Lᴏsᴛ Lᴇᴛᴛᴇʀs

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Taehyung had never been one to believe in Fate or Destiny. Mostly because he refused to believe that someone other than him had control over his life. He refused to believe that there were any higher entities who can control and impact his life other than him.

He had always found the speaking
'Wait for the right opportunity' a load of bullshit. Like how can you determine when's the right time to do something and when's not? And don't even get him started on those stupid people preaching about that 'feeling'.
Ha! As if.

He believed and still wholeheartedly believes that only you can make an opportunity a success. The right one. Because believe it or not, in the end, even if the right time arrives, only you can choose whether to make full or none of it. According to him, every opportunity is the best one and there's never another better time than now. Only man had the power to prove what moment a chance becomes- a moment of failure that's better left forgotten or an unforgettable moment of success.

This belief, no matter how logical it sounds, is mostly appealing to Taehyung because of the fact that it speaks of how one can make the best of something like a bad time. That they actually had control over what they can or cannot do. And then, depending on their actions, they can easily guess the result.

That speaks of how everything is not set in stone...

So you may now get the idea why Taehyung had no faith in predictions.
Like c'mon, mortals- may it be any creature or humans themselves- are probably the most unpredictable species of all. Well, perhaps not totally unpredictable but yeah, you get the idea right? They mostly depend upon their guts or reflexes and usually give zero to no thought on their next steps.
Not that Taehyung is denying that gut feelings aren't something you could rely on, but you can't just depend on your gut feelings to make life-changing decisions for you, right?

So basically, mortals are never too sure about their decisions and they are always changing their decisions and opinions every moment of life. And based on this very much reliable and logical reason, Taehyung concluded that predictions are absolute waste of time. Like how can other people decide your future when you yourself aren't sure about what you want to do?
Like he said, absolute bullshits.

But perhaps, just perhaps, defying all logical explanations, there might be just some higher existence in the universe that just have everything sorted out. Perhaps, they know and are trying to make things- wonderful and life-changing things- to happen. For people to find each other, to be happy and yeah, all that. Just perhaps...

And that is why he believes, perhaps it was his destiny to be abandoned, to have to be independent and strong from a very very young age, to take responsibilities from a young age and to be found by one of the kindest and most wonderful woman in existence.
Perhaps for once, the universe was actually trying to give him something good. Some hope. For him to find his light in the hopeless darkness that his life had become. To finally be shown the right path.

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