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"Distraction for what?"

"For their ultimate goal- The Elemental Stones." Taehyung solemnly answered, his eyes dark and serious as he looked on at the pictures laid on the table.

Namjoon raised an eyebrow, he already have had his own suspicions on the topic but it seemed that Taehyung already had his own theories on this matter sorted. Or else, he wouldn't be so calm about this. Not only that, the calculating blonde also seemed to have his future plans laid for the case too. Interesting.

"So, all the murders were somehow related to the Elemental Stones, huh?!" Hoseok asked skeptically, wariness and concern lacing his words thickly at the frightening meaning that his mind seemed to imply at this piece of information.
No doubt Taehyung had done his fair share of research to confirm this detail, he thought impressed, probably had hundreds of plans and strategies readied too, he continued.

He could very clearly feel the wariness, confusion and anxiousness that his mates were feeling. But at this moment, he really didn't know how to calm them down. It was already concerning enough that the Fire Stone was stolen and now that the true motive of the murders and kidnappings have came to light, he couldn't even begin to imagine the danger and risks that it posed to the other Elemental Stones and, here Hoseok gazed at the enchantingly alluring blonde who at the moment seemed to be in deep thought, it's Master too...

This implication, no matter how true, was still a very startingly terrifying thought which, to his absolute and agonised dismay, was very much possibly true too. And from the array of emotions that he could sense his mates were feeling, he was sure they knew this too...

But by hell would they ever go down without a fight!

The determined and steely gazes laced with dark  fury and overwhelming concern passed between the group of mates, which was left unnoticed by the intellectually unbeatable a genius of blonde investigator who still seemed very much lost in planning his crafty and artful plans to achieve his means with the least possible risks. Oblivious.

"So the murders were actually for the murderer's gains. What about the children? Were they..." Seokjin trailed off, his heart wrenching at the thought of innocent children being used for such selfish causes.

Taehyung seemed to know what the other was thinking as his expression seemed to be much more solemn than it was previously. "As for my knowledge, the children has a greater usage in this murderer's scheme." They all shivered- at the solemn words or the dangerously darkened silver-blue eyes, they couldn't discern.

"What usage?" Jimin asked after a pregnant pause, his voice relatively soft and gentle as he stared at his soulmate for an answer.

"They would be used for awakening the ancient Fire Entity by being offered as sacrifices. Bonded with Black Magic so as to speed up the process and make the Entity much more malicious than it would normally be." The blonde answered, skillfully ignoring the shocked gasps filling the room as well as his own helplessness and anger.
He would save them, he thought resolutely, he had to.

"We could save them, can't we?!" Jungkook asked, his words rushed and his eyes widened in supressed rage at the cruelty of fate towards the kidnapped, innocent children.

"We could..." The blonde answered, watching the rays of hope blossom in the previously horror-stricken eyes of some of the Devils.

"And I suppose, you already have a master plan devised for this cause?" Namjoon asked, his careful eyes firmly trained on the awe-inspiringly arresting blonde male who, he noticed, upon hearing the question smirked lazily- a dakly mischevious spark entering his magnificently hypnotizing silver-blue orbs.  

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