Forced or Willing?

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Suddenly the temperature in the room fell. The air inside it felt too suffocating and chilly. There was a sudden unease, an uncomfortable silence fell upon the Bangtan coven.

Waiting. Waiting patiently yet anxiously. They were waiting with bated breaths, not excited but uptight with anxiety. The previous polite yet comfortable air surrounding them felt thick with tension and cramped.

The sharp smirk never left the gorgeous blonde's face. Neither did the sharp look in his gaze, silently threatening them, demanding attention and apprehension through the intensity of it alone. The previously dazzling silver-blue orbs which seemed mystical and so unbelievably beautiful had attained a lethal, dark and sharp, almost threatening quality to it's bewitching beauty.

Taehyung though was finally in his element. He was well aware that his provoking borderline threatening the most powerful Devil coven in history would probably not be the smartest idea he had came up with, instead it would lead even less co-operation resulting in less rate of success overall from the said Devils, but right now he could care less. He was agitated in this dark and gold themed, overly lavish sitting room, approaching some pricky devils who cared for none but themselves. No, definitely not his element. But, now that they had openly refused his peaceful invoking, he was frustrated and done with playing the charming and polite investigator the job required. No, now he was the One in Control. He could give one damn less if the Devils decided to turn violent and attack him. No, he wasn't that overconfident to think he could overpower all of them together in a confrontation. But he would be damned if he didn't give them a fight to bloody remember.

He certainly wasn't explicitly trained in both martial arts, combat, weapons and other styles of combat for taking blows from some Royal Devil fools. No, his excellently mastered art of being patient wasn't really being helpful right now. He was done playing the patient and charming fool he had to portray. He was frustrated, annoyed and wanted nothing more than to go home, in the awaiting arms of his beloved bed with a delicious choco-vanilla shake or some champagne to drown out his frustration and solve the mysteries and riddles surrounding this quite exciting case, or fall in blissful slumber in the comforts of his lavish and comfy Savoir bed...

"What do you mean, Mr. Kim?" asked the silver-haired leader of the coven, who even though seemed wise and calculative, in Taehyung's expert judgement was quite biased towards his mates and uncaring about the rest of the world. That alone was sure to give Taehyung the right to call him a narcissist. He already knew that playing the role of a stupidly polite investigator would fail. Huh. What did they think that he was stupid, that he was innocent and naive enough to not know that they would choose their safety against others. He really would have to be a fool then.

But now, the game has changed. Now he was in control. And when he started a game, others would surely play but by his rules. That's Kim Taehyung for you. An unbeatable and unpredictable master mind they say.
Even if his strength failed him, he could always count on his intellect, his smart brain to save him or at least buy him some time to turn the situation in his favour. To win. Because whenever he played, he won, he reveled in the feeling of being challenged. He felt oddly refreshed, exhilarated but in vain. 'Cus his challengers were all talk and no game, no threat, they gave him no excitement, no challenge. They were all fake. As he said, no game.

"Just as you assumed, Mr. Kim" he replied, his rich, velvety voice floating and filling the otherwise tense and silent room. He intertwined his hands, trying to force back the twinge of thrill running through him at the prospect of finally having an worthy opponent to challenge him in his war of intellect, of artfully spun words hiding carefully formed threats, of charming manipulation and quiet murmurs of black mails. Because he knew, no matter how impolite or over-protective the silver-haired male is over his mates, he is unusually wise and calculative and could be a very useful asset or a dangerous foe.

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