Deals and Favours...

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Still oblivious to the other presences in the room, the blonde admired himself in the mirror, a deadly smirk completing his insanely and lethally gorgeous look. Guess this will do, he thought as he looked at his reflection, I think I look fine... And with that he threw a playful wink at his reflection before turning around to grab his wallet and keys....

Only to stop short as he was met with the hungry, appreciative and heavily dazed gazes of his housemates...

"What the hell?!" He shrieked, alarmed at the lusting males.

A full 10 minutes of silence passed as the now annoyed blonde checked his watch impatiently...

"Well?" He raised an eyebrow at the still stupefied and overwhelmed males currently tending to their rather uncontrollable looking nosebleeds.

Still in daze, but now little more conscious than before, Namjoon was forced to take the responsibility of speaking, seeing none other wanted to do so or really were capable enough to do so and he repeats none of them were capable to speak right now. "Uh... A-are you going s-somewhere?" He stuttered out, embarrassed at his stuttering, but let's be really honest, no one, and literally no one could have survived the sight without having to bear the consequences of possible nosebleeds, stunned and frozen bodies and mind going haywire or blank, or even could suffer from insatiable sexual desire for the rest of their lives.

"Somewhere..." Was Taehyung's clipped answer to the stuttered question as he picked up his wallet and keys.

Jimin, slowly, almost painfully slowly registered the words exchanged and when the meaning actually dawned upon him, he immediately panicked, "What do you mean by 'somewhere'?" "Like it says, Somewhere where you have no business to do..." Taehyung replied monotonously.

"Then I am coming with you." Jimin, after a long moment of silent contemplation, finally spoke. "Pardon?" Taehyung spoke, startled at the declaration.

"I-it's only fair Taehyung. H-he is your Soulmate, remember? You are not allowed to be distant from him." Jin too stated, his voice kind but his eyes still glued to the blonde's exquisitely Greek God like, deadly gorgeous figure.

Agh, how the hell am I supposed to do my job now? Taehyung internally groaned in frustration. Of bloody course he has to come with me. Of bloody course I have no choice. How the hell did I not think about this earlier? Taehyung felt to tug his hair in frustration.

This. Is. Fu****g. Stupid.

He couldn't even go somewhere without having his 'Soulmate' tagging along. What the hell has he ever done to deserve such fate?! Lord save me. He had a very important person to meet today and in no way can he afford to let this meeting go to waste without achieving his goal.
Hell Nah.

Not even for his 'Soulmate'.

Checking his Rolex watch and cursing quietly after seeing the time, he once again sighed loudly before glancing at Jimin. Defeated and not wanting to waste more time arguing with the other who was clearly determined to tag along with him,  he nodded rather tersely.

"Make sure to wear something...(he swiftly roamed his eyes for the length of Jimin's lithe body, ignoring the male's furious blushing) more fancy or gothic." He sternly told the pink-haired male.

At this the others became curious as to the meaning of the blonde's words. Jimin this asked curiously, "Why?"

"Because the place we're to visit requires such appearance." Taehyung said, a little impatient now.

"You don't mean a club or bar, do you?" Jungkook asked, a frown etched on his face.

Taehyung hummed not confirming or denying the brunette's suspicions.
"He will be safe with me. Don't worry." He finally said, serious and bewitching silver-blue eyes confirming the sincerity in his words. The leader nodded, knowing full well that the blonde was sincere in his intentions and would make sure that their mate was safe.

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