Shock Of A Lifetime

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The night was progressively getting darker and darker as the moments dragged on, making the already eerie atmosphere even more foreboding. The night seemed to be holding it's breath once more, it's air saturated with apprehension while the taste of terror still lingered here and there among it's folds, not specifically visible yet not particularly invisible either. Hidden in plain sight.

The eerie silence did not last long though, as soon, a series short-lived hisses and after that the sound of bodies hitting the ground pierced through the still air. For, just round the corner, a group of fearless devils has just finished killing off the last of the soullesses that had been previously lurking around the corridor.

"Whew... That was quite fun." Said a particularly thrilled looking Jungkook as he pocketed his barely empty silencer filled with deadly silver-wood bullets, his vindictively gleaming eyes gleefully taking in the bloodied mess of bodies littering the ground before him.

Taehyung, for his part, opted to ignore the comment, instead crouching before one of the corpses of the soullesses beneath him to check the creature properly. He especially focused on the aura surrounding the corpses, finding it unsurprisingly reeking of Black Magic just like it did inside the tombs he had dug out in the past. But the thing that was curious about these soullesses was that they weren't completely composed of dark magic. No. Taehyung could clearly feel a trace of the shadow-magic pulsing weakly deep inside the soulless' black aura. Stable but mostly ineffective.

So Hiwatari's finally using that cursed form of power huh? Has he already started the ritual then? Lord forbid that happens, the blonde thought with a barely repressed mental sigh of frustration.

This whole situation was proving to be more twisted than he estimated it to be. And this fact frustrated Taehyung to no end! Just when he thought he had got a perfect grasp on Hiwatari's intentions and plans, that twisted bast**d had to do a complete 180° turn and mess up Taehyung's perfectly reasonable assumptions and understanding of the evil Shadow Master's plans. And then do it again. And again. And again. These little games were really starting to aggravate Taehyung now. More so due his own rather personal issues and history with the puppet master orchestrating this whole thing that anything else...

"Uh... Can you feel it's pulse?" Seokjin asked, spooked slightly, successfully breaking away the blonde seravil from his frustrated thoughts.

Hearing the raven-haired devil's words, Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed, now broken out of his increasingly aggravating thoughts about Hiwatari's real intentions as he tried to focus on the situation at hand, i.e., Seokjin's odd question.

Soullesses didn't have any blood circulation since they were already dead. And even their core isn't enough to pulse powers. So, to be asked if he could feel their pulse was slightly, no scratch that, it was really really weird. On the other hand, if the ravenette was pointing towards what Taehyung thought he was...

Well that's a different then...

"Should I?" The sinfully enticing blonde seravil opted to question back.

"No... I mean of course not. But there's... it's weird that I can feel something pulsing inside them." Seokjin confessed, appearing earnestly confused. So, he really could feel the creature's core too, huh?

"Wait... What?!" Hoseok shrieked in apparent shock, appearing more than a little spooked as he backed away from the corpse. Following his exclamation, the other Devils too turned towards the soullesses' corpses, their expressions one of deep concentration while apparent wariness marred their dark eyes.

Namjoon, for further investigation on the matter, crouched before the nearest soulless' corpse and felt the creature's chest and wrists, both curious and slightly apprehensive.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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