Water and Ice...

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The Devils have been watching the TV since about 2 hours now, while also not so subtly observing a certain erotic blonde's actions. Hoseok, being an empath, also supervised the blonde's change in emotions, trying to find a clue about any remnants of the blonde's earlier meloncholic mood. Fortunately or unfortunately perhaps, he did sense a thoughtfulness, a deep seated meloncholy from the blonde. As if the meloncholy, the sadness and pain has always been there. Has become a part of the blonde himself. So much in tune the blonde was with sadness that he almost didn't recognize it himself.

And that thought both frightened Hoseok to no extent and also made him even curious as to what has caused the blonde to be the way he was.

Because he was sure as hell, that something about the blonde's behavior was just wrong.... Like he couldn't explain it. He just... felt it. Being an empath, he understood most things from an emotional level. So, everything he felt, may or may not be understood by others.

Another thing which the raven-haired empath found quite strange was that he could not manipulate the blonde's emotions. Like, he could sense it and feel it, but if he tried to induce certain feelings into the blonde..... it just won't happen. Like the blonde was immune to outward manipulation- both empathetic or even telepathic. He could sense the defence system blocking outside influence- in his case, untrue emotions. And it was just... so confusing, so powerful- like unbelievably powerful, invincible, an impenetrable wall- but nothing he had ever imagined. It was just... strangely magnetic. So tantalizingly powerful and... addicting. Like, he just couldn't get enough of the feeling. It made the empath feel at peace, like he was the most powerful and happy being. It made him feel worry free... Free.

And he just couldn't get enough of that feeling. It was only once that he felt it.... The taste of that amazing, absolutely compelling and moreish piece of sinfully delicious and dangerously addictive feeling, he just... just couldn't get enough of it... His craving for it just increased more and more with each passing second. It was just.... so addictive.... He just couldn't put his feelings and thoughts into words when it came to this. It was just... an inexplicable feeling that he was a sucker for, a guilty pleasure of his. Overwhelmingly compelling, absolutely addictive and just dizzyingly pleasurable. If this was what angels called heaven then Hoseok would like to die and be an angel in his next life just to get one more taste of this feeling... Even uncountable times he would taste it, he couldn't ever get enough...

While everyone was busy in their own world, Taehyung was immersed in his research work. Stubbornly trying to get the overflowing memories of his past out of his head. Shutting out the world and now living in his own world where nothing existed other than his laptop and research work.

"Gosh I am bored..." Jimin whined, staring at the beyond transcendantly magnificent blonde-haired investigator who was deeply immersed in his work. Damn... Oh how Jimin wanted to kiss those sinfully luscious lips of the blonde... To touch that deliciously irresistible creamy skin of the tantalizing blonde. Holy Freak, only thinking about it made him shiver and shudder with both insatiable desire and unquenchable thirst. Damn, he was getting hard... uncomfortably and painfully hard. Like rock hard... Oh...

"Uh- um... I-I will be b-back s-soon..." With that pathetic squeak, Jimin quickly ran away from those bewitchingly hypnotizing silver blue eyes piercing one's very soul... Jimin's soul. Damn... He had to get away... To the bathroom... Freaking soon.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at the unusual display, while Hoseok feeling his pink-hair mate's uh... quite intense arousal uncomfortably felt his own desire increase too...

The others just gave Jimin a weird look before returning to their own businesses... Not forgetting to take silent, awed glances of the enticingly bewitching blonde... Holy hell, they were so damned...

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