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The warm golden rays of the sun fell upon the magnificent figure of a certain sleeping blonde, giving him a heavenly, pulchritudinous shine. The halo of gentle golden rays pooling around the blonde's lithe, divinely slender form created a mystical aura around him, making him appear godly, unimaginably perfect- too perfect to be real, living and breathing. Almost like a particularly skilled and passionate artist, the golden rays gently caressed the blonde's deliciously creamy, slightly tanned skin. His luscious, irresistible pink lips glowing a slightly glossy golden pinkish glow as the sun's loving rays fell upon it, worshipping every inch of it. Even the golden rays of the sun seemed loving, worshipping each and every part of the blonde beauty's gorgeous features, afraid to wake up the Divine creature whose beauty really had no boundaries; beyond perfect.

But alas, the sleeping blonde stirred, finally emerging from his sweet slumber...

"Agh..." The blonde exclaimed, his alluring deep voice, husky and deeper from the sleepy state of its owner, dripping with unbelievable sex appeal, surpassing every bounds of sensuality and arousal known to any mortal and it was only the blonde's velvety voice.

Yawning and stretching, he emerged from the couch he was lying on and rubbed his eyes, now appearing unimaginably adorable and cute. Extraordinary duality...

Finally, looking around him, confusion gripping at the edges of his mind as the unfamiliar sight of a luxurious sitting room came into his view, he unconsciously pouted in confusion before the memories of the previous night became clear. Shit, he thought, I really slept in someone's sitting room, huh? So much for my reputation.

Shaking his head to clear the unwanted and petty thoughts, the blonde finally turned towards the door, aiming to find the bathroom for a nice, refreshing shower.

After 10 minutes....

Should have asked them yesterday... He thought grumpily as he observed the unfamiliar and unnecessarily expansive corridor. Agh, how did my life turn to this?! He mentally exclaimed, annoyed and frustrated. Ruffling his hair while oblivious to it's elegant, quite temptingly messy appearance, he defeatedly decided to ask one of the residents of this stupidly huge mansion for directions.

Luckily for the blonde, a certain dark brown haired young Devil was already strolling towards him, unaware of his presence.

As the brunette neared towards him, he gently cleared his throat to gain the other's attention and was soon met with two extremely wide, doe eyes...

Poor Jungkook couldn't believe his own eyes. There, in front of him stood the most mesmerising mortal ever with beauty beyond comprehension of any beings, that too in such a.... deliciously tempting state...

Unconsciously and heavily aroused at the sexy state of the blonde, he bit his lips

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Unconsciously and heavily aroused at the sexy state of the blonde, he bit his lips... hard, gaze darkening with arousal and want... yet appreciating the unbelievably divine form of art in front of him...

The Irresistible Devil Tamer (VxBTS)Where stories live. Discover now