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The Bangtan Devils looked at each other for a while, wondering who this mystery visitor might be and what would they have to do with a certain blonde's sly and shit-eating smirk. That too sooooo enticingly dark and deliciously alluring...

Before they could contemplate further on that matter, fortunately the double doors were pushed open and a group of 5 or so people entered the sitting room, their postures screaming high social status. All of them had blank expressions on their faces, their sophisticated features set in blank yet serious expressions, their gazes fixed only and only on a certain blonde-haired gorgeous investigator who had already stood up from his seat, followed by the rest of the Bangtan Devils and was now making his way towards the group with slow and alluringly sensuous steps which were overflowing with elegance and hypnotizing grace.

"Ah... What an absolute pleasure to finally meet you all." Taehyung acknowledged, his entire demeanor one of sly non-chalance.

The man at the front of the group tilted his balding head, his sharp, pitch black eyes shining with impressed curiosity at the blonde's charming politeness. While the others returned the greetings, some with too much enthusiasm and.... excitement than required.

"Likewise Mr. Kim..." The sharp old man finally said, finished with his assessment of the awe-inspiringly arresting blonde, recovering from the slight dazed awe he had fallen into after a single glance at the unusually attractive blonde. "I believe some introductions are required." Taehyung said, subtly eying the men behind and beside the addressed man.

"I believe so too, Mr. Kim." Another kind-looking man said, all of them agreeing to the tantalizing blonde's words, curious as to why they were asked for this audience. "Why don't you start the introductions then, Mr. Bae?" The blonde asked. The said man nodded confidently before speaking up. "I'm Bae Sung-hoon from the Dragon clan of archangels. A pleasure to finally meet the great Kim Vantae..." He trailed off, his intense gaze focused on the said blonde, his eyes lowered as a sign of admiration and respect at the young investigator. Impressed beyond belief at the owner of those brilliantly sharp and intelligent yet no less enticingly hypnotizing silver-blue eyes.

The blonde now looked at the person beside him. The Devils watched, eyes wide in slight surprise after knowing the man's identity. How did Taehyung know this man?

"Arrain Rex, ruler of the Nightwalkers. Blue-blood, Vampire." The seemingly young and attractive yet cold-looking, newly introduced vampire finished, his blood-red eyes never straying away from the gorgeous blonde before him- a hint of both intense arousal and desire clear in those dazed and entranced orbs. He bowed, low as a sign of awed respect. His eyes  intense, even in their dazed state.

Mesmerising silver-blue eyes now turned towards the next person.

"Eun Junseo, ruler of the Deep Blues of Pacific. Siren. My absolute pleasure meeting such an unusually gorgeous being as yourself, Mr. Kim. Allow me..." The handsome and lovesick looking guy finished in his beguiling and enchanting voice, gently taking Taehyung's left hand in his and pressing a gentle kiss on the back of it- his lips seeming to worship the beautiful, creamy skin of the alluring blonde's hand; prolonging the contact for an unusually and uncomfortably long time as Taehyung struggled to suppress a disgusted gag at his display. Gross...

"Ok, so, Mr.?" The blonde asked, forcefully pulling his hand out of the stupidly grinning and dazed siren's.
"Uh, I am Chay Daejung. Leader of the High Elves of North." The short man spoke, giving the siren beside him a disgusted expression before turning towards the blonde and bowing deeply, showing his deep respect and admiration for the blonde. The blonde too tilted his head respectfully at the display. Acknowledging the respect and admiration the man held for him.

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