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The blonde along with his still thoroughly dazed and awed companions were currently sitting in the Blood Moon pack house's meeting room. The two Devils still too deep and unwakeable in a trance to notice what's going on, while Taehyung just observed his surroundings carefully, his fingers drumming the surface of the wooden table in a slow yet sensuous rhythm that somehow made him appear like he owned his surroundings- the ruthless, unbelievably sharp and irresistibly alluring Master that he was and a Heartbreaker of millions...

 The two Devils still too deep and unwakeable in a trance to notice what's going on, while Taehyung just observed his surroundings carefully, his fingers drumming the surface of the wooden table in a slow yet sensuous rhythm that somehow made him ...

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After the earlier episode and the blonde giving the quite awe-inspiring and majestically magnificent demonstration of what was only a tiny spec of his overall powers and capabilities, Taehyung has gained quite the awed interest and deep respect of not only the whole clan of werewolves but also his companions. Afterall, they hadn't quite ever imagined or even dreamt of witnessing such a terrifically breath-taking and unimaginably stunning display of one's gift or in the blonde's case, gifts. Heck, none in the whole world could never even believ that such powers and such control over them existed if they didn't witness Taehyung doing it and more than skilfully surpassing the boundary of the supposed unending magnifice, invincible prowess and ruthless control, not to forget, his out-of-this-world artistic splendour of his gifts to ever exist. Unimaginable, mind-blowing, like.... the spectators just couldn't find words to express their awe, their astonishment, disbelief, wonder and.... Just unexplainable. It was just impossible, oh how very very impossible, to express their feelings on witnessing such a entrancingly majestic display of prowess that the even more magnificent and majestic blonde-haired investigator displayed. It will always be preserved in the forefront of all the spectators' mind as an unforgettable and most precious moment that they were blessed enough to witness in their lives.

The doors to the meeting room were suddenly pushed open, putting an end to Taehyung's patient waiting as his other two companions forced themselves to act normal and ignore the awed admiration that always flooded their insides and threatened to overwhelm them whenever they now looked or even glanced at the blonde-haired investigator.

All the present Devils stood up from their respective seats as the head Alpha of the Blood Moon pack entered the room followed by his chief advisors and betas.

"Mr. Kim..." The Head Alpha spoke, more than quite embarassed at the earlier incidents that led him to meet the renowned investigator- a ruthless, sharper-than-the-sharpest-blade like genius in the world of crimes and criminals.

"Mr. Chung" Taehyung acknowledged the Head Alpha with an elegant nod, his velvety deep voice sounding rich and refined. Exquisite and Regal in it's quality. The wolves were astonished at his gorgeous appearance before, but now were stunned by the blonde's alluring voice too.

"We are awfully ashamed for our wild behavior earlier. We really were out of control. Mad even. And we want to apologise for the inconveniences..." The Head Alpha said, looking down shamefully. "Please don't apologise to me, Mr. Chung. We really understand your situation. In fact, we really regret not reaching here earlier. Perhaps then we could have saved more of your people..." Taehyung sincerely stated. The Head Alpha was pleasantly surprised and impressed even at the blonde's polite and excessively charming behavior. What a charmer, the old man thought.

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