief distant and meloncholic look on those enticingly sharp and irresistibly enrapturing features of his when talking about that child- Dansae- was obviously the first time they had actually been given a leeway to the blonde's character.

And yet...

They had overlooked it. Too caught up in the drama that was going on to notice the split second of meloncholy on the blonde's features that without a doubt spoke of experiences.
Too foolish and too unobservant...

Hoseok was perhaps the one, save for maybe Jimin, who at least had a certain (no matter how miniscule it might be) understanding of the blonde on an emotional level. Being an empath had never been so useful, he ruefully thought. He would, at those severely rare times, feel the mysterious knot of dark yet no less tantalizing emotions unwinding themselves from their tight bound, setting free some rather disconcerting emotions that he would have never thought would relate to the blonde Genius.

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