First Impressions PT. II

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First Meetings...

Namjoon's pov

Namjoon was the type of person who would prefer the company of books and fascinating objects rather than the normally dull people. He was intelligent, wise and knowledgeable and preferred to keep to himself rather than indulging in useless conversations or stupid gossips around him. No, he wasn't calling people in general stupid, but rather that they normally lacked... common sense and intellect. Or they had them but were incapable to use them. A pity really, the brain of all creatures were so gifted, so very mysterious and such a useful weapon. But people seriously were either too much blinded by their emotions to actually remember that they did infact had a brain or they just let their emotions control them, wholly, to the point that thinking has become a part-time job of the heart itself while the brain became lazy and inefficient with unuse. Aish...
Really stupid...

He himself had never let his emotions control his rationality- well truth be told, he had when it came to his mates, his most loved ones, his whole damn universe really but that's besides the point. But, he already knew how powerful and blissful the feeling of love is, unlike others, so he didn't mind being controlled by love once in a while. Well, he was mostly controlled by love when it came to his mates 'cus c'mon, he couldn't deny them anything to save the world, afterall they were his goddamn world. But hey! No one needed to know that.

To others, he was always going to be the emotionless, calculative and strategic Kim Namjoon that planned everything beforehand and along with his mates, could destroy you without even a second's thought. At least that's what he thought, that he was unable to show emotions while in presence of anyone other than his mates, well except annoyance or frustration.

Oh, how wrong he was.....

Here he was currently, his heart beating a thousand miles a second. Why you ask? Only because of a glorious meeting with certain unimaginably and breath-takingly beautiful and heart-stoppingly entrancing blonde-haired gorgeous investigator. Oh no. Beautiful, gorgeous or any other word couldn't even contain the likes of such marvellous magnificence of such an exquisite creature. No...
Not even a spec of such tantalizing beauty.  But it has to do now, until he himself discovered or better yet, invented a suitable word or statement to describe such unimaginably stunning attractiveness.

What a pity really. No possible words can do any justice to the likes of such a fine creature.

He knew he could very well spend his entire life composing millions of poems and songs praising the beauty of the extremely artistically statuesque and captivating male behind him yet can never fully and properly contain it in words or phrases, neither can he get tired of trying to do so...

Enough about beauty, Namjoon, he internally scolded himself, seeing all his rational thoughts and common sense at the moment has decided to abandon him (very possibly due to the sight of the said awe-inspiring and beyond attractive male), but he needed to act rationally now.

He wondered what could possibly be the reason for the sudden visit from a high-level investigator. Something in it sounds both exciting and suspicious....


Why the hell would it be exciting?! Shit I am going insane...


While the silver/gray-haired male was busy having an internal discussion, borderline panicking, the mentioned gorgeous blonde male with hypnotizing silver blue eyes were evaluating his surroundings with curiosity and contemplation...

While the silver/gray-haired male was busy having an internal discussion, borderline panicking, the mentioned gorgeous blonde male with hypnotizing silver blue eyes were evaluating his surroundings with curiosity and contemplation

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