A Broken Child's Story

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After their quite shocking discovery in the graveyard, they were now on their way to the Taehyung's chamber in the Investigations Beaurea, none knowing that another shock awaited them there. Jimin's hand was tightly clasped around one of Taehyung's long, sinfully beautiful ones. The sinfully gorgeous, bewitching beauty unaware of the euphoric feeling this simple touch was causing to his Soulmate. His Soulmate, now in a complete state of blissful daze, the previous shock a distant memory to him. The only thing he was aware of at the moment was the feeling of the soft, creamy skinned, hand in his own and his own fuzzily warm, euphoria induced state. The simple touch was more than enough to bring about a whole burst of warm, heavenly, love-sick feelings in the pink-haired male that he never wanted to get rid of. That he wouldn't trade for the world. His Soulmate's touch...

Taehyung at first found Jimin's actions and touches odd, but after seeing his blissfully dazed, serene expression, he let him be, thinking perhaps the graveyard had exhausted him and that he wanted some weird 'Soulmate' energy. Oh, how wrong he was... Not the tired part, but the rest, he had no idea what was running through the still blissfully dazed pink-haired male's mind.

The platinum-haired male at the back though was changing between envying his pink-haired male's fortune to assessing the graveyard incident.

Finally, the comfortable silence of the car was once again disturbed, by none other than Min Yoongi.

"Were you actually reading trails back there in the graveyard?" He asked, already knowing the answer but still surprised at the revelation and curious about what the blonde's answer could possibly be.

"What if I was?" Taehyung fired back, paying little mind on the conversation but busy matching up his conclusions and calculations to the possible advantages that the murderer could get.

"Never thought I would say this, but you're good, almost too good for a half Devil, ya know?" Yoongi teased, leaning back into the comfy, luxurious leather seat of the posh and overly fancy car, a teasing smirk adorning his lips.

"Hyung, stop

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"Hyung, stop." Jimin ordered sternly, not liking how the elder was degrading the blonde by using the blonde's birth status. It's not Taehyung's fault to be born a Half Devil is it? He thought angrily, Then why should he suffer for it? He didn't know, but one thing he would make sure, that he wouldn't just sit back and watch his Soulmate getting mocked.

Not even if the one mocking was his own fated mate.

But Taehyung wasn't someone who took such comments lightly, especially if they were coming from some typically arrogant, snobbish, prick, someone like the platinum-haired Devil. His grip on the steering wheel tightened before relaxing.

Obtaining a relaxed, nonchalant aura around him, he slightly leaned back, his posture screaming regality, poshness and lazy disinterest.

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