Shattered Peace

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The events of the day played inside his head as he finally laid down on his lavishly comfy Savoir. He had been up till late, researching on the strange kid and his even weirder aunt. Yes, he had visited Dansae's house on his way to his apartment even though he was hella tired and frustrated. He had already decided to surprise the aunt-nephew duo with a visit and looking back at it, Taehyung can say that it was really worth it.

The first thing he took careful notice of after reaching the creepy and old wooden house was the various symbols carved on the walls of the house or barks of trees in the courtyard that vaguely resembled Olde Black Runes, very clearly drawn by an inexperienced Black Magic practitioner. But, he was even more suspicious and weirded out by both the kid and his guardian i.e. Dansae's aunt's behavior to be honest. He had noted the emptiness in the older woman's voice and it was not the overly emotional, or heartbroken kind of emptiness. It was the dead type of emptiness. Not to mention the blank, lifeless look in her eyes which had instantly brought an image of a Soulless in his mind, which he was quick to shake off since soulless can't speak or had a beating heart, did they? Taehyung had also carefully noted her almost rehearsed and robotic answers to his questions.

She seemed almost dead...

And for sure he had noticed the cruel, maniac glint in the young boy's eyes when the lifeless body of his mother was discovered. That too buried in their own courtyard. And that for a young kid wasn't something normal to enjoy or smirk at.
The wicked and sadistic glee in those weirdly flashing pale yellow orbs of the kid when his dog was discovered to have been dead and converted to a soulless- controlled by another Black Magician- was another shocking revealation to which Taehyung again wasn't expecting such a disturbing reaction from the young child. Everything about that kid screamed weird and suspicious, as if he knew more than he let on. Taehyung already knew about the kid's unusual knowledge and often wondered about his involvement in this case.

Wondered if Dansae actually participated in any acts of cruelty...

He needed to make another surprise visit to their house and this time perhaps talk to Dansae alone too. He had a nagging suspicion that needed to be satisfied about the kid's creature heritage. Moreover, he also needed to clarify what that weird flash of pale yellow in Dansae's eyes meant to get a close up about the boy's disturbingly cruel personality. And for that Taehyung would certainly need to do some more extensive research on other creatures and their effects on each other.

And for being able to successfully do so, he would need to fully concentrate on Dansae's issues and therefore, he also needed to put all thoughts of his prior meeting with the pricky devils out of his mind.

The blonde-haired male heaved a sigh. He knew that sleep would not easily come to bless his eyes that night. So, he slowly got up- already missing the softness and comfort of his beloved Savoir-, put on his white hoodie and black sneakers and got ready for a quiet and peaceful walk in the nearby park, hoping some fresh outside air would help him clear his mind. With that thought in mind, the blonde-haired male opened the door to his lavish apartment and let the cool night air gently hit his face, his posture instantly relaxing.

.......... 2 hours later........

 2 hours later

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