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"What the Hell?!"

Every eyes in the room turned towards the newly awoken blonde who was now clutching his head lightly while looking at the Entities with widened and confused alluring silver-blue eyes.

"Master!" Gaia gasped out, her eyes roving over the blonde's gorgeous physique; concern, surprise, ecstasy and awed admiration lacing her tone.
The other Entities too not far behind her.

Taehyung felt his headache intensify, an uneasy feeling growing in the pit of his stomach but he dared not express even an ounce of his discomfort outwardly, opting to keep his out-of-the-universe attractive features skilfully blank. Looking at the unknown being for a while, he finally asked, his alluringly deep voice deeper and richer as he masked his curiosity and wariness beneath it.

"Who are you?"

The Entities took a moment to comprehend what was being said since all their worries and thoughts were currently focused on their blonde master's weak health. But, when the words finally settled, Freyr was the one to answer.

"Master..." He started, bowing deep before rising to his feet and speaking once more. "We are the Entities Of The Elemental Stones. I'm Freyr, she is Gaia and beside her is Titania, then there's Sin and her companion Erebus, that's Helios. Lastly we have Anemoi and Aeolus." He proudly introduced themselves.

Taehyung still confused, cocked an eyebrow at this. What even in the hell did they have to do with me? And why even does he call me Master?!

Is he like, crazy?!

"No," Taehyung began again, his eyes holding a dead-serious look, no trace of fatigue or any other emotions visible as he spoke the next words,

"What are you?"

Everyone in the room gasped, well save for the some members of the Bangtan Devils. How can he not know the Entities?! They collectively thought. What they didn't know was that,

Even if Taehyung's mind had already conjured that theory, he refused to believe it.

Sin laughed at this, not a gentle and soft laugh as everyone (except perhaps Taehyung) was expecting, but a sensuous and dark laugh. Sinful, just as her name stated.

"Oh dear Master-" she had only began saying between her chuckles, when another blinding silver light almost blinded everyone.

Taehyung tightly clutched onto the Snowflake-shaped pendant hanging around his neck, looking at it. Confusion, wariness and apprehension swirling in his mind as he wondered what could cause his grandma's last gift to him to shine so...


Soon enough though, they got the answer to their questions...

Before anyone can even comprehend what was happening to the beautiful and pure diamond and sapphire studded pendant, the object itself detached itself from the lovely platinum chain around the blonde's neck and was now floating in air, the Entities circling around the beautiful object, oddly attracted towards it while the Spirits and the other occupants watched from their spots in the room.

From the mid-section of the pendant, where previously (the rarest stone of all to ever exist which so happened to be named) the Galaxy stone was embedded, a single beautiful sapphire colored, regal looking Stone emerged- bigger in size and radiating a powerful, icy aura, as the pendant lowered and finally was caught by Taehyung who then began to inspect it closely, searching for any damage that it might've suffered.

Behind the now blue colored gorgeous Gem-like Stone that was now floating in air, a gorgeous Aurora was starting to form. The whole display was so awe-inspiringly stunning that it took a moment for the onlooking observers ( save for a certain gorgeous blonde who only looked on with curiosity laced with wariness) to compose themselves.

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